Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 10, 2009

#1 & #2 - This aging C list actor has been as high as A list and as low as a D lister. His A list status came from television and that is where he has tended to stay. He has been in this space before. Anyway, I don't know what kind of open relationship he has with his wife (F list movie actress), but at a party the other night he and his wife attended, our actor met a female fan who wanted some special time with our actor. Although certainly not what one would call attractive, our actor obliged by taking her into a smaller banquet room for 20 minutes. They then came back out and our actor and his wife continued their night.

Kelsey Grammer


  1. I did love Cheers and Frasier. It always makes me sad that he's such a scoundrel in real life.

  2. It was a her?

    Violet, Niles made Frasier for me. He was just too funny.

  3. Niles was the business. Even when I watch it now David PW's comic timing is genius. From what I can gather all the other main cast members seem to be very good friends but funnily Kelsey not so much.

  4. David HP I mean.

  5. Why would anyone want to do that with Frasier?

  6. Ugh! Neither team wants to claim him.

  7. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Foul! How can he ever be less than A list with his face, name and acting recognitions?!
    He may be an ass but playing the same character for 20 years, plus numerous movie roles, The Simpsons and 5 Emmy and 3 Golden Globes and a SAG WIN?!

    I'm not a fan so much as I'm pissed at the misleading listing. C list REALLY?! REALLY?!

    1. ITA. He's clearly an ass and we all know it, but a C? And he's been as low as a D?! When?! I call bullshit. (I'm not sure that anyone on "Cheers" or "Frasier" could ever be a D.)

  8. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Foul! How can he ever be less than A list with his face, name and acting recognitions?!
    He may be an ass but playing the same character for 20 years, plus numerous movie roles, The Simpsons and 5 Emmy and 3 Golden Globes and a SAG WIN?!

    I'm not a fan so much as I'm pissed at the misleading listing. C list REALLY?! REALLY?!

    1. The ratings are the source
      Of much angst and outrage. I'm with you, keep guy.

  9. Well I'd call Kelsey Grammer attractive.

  10. And by the way, are we left to surmise #2 is Camille?

  11. Way to go Ent. You've shit on Sean's Saturday.

    He probably (and I'm speaking out of turn) meant in that moment of time (2009). Not sure what Frasier was doing then but if he was idle, there ya go.
    At the same time, I wouldn't rely on the enterns listing. Kate Winslet is still a B.

  12. Oh I am sure he and the fan had a deep esoteric discussion on the art of being a thespian.

  13. He changed Winslet on his new list to A something I thought. I remember being all About Time!
    Agree Kelsey is still A list.

  14. He changed it?
    I remember a couple of years ago an entire day of reveals blew up about it.
    So yeah, I can see where he would have called Kelsey a C 5 years ago.

  15. I LOVE Frasier! And yes, @Violet, Niles was the best! And <3 Jane Leeves.

    It doesn't surprise me he's a jerk IRL, though. I know someone who has met and worked with him, and he said Frasier's pomposity really isn't an acting stretch for Grammer.

  16. When was Camille an actress? Wasn't she just a "dancer"?

  17. Kelsey has never, ever been D list. Nor is Camille an actress. No wonder no one guessed right..

    1. Under enty's logic every actor/actress has been F through A on their way up except in extreme circumstances where they are discovered and get a huge role.

  18. I love the fact that Kelsey Grammar stresses how much of pro values Republican he is , and is such a low life hypocrite in real life

    1. Steven Flores, lets not go there, politically.

      For every republican hypocrite you have, someone will have the democrat counterpart.

      There's never really a way to win these things and I find politics is generally best kept out of gossip blogs about people who are (probably) undereducated, overpaid, narcissistic, insecure, and indulged.

      In the end, almost no one is covered in glory...

    2. Word @Sprink.

      Hypocrites exist across the spectrum.

    3. Not to mention the fact that just because someone votes republican doesn't mean they are bible banging anti abortionists. Many are just fiscally conservative. Just like a lot of democrats are not dope smoking socialists. Extremes and idiots in each party.

  19. +2 for Sprink and Texas Rose.

  20. He was born to play The Beast in the X-Men films, he was the best part of X3. I wish they would've used him in Days of Futures Past, lord knows he's miles above the guy that played Beast in X-Men Origins. I'm just wondering how his role as the lead bad guy in Trans4mers is going to go.

  21. He resembles my soon to be ex in too many ways.
    Niles will be fab forever.

  22. Upon returning to the party, he stepped on a rake. Then another rake. Then another.

  23. Kelsey Grammer has groupies???!!!

  24. Maybe it's the cultural difference, but I never found him to be funny and couldn't stand Frasier. He is a pig of a man and I put him in the same league as Charlie Sheen. I would rather have sex with Camille.
