Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Goopster Accused Of Leaking Cheating Rumors About Chris Martin

She might like Tweeting out photos of her still wearing her wedding ring and letting the world think her conscious uncoupling is the way all divorces should be, but Radar has a new article today that suggests that Gwyneth Paltrow has been leaking cheating rumors about Chris Martin to make him seem like the bad guy in the divorce and to try and get public sympathy on her side. I don't think anyone has sympathy for the Goopster. Maybe if she actually acted like she cared about other people who are not worth millions or stopped offering advice or her thoughts on parenting or marriage or a host of other topics, people might start changing their opinions about her. I love this line from the article because it sounds so Gooptastic. “Chris is telling friends that Gwyneth was so self-involved that she believed she was more evolved than Chris."


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