Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blind Item #7

This mostly television actress has been as high as A list and as low as C list. In other words, she kind of fluctuates. She got her first big break in a television show because one of her tricks was a producer on the show and he wanted to see our actress on a daily basis. They did until she got married.


  1. I'll go with the good ole Longoria stand by.

  2. Eva Longoria? She's all over the map with her career, and she married that cheater basketball (?) player while still on Desperate Housewives.

    1. Correction. She is the one that cheated. Her publicist put out the fake story of finding text messages.

  3. This seems complicated. Is it related to the other producer johns? Or the other was a hooker-but-married-one-of-her-johns? Or meth? Does meth play a part at all? I think we need a book publisher up in here!

  4. What about Locklear? She's been all over the map, too.

  5. Aw, what a sweet "How I met your mother" story.

    1. Hey leek! ..after the credit card validated. :-D

  6. Agree with Kristin based on description. Could be a number of actresses but Longoria works- plus I'm sure she flatulates:)

    1. @ Texas, Bwahahaha
      I like flagellates, myself ;-)

    2. Is fellatiates a word, since I'm sure she does that as well...;-)

    3. We can make it a word- as long as someone recognizes it I think it works:)

  7. Hahahaha, texas rose! Flatulence is always funny!

  8. Denise Richards maybe?
    Wasn't she known for that before she met Charlie?

  9. Why the hate for Longoria? Is she a bad person? I am new to this site, don't live in LA and fascinated by the gossip. She may have a seedy past but she also earned a masters degree which is quite an achievement. Not one that many actors/actresses have managed to achieve. She is obviously trying to become educated.

    1. Welcome NHR, no hate just awareness. Longoria has screwed a lot of everybody to earn money and fame. She a bit of a prick to those less then herself( just about everybody) and when she gets some fame, she rubs noses in it.
      Other than that... O:-)

    2. @NHR, welcome!

      In addition to what Steampunk said, Eva's very full of herself. Give her an article, and she takes a thousand words to talk about how her philanthropic nature caused Brookstone to consider bringing back airplane pillows.

    3. I'll answer that. She is a huge ass, a gigantic user, and about as bright as a 20 watt bulb. The only things she has going for her are looks and desperate hustle.

  10. Denise was a hooker but she never starred in a tv show.

    Longwhoria's a good guess.

  11. Or how bout a little self-flagellation? I hear Count is into it...

  12. Couldn't someone like Kirstie Alley fit? I'm thinking the fluctuates is a double entendre for someone who has yo-yo weight issues. Oh yeah. Duh. Enty just posted some shit about Eva looking wider too huh? Think this is case closed then.

  13. @Malibu
    It didn't say 'starred' though. It said first big break. All of Denise's early stuff was TV, like 90210, Saved By the Bell, Doogie Howser., etc.

    Heather had a lot of the same sort of thing, before TJ Hooker came along, so maybe it's her for that.

    EVA landed on a soap pretty much immediately after getting to LA. Would that be considered a big career break?

    1. She didn't get the soap until she had been here for three years. She had Tyler (who she was sleeping with while engaged to a guy named Jeff) convince his best friend to give her a contract on the soap.

  14. @ Gemini g..if they did all those shows without really getting noticed and getting a steady gig, its not a career break.
    For Heather T. J. Hooker WAS the break.
    For Longoria, scoring the soap was the break..:-)

  15. I thought Longoria too.

  16. Thanks Steampunk and Seven of..... I had assumed that everyone in LA was so self obsessed that when the sunrises they would claim it was because of them!
    But looking down on people is definitely a no, no.

    Steampunk: Ithink that the word would be she 'fellates'.

    1. But NHR...:-\ she APPRECIATES the fellatio..You could say she seeks it...Perhaps she felicitates 'fellatio to the point of fellatiation! :-D

  17. Geminigirl - Don't forget that classic Seinfeld where George couldn't stop staring down Denise's shirt.

    "Get a good look Costanza."

  18. A Master's degree from a worhless school in chicano studies won't get you a job at a Dairy Queen. Now if she got her master's in physics, economics or something that requires actual brain activity I would be impressed.

    But writing a paper on how Barbie oppresses chicano kids? Total garbage degree.

  19. @Steampunk - perhaps she is fellatiator? It is a useful skill and much sought after.

    @QueenAnne Guido - how unpleasant and dismissive of you to make light of someone else's achievements. Degrees, whatever the subject and from whatever university requires 'brain activity' and commitment. One can only hope that you have a master's in one of the disciplines you cited. Otherwise it just sounds like envy.

  20. I wanna say Christina Applegate

  21. @Steamy Hey there! Glad you're back!

  22. Hi everyone, I'm throwing Pamela Anderson into the hat

  23. Eva seems to be the go to response for every blind about an actress these days. She is gaining on Ben Affleck, our former mascot and go to answer. I agree with Poni Tayl...Pam Anderson.

  24. @NHR. I like Eva and admire her for her masters. Hi!

  25. Am i the only one who remembers Lomgoria saying 'sometimes you gotta get on your back, to get on your feet.'? I don't this blind is her, it could really be any damn body but, that quote is legendary.

  26. What about Shannon Doherty? It is her birthday today also.

  27. Miss Longoria got my friend fired from the set of DH. I won't go into specifics because of all the people that read this site and I don't want her getting in trouble but she got a few fired so I can stop right there. She is a royal herpes infested cunt. I am done. :)

  28. Longoria is a dumb as hell fame sucking attention ho.
