Sunday, April 06, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 13, 2013

Despite the party in her honor, this former A list celebrity/singer and now a very unlucky B-/C+ lister still ended up having sex for money the other night as she tries to make ends meet.



  1. I wouldnt turn her down.

  2. I don't wanna hear any of that! What's love got to do with it, indeed. Her voice was so pretty back in the day. Didn't she just form a new record label??

  3. Oh good heavens with this

    +1 Count on the Whore call.

    What a waste.

  4. shes supposed to be a producer now TTM.

  5. Someone needs to work on her budgeting ....

  6. uh music producer not a producer for pimp.

  7. If ends didn't meet in this house, we would go and stack some shelves in the local supermarket. Maybe there's a whole other 'market' i should be looking into in times of need.

  8. @Violet
    There's always those bulletin boards at the supermarket and a throw-away phone ... possibilities???

  9. @Leek. I'm usually quite ok in the self esteem stakes but I have just googled this woman and I rather suspect I might be at the lower end of the pay scale in relation to her. So yes, those bulletin boards might come in handy.

  10. Jeez, it must be John Tucker Must Die reveal day. Maybe it's a sign I need to watch the movie again...

  11. @JSierra, I thought the same thing! Should we place bets on a Jesse Metcalfe BI?

  12. Anonymous9:10 AM

    She just released an album and she's back with Nelly! Ugh. Sad. Learn to budget, girl!

  13. Ashanti grew up in the town next to me in Long Island. She was really a hometown hero to a lot of young urban youths there. I always pull for her to make it again.

    All it takes is one hit to turn things around.

  14. I would still be interested in Ashanti's rates and menu items. Does she have any reviews up on TER or the whore boards? Ebony Anal needs to be checked off the ole' bucket list.

  15. I LOVE Ashanti, but she got her start in music as Irv Gotti's mistress. I hope all of that sleeping around shit is behind her, but I wouldn't put it past her either. Simping ain't easy.
