Amber Heard's Ex-Boyfriend Says She Is Pregnant
Who knew Amber Heard even had an ex-boyfriend. Sure, she has dated some guys, but I thought all of her serious relationships prior to Johnny Depp had been with women. Anyway, the ex-boyfriend told In Touch that Amber is pregnant. He says he saw her three weeks ago and that the pair are still close and that she told him she is pregnant. This would contradict what Johnny has been saying publicly. He says the marriage is not because Amber is pregnant and that he is not a savage. Yeah, I don't get that comment either. I think he has been playing that damn pirate for so long that he has started speaking like him. Hell, maybe the baby is not even Johnny's. See, that would be some great gossip. Maybe Amber hasn't told him she is pregnant yet. Maybe Johnny hasn't had time to tell his kids yet or something because he has been too busy boozing and hot boxing. Oh, and he has that movie coming out too.