Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blind Item #2

This A list model who has made a name for herself not just by modeling, but also her life history has friends worried because she has been purging again after a photographer told her she would get more work if she weighed less. This is not advice this model needed to hear.


  1. I don't know how she could possibly weigh less :( Poor thing.

  2. What's Cara's life history that made her famous? Outside of coming from wealth.

    1. I think it's all the cutting and the lady-boning, Wigs.

      But I was thinking somebody more runway?

  3. It just occurred to me how much she resembles Margaux and Mariel Hemingway.

  4. Doesn't she also come from some toff family with a heroin addict mother which all adds in to the 'life story' stuff.

  5. Got it. Nice one, sugarbread!

  6. thks wigs.. i'm never 1st
    i hit it , i hit it , i hit it 1st!!!!

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    This is instigation to suicide. there must be a law against it as a form of bulling. seriously. I agree it's about Cara

  8. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Jesus @Count. I need a drink cause of it now

  9. Agree for Cara. This is also the same reason why Kesha had to get help for bulimia.

  10. Crystal Renn. Wrote a book about her struggle with ED, was everywhere a few years ago. She is now back to being very skinny. Cara is the hottest model at the moment, don't see why she would need to get more work.

  11. I think this is Kate Moss.

  12. I think I agree w/ Andrea. Cara does have a (brief) history of drugs and cutting, but is that long enough to constitute as a "life history?" Maybe. I'm not sure you could call Renn A list, but she fits better, otherwise. I think Suki W looks thinner than Cara, right now.

  13. count: its good form to mention that it may be triggering.

    thats pretty much how i see myself in the mirror every day...fat times.

    i agree with andrea and di on it not being cara and being crystal renn, she's who i thought of right away as well.

    also didnt she shoot to fame on a reality tv modelling competition show?
    (btw di, i have a girlcrush on you, i hope you dont mind <3)

  14. Petra Nemcova, the model who was caught in the tsunami in Thailand. A list as a model and also for what happened in her life. She's 34 or 35, so maybe she's desperate to hold onto modeling gigs.

  15. Cara couldn't possibly work any more. She is EVERYWHERE. She is the model of the moment. And also, to be fair, she seems to not give a flying eff about other peoples opinions of her.

    That said, the only guess I have is kate moss. Her career is still strong but she is getting to a stage now where she will be looked over for younger models. And she has splurted some pro ana stuff over the years

  16. I'm guessing Renn or Kate Upton. Upton's life history = whirlpool fortune, family in politics etc

  17. I think Petra too.

  18. that photographer deserves a good beating, thrashing...

    I always love too how some of the most critical people in the fashion industry are often unattractive and have horrendous style. Just saying.

    The wording to me suggests someone who is or has battled bulimia or anorexia or both.

  19. Was the photographer Terry Richardson?

  20. How about Alex Wek? She has a well-known history.

  21. I agree with the Petra Nemcova guess. Survived a deadly tycoon while losing her fiance. Just broke up with another fiance.

  22. Please, Petra Nemcova was NEVER considered A-list by the fashion crowd, she only became famous because of the tsunami business. I'm going with Crystal Renn.
