Friday, April 18, 2014

Four For Friday - Traditional

Good Friday today unless you are at Coachella where things will probably be a little less good. I don't have much to say today so will wish you a great weekend and a Happy Easter. Make sure you find all the eggs in any hunts you have inside because come July, that smell can be pretty bad. I will be here blogging all weekend and if you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer

#1- This former entertainer (athlete) who considers himself an actor now cheats every chance he gets but makes his B- list actress wife work from home on her voice roles because he doesn't trust her not to cheat on him. She puts up with it. She has put up with way worse in other relationships.

#2 - This permanent A list mostly movie actor who has been working for 40 years and still looks great managed to steal this foreign born B- list mostly television actress who was movies then from her long time A+ list mostly movie actor boyfriend. Our permanent A lister dumped her two weeks later for his current significant other.

#3 - Kindness - This former A list mostly movie actress who has battled drugs and everything else her whole life surprised a bunch of kids at a hospital with memorabilia from her greatest role and just gave it all away after signing it. Worth a ton of money and she gave it away. Really nice.

#4 - This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who everyone thinks is good looking and has dated some of the biggest names in Hollywood apparently can no longer perform in bed because an STD he acquired several years ago.


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