Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Goopster Accused Of Leaking Cheating Rumors About Chris Martin

She might like Tweeting out photos of her still wearing her wedding ring and letting the world think her conscious uncoupling is the way all divorces should be, but Radar has a new article today that suggests that Gwyneth Paltrow has been leaking cheating rumors about Chris Martin to make him seem like the bad guy in the divorce and to try and get public sympathy on her side. I don't think anyone has sympathy for the Goopster. Maybe if she actually acted like she cared about other people who are not worth millions or stopped offering advice or her thoughts on parenting or marriage or a host of other topics, people might start changing their opinions about her. I love this line from the article because it sounds so Gooptastic. “Chris is telling friends that Gwyneth was so self-involved that she believed she was more evolved than Chris."


  1. Said before, bears repeating.
    Water is wet.

  2. Colder than a goop ' s tit.

  3. A lot of Gwyneth's narcissistic supply has come from the appearance of having done the almost impossible: 'the taming of a rock star'. Since he's cheated (or fallen in love, perhaps) that doesn't work any more. Now she has to get the public sympathy by casting Chris as the villain and herself as wronged, devoted wife. God only knows what she is telling the children about him.

  4. She isn't fan friendly (I can't stand her) for sure. However, he's no saint.
    Takes more than one to create those babies.
    I'm not sure which of the 2 I despise the most at this point.

  5. But aren't your blind items about him cheating with Kate Bosworth, etc the same thing? Aren't you essentially leaking cheating rumors?

  6. Of course she is the one doing it! Part of her rebranding, now she'll become the "working class single mother" and be self-appointed spokesperson.
    Ugh! Just stop!!!

  7. So Goop is one of your sources? Ha ha. I always figured half of blinds were just celebs trash talking other celebs and using blinds as a way to do it.

  8. *let me show you my shocked face*

  9. Replies
    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Me too. At Ieast she is honest that she starves herself and eats cardboard to be thin. Unlike bosworth and chung who forget to eat because they're busy and they've always been thin (even though we all remember them slim but not ill when they first came on the scene).
      Plus Chris seems as dull as water

  10. Why do u believe radar

  11. Again, not a fan
    She had this guys children.
    Where is the respect there?

  12. Hmmm... She should be a spokesperson for Whole Foods.

  13. Goopy thinks she's more evolved than everyone. She is the child of a director & an actress, with Speilberg as her godfather. Of course she is an award winning leading lady & entitled butt head.

    1. And perfectly Aryan, I'm not saying she is racist, he just has reached complete perfection. (Now I'll go into hiding a la salman Rushdie)

  14. She sickens me.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. She is loathsome. All the stuff I've read/heard about her and her consciously uncoupled husband made me think they deserved each other but I have more sympathy for him every passing day. I cannot imagine being around this twit for a minute without going nuts. Imagine what it must be like to live with her for years. Karma's bitch (and so is Gwinnie) and her fall will be fun to see.

  17. Huh, she is such a pretentious twat.

  18. Shows just how deluded she is if she thinks that will get sympathy for her. If anything will get people on his side because makes him look a little more normal for trying to get away from her. I wondered what his problem was and why he stayed with her.

  19. This theory doesn't even make sense:

    1.) Enty has posted and revealed CM cheating blinds. Was Goop his source? Did he get duped by a lackey of hers? No. Most of that shit went down in front of plenty of witnesses.

    2.) CM was papped sucking face with Bosworth at a public event years ago. That wasn't GP's doing.

    3.) If CM cheated, how is *she* the bad guy for not being silent about it? Sorry, but the cheated on spouse gets to talk shit. It's not the best reaction, but I don't blame them.

    4.) I've heard a ton of cheating claims about *both* of them in recent months. Maybe she's just fighting fire with fire? Maybe they're both awful but he just keeps a lower profile?

    Look, I get it, I do. She is insufferable and looks down on us plebes. But this one-sided narrative where she is the *worst* and if CM does anything bad it's still *her* fault? C'mon. He's an adult, not a victim.

  20. Who is the individual with the huge head she is holding?

    1. That is her son Moses. I think they were celebrating his birthday.

  21. Chris is showing class by keeping his mouth shut.

  22. Absolutely. No word from Chris so there. For all we know the tabs could have information and are actually leaking it. Just a thought.

    MK's take on this picture is hilarious!

  23. No hate here from me. In fact, it's pretty much indifference. I'm meh on her and I definitely couldn't care less about him. They're just beige pablum to me.

    Of course, I've mentioned before that I kinda like the GOOP emails. She can still show me pretty pictures of organic food that I can't afford, $1000 face creams, and vacation spots I'll never go to, and that's all I need from her. ;-)

  24. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Perfectly Aryan? Come on, I hate that smug bitch as much as anyone but her dad was Jewish.

    There are enough legit reasons to hate her, people!!

  25. She has the talent of a dead toad.Never could stand her, I wish she would just fade away.All I can say is poor Chris and who could blame him.She is a cold ,self serving bitch and gets no sympathy from me.

  26. i would actually bet that this is a rumor leaked by chris to make goop look bad. he's not saying anything publically, doesnt mean he isnt saying anything.

    as someone else pointed out, this doesnt make sense for several reason, and he's an adult, not a victim.

  27. The reality is likely that she has cheated on him just as much but Chris bad Goop good in her little pea brain. And who knows who cheated first.

    I hope her transgressions come to light fully.

  28. The other reality is many immature people, who don't consider the effect of such things on friends and family and children, seem to need to play out their divorce in the media. That too doesn't make sense but we see it happen ALL THE TIME.

  29. Somebody leaked yesterday that Coldplay's new song is supposed to be about Alexis Chung.

  30. @sandybrook Re-HEE-lee! That's intresting!

  31. she is insufferable

    loathe her

    he is a cheat

  32. @sandybrook yeah lainey had a whole post about "majic"is about his love for alexa is killing him not goop and she posted the video where he falls in love with an alexa lookalike.. same day video debuted goop posted photo of her and chris "happy in Bahamas" as if.

  33. All I know is he's been adorable on The Voice.

  34. The important thing is that, while leaking cheating rumors, she was wearing $18,000 white mink panties hand made at a little place in Patagonia, calling on a jewel encrusted $208,000 cell phone with a 1000X camera, just like they use on the space shuttle, etc etc

  35. I find her to be a very good actress who is quite pretentious IRL. But look at Blythe Danner and how she went off about Gwynnie's awesomeness, so you know she grew up with two silver spoons in her mouth.

    That said, if the split is so acrimonious and she's planning a blitz against him, why are they vacationing together in the Bahamas?

  36. Meh. If he didn't want her to spread rumours of his cheating, then maybe he shouldn't have cheated.

  37. So your sources for the BI regarding her husband's cheatings were actually her? I thought you hated her, this makes you kinda bipolar.

  38. I don't know why people believe Radar online - it's all a bunch of BS. Anyway regardless of how those cheating stories got out, the general public still seem to be on his side. She's getting the bad end of the stick here, and her comments about working moms certainly didn't help.

  39. Control freak Goop can't stand being seen as the bigger cheat but telling tales on Martin won't help. He's winning this PR war with his hands down.

    Whenever I see Goop now, I think of her with Mario Batali and laugh.

  40. Her face in that photo is making me frown at the computer screen. However there is also a little boy there who is cuddling his mum.

  41. I get it. She needs someone who is awake.

  42. I actually like this photo of her even though it's not a particularly flattering shot. I rarely see pics of her where she is truly smiling, eyes and all.
