Friday, April 04, 2014

Blind Item #4

This television celebrity chef not named Gordon Ramsay is back at it again. After a six month break of break of being faithful to his wife he hooked up with an audience member after a cooking demonstration. To get her to leave after he said, "Umm look. I'm going to need you to leave now because I have a tv crew that is going to be here in a few minutes to do an interview."


  1. Bobbie Flay, re the launch of his burgers...if he wasn't just lying.

  2. Dammit Bibby, you are too cute to be this much of a douchecanoe

  3. ..then again your twin Bobby obviously isn't. (stupid keyboard)

    1. Thanks for the laugh Bacon, I like Bibby better...:-D

  4. I like Bibby better. Let's go with that. :)

  5. Bibby is my favorite Flay. Glad it's not him. The Bibby's mine.

  6. Graham Kerr? Just kidding. No clue.

  7. Bibby Flay annoys dafuq outta me and now he has YET ANOTHER show..beat Bobby Flay. I'd love to beat him with a mallete. BR he is allllllll your biby.

  8. Graham Kerr? Just kidding. No clue.

  9. Bibby Flay! HA! Spellcheck win!

  10. god. bobbyflay which reeks asshat whenever you see him perform. he doesnt even seem to be that impressive of a cook. he has the same repetoire of ingredients and recipes that he just recycles over and over when he's cooking "his stuff", no growth, no innovation. he's been riding the same over done tex-mex pony for too many years.

    his throwdown show is a joke. he has such an overwhelming advantage to each element that it makes me wrinkle my nose in disgust. when i passed one of his restaurants in NYC the whole crew i was with detests him and all made sure to spit on the front door of his restaurant (we were still in HS, i would never do something so gross now) but it speaks to how much i loathe him.

    i really dont understand his appeal. its like being attracted to the guy who runs girls gone wild, or greasy bear.

  11. Flay has charisma, do you even know what that is?
    No doubt he's a jerk but the guy has that 'something' that makes people look twice.
    (Apparently it doesn't drive people to spell his name correctly but you get what you get with that.)

  12. When will Stephine March wise up? GF isn't fooling anyone. Lipstick.

  13. Just to be different Jamie (The naked chef) Oliver? If I remember correctly he's been caught cheating on his wife before.

  14. The term charisma (/kəˈrɪzmə/; pl. charismata, adj. charismatic) has two senses: (1) compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others, (2) a divinely conferred power or talent.[2]

    nope. cant say i see either of those endowed in flay.

  15. ha ha Groggy I remember the Galloping Gourmet

  16. OMG. The Galloping Gourmet. He was awesome!

  17. Bobby Flayvorless

  18. Bibby? Funny.:) He thinks he's a ginger god, but I don't get the appeal, personally. Too cocky.
