Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 13, 2010

This C list television and movie actress who is currently on a middling success on a network is not winning friends among the cast. She is currently dating a married producer on the show which she seems to feel gives her carte blanche to be the biggest b**tch she can to the female cast. As for the men, she flirts with them all non-stop and got one of her C+/B- list actor co-star into a huge fight with his B list movie girlfriend. The reason? Our troublemaker came into his trailer holding a towel and asked him if he could unscrew a jar of pickles. I kid you not. Pickles. Just at that moment, his girlfriend decided to pay him a visit. Absolutely no one likes her, except the boss. So, she stays.

#1 - Troublemaker: Michelle Trachtenberg
#2 - C+ cast mate: Penn Badgely
#3 - B list actress girlfriend of #2: Blake Lively


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