Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 9, 2010

It wouldn't be a teen party if there was not some behavior that was unexpected. This A/B list female tweener has a squeaky reputation. I mean really squeaky and clean. Never been a blind item before and never been in trouble. Anyway, one of the cast of Glee brought a flask to the party. Actually more like a bottle. You know, just to make the night more fun. Well, our tweener has a big crush on this cast member so when he suggested she have a drink she did. Well, two hours later she was silly drunk and spent the last part of the night in the bathroom regretting the drinking. Apparently it was the first time she ever drank booze.

Miranda Cosgrove/Cory Monteith


  1. Wasn't this in Mean Girls? Or maybe SuperBad? Or ALL of them...

  2. Heh, in the original a lot were guessing Selena Gomez and talking about how squeaky clean she was.

    You've come a long way, baby.

  3. At first glance it doesn't look like anyone got the exact combo right. I bet FSP nailed it though.

  4. Oh, yes…that sweet Cory Montieth that so many people mourned as SUCH a nice guy got a 15 year old girl drunk. Nice.

  5. FSP is kind of a back-end nailer,hey?

    1. Ack! That came out ALL wrong! I meant FSP usually gets it, um, eventually

    2. TTM, I think you were right the first time. Also, my gallbladder shut down from laughing.

  6. God, the first time drunk ( not drinks) when there is no clue...
    Does anyone ever have a good story?
    Poor thing.
    Never trust a partier to set your limit, all ends in toenail sightings and prayer...:'(

  7. @Nurse, well, he was 18 at the time. 18 year old boys are pretty stupid for the most part, just as 15 year old girls are pretty trusting for the most part.

  8. Well, it sounds as if Mr. Monteith was a responsible gentleman at the time (I mean other than getting her stinkin drunk)

  9. @7 I think you'll find he was 28 at the time (inappropriate middle aged crush knowledge of dead junkies)

  10. Nuh-uh! Cory was pushing 30 at the time! He died in 2013, at 31 years old!

  11. If I remember being 15 (tricky, LONG time ago), most 15 year old girls were TRYING to get drunk, I remember very few having to be persuaded. Mire like nagging someone's big brother to bootleg for them. Agree that nice dudes wouldn't normally be chicken-hawking around, though, but there was always that one guy. Played by the TexasTrex but never actually looked like him

  12. @Violet & Nurse, D'OH!! Me do math no good!

    Boo hiss, then!

  13. Who cares? She's not the first under age drinker to try and impress and older guy and she won't be the last.

  14. Oh come on, he probably didn't realize she never had a drink. It is afterall Hollywood. Im sure he wasn't shouting "keg stand, keg stand, keg stand" at her.

  15. The good Girl lol. By the way, very nice Girl.

  16. What kind of Hollywood party is this where the guests have to bring their own booze? No fully stocked bar with bartender? Anyway, at least the worst thing that happened to her was getting sick. It could have gone much much worse for her.

  17. Well at least he didn't bang her out while she was drunk- sounds like a normal growing up story- good for her!!

  18. Well at least he didn't bang her out while she was drunk- sounds like a normal growing up story- good for her!!

  19. A 28 year old drinking with a 15 year old kid was weird. Her behavior was normal.

  20. @texas rose That's what I was thinking - it could have been a real mess for her.

  21. Aaw, that's so sweet, a girl making a fool if herself infront of her crush. We all go through that hon, we all have to go through that...
    I'm just glad the blind doesn't read like someone took advantage of her or something like that, she seems like a nice girl.

  22. She may have a crush on an asshole that makes her do dumb (but normal at her age) things, but I still love her.

  23. Is it wrong that I find this blind sort of cute? L Miranda Cosgrove would have been 17 in 2010! About time she got loaded and sick!

  24. I think it's kind of cute. Except for the fact that they're celebs in a celeb type situation, that could be anyone's story.

  25. How sad is it that the happy ending to this bv is a poor girl puking her guts out.
    Officially jaded.

  26. Agreed. Most teens are desperately trying to get some booze at a Hollywood party, not a shocker.

  27. When someone 30 is getting 15 year olds drunk, there is something very wrong with them. Right, there was so much wrong with the guy that every time I see that phony phony mourning her fake boyfriend the junkie I want to gag. She actually had the nerve to bitch about him not getting an Oscar memorium. Please. Shut up about him already.
