Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blind Item #1

At least two people saw this former B list mostly movie actress get passed water glasses that had been loaded up with vodka on a very recent long flight. She never ordered anything. Someone else did and then would pass her a glass filled with the booze.


  1. Definitely Blohan. Very sad.

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Oh Linz you're just so sneaky

  3. @Massive Massive, massive you okay? You're being a very nice massive today.

  4. She is so pathetic!!

  5. Tara Reid said that Lindsay's trick for not getting caught with alcohol in clubs was when she saw someone with a camera she would drop her drink into a champagne bucket.

    The girl is good with the tricks I give her credit for that.

  6. well, Lindsay did just fly 1st class from N.Y. to CA. for Coachella- I guess her sober companion & Oprah Contract & installment checks are done.

  7. My first thought was how did she get more than 4 oz on the plane? Then I saw the someone else ordering and thought are the drinks bigger in first class? Because the last time I had a cocktail on a flight, it came a dinky plastic cup the size of a bathroom cup and the vodka came in this itty bitty bottle that cost $7.

    But hey, Oprah's footing the bill, right?

  8. If she's drinking straight vodka (probably on an empty stomach) to just get through the day, she is going to end up in hospital for liver problems. I hope she does, because it will save her life, at least temporarily.

  9. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I hope was bit fruity vodka. I couldn t drink it without juice :((. ghhhh now I drink like twice a month and life became sad lol. Lohan at least say it hun. nobody cares

  10. I think lohan recently flew to London too. Pic of her in airport with sunglasses on inside. Hiding the drunk looking eyes I suspect.

  11. You mean she knows we're onto her "water" bottle trick.

  12. No way this is Lindsey!! She told Oprah that she has only had one glass of wine since rehab. Are you trying to say she is a liar- slander!!!

  13. I don't see the big deal here. Drinking booze is the easiest and funniest way to waste time in a flight. And if American flights are that Gomorrah implied in a previous BI, the best way to avoid seeing some orgy.

  14. This generation's Tara Reid aka Lindsay Lohan.

  15. She looked tore up on Letterman! And Oprah was like, "she's doing okay" when they called her - meaning Linds is blowing it, like usual.

  16. Seven, it gets all shades of different on fancy-class flights. They not only have glasses that are made of something similar to glass, but will put a complete and normal drink in it for you.

    And that's just business class. I've never flown first class but have been in the first class lounge. It's quite flash.

  17. Nb: the obvious problem is that the good vodka treatment makes your ticket cost about 600% so really you're better off just buying a nice duty free bottle of Absolute :)

  18. If you can't figure out how to be discreet w booze on first class, then you are goofy.

  19. SHe got it from her Momma! On Sunday epidose Dina was so sneaky and was not being very "real" for the reality show.
