Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 13, 2010

This C list television and movie actress who is currently on a middling success on a network is not winning friends among the cast. She is currently dating a married producer on the show which she seems to feel gives her carte blanche to be the biggest b**tch she can to the female cast. As for the men, she flirts with them all non-stop and got one of her C+/B- list actor co-star into a huge fight with his B list movie girlfriend. The reason? Our troublemaker came into his trailer holding a towel and asked him if he could unscrew a jar of pickles. I kid you not. Pickles. Just at that moment, his girlfriend decided to pay him a visit. Absolutely no one likes her, except the boss. So, she stays.

#1 - Troublemaker: Michelle Trachtenberg
#2 - C+ cast mate: Penn Badgely
#3 - B list actress girlfriend of #2: Blake Lively


  1. I have to say I don't even remotely understand the pickle story or why the girlfriend would even be bothered.

  2. I think she was wearing nothing but a towel...sad attempt at seduction

  3. Cool story, Enty.

    I think it's less about the pickles and more about the towel? Like she was naked and needed help.

    Seinfeld's good naked vs bad naked. Naked hair brushing = good naked. Naked crouching or pickle jar opening = bad naked.

  4. What a conniving little bitch. I cannot stand women who interfere with relationships to boost their own egos.

  5. That makes waaay more sense than just holding a towel. But I'm pretty sure that opening a jar of pickles falls just below picking one's nose on the erotic scale.

    1. You mean lower than "I carried a watermelon! "

  6. Replies
    1. Orphan black girl is on conan Tuesday fwiw.

  7. Not a lot of self-esteem going on at that Gossip Girl set.

  8. @TTM LOL! Yes, at least that much.

  9. In my experience towel holding and pickle jar opening requests work everytime. She must not be doing it right.

  10. She should have knocked on the door of another actor. I always thought the male actors on that show were gay.

  11. Reminds of a time I was dirt poor in college. Grocery shopping (slightly buzzed and hungry) late at night. Going down an aisle, a jar of kosher dills screamed my name. I smuggled a handful of them out in my stomach; leaving the other captives in the jar. Of course, I did have enough $$$ for that case of Gobels.

    1. Charlie! Hey, boo heeey! How was your vacay?

    2. Heeeey, Kristin. It was great. Whole lot of doing nothing. Charlie like!

      I-75 south of Atlanta is a parking lot right now .-(

      "Hey Atlanta. Jump on it. Jump on it"

    3. Sorry, Puddin'. At least we have you back!

      If it makes you feel any better I'm at a parade with a residual hangover and just watched a couple hundred kids tap dance off beat to Donna Summer :(

    4. Kristin
      Just wow. Surely you shouldn't be in the seventh circle of he'll this morning?

      That sounds just hiddeous! May you find peace and asprin soon.

      And drive safe, Charlie!

    5. Alita, Sheena Easton and Aaron Carter showed up for some live warbling. So, there's that...

  12. Penn Badgley is unattractive. Something weird about his mouth

  13. And if Blake Lively is offended by soneone asking her man to open a jar of pickles, she probably shouldn't play hide the pickle with married men.

    1. @Sarah, which married man was/is Blake pickling with??

  14. I read it as she was holding a cup towel to put it around the lid to get the pickles open.

    I would think this blind would read different if she were naked with nothing but a bath towel.

    That said, girls, don't get mad about petty stuff.
