Friday, March 28, 2014

Zac Efron Rebuttal

After my earlier Zac Efron post today it didn't take long for his fans to come out in support. One of his fans did some research and makes some points that are valid so I thought I would reprint his e-mail to me in its entirety.


This is probably futile and I shouldn't bother but I guess I do.

You said in your post about Efron's career today "He has had chances headlining movies and has failed every single time." - that's just simply not true.

I'm not going to get into his talent because that's a lot based on opinion but if you look at his movies with wide releases (what you call mainstream), he had at least 2 movies which qualify as successes post HSM.

The "golden rule" is an actor opening his movie above $20m is a star and a success (obviously not blockbusters or movies which sell themselves; I'm talking about small or medium sized movies which are sold on the actor).

And Efron has done that with 17 Again (which opened to $23.7 and made $135m ww on a $20m budget) and with The Lucky One (which opened to $22.5 and made $100m ww on a $25m budget). In both movies he was bascially the only draw and main selling point. They are not huge hits but they are moderate hits and definitely not failures.

He had 2 underperformers as lead since HSM, Charlie St. Cloud and That Awkward Moment. But 50% ain't that bad. And his upcoming Neighbors is going to be a success by every indication - critically and commercially.

Indies are obviously different and while they haven't turned out to be successes at the box office, he was still headlining movies which got into Cannes competition and Venice competition (twice). And those are the most prestigious film festivals around. Those are not some random ass indies nobody has heard of but he was working with high profile directors and cast.

Despite not being in a franchise or making many mainstream movies in the last few years, he was still on Vulture's 100 most valuable movie stars list this October (and that took his addiction problems already into account). That's a list which takes a lot of actual research data into consideration and he was actually on that list unlike many of your declared A-list stars.

Anyway, I probably wasted my energy here and this isn't going to change your mind - or Efron's career. And yes, he has a lot of challenges ahead and his addiction will surely cause some problems but his career so far is not the failure you make him out to be.


  1. Enty, did you get hacked by Perez today? Your Zacquisha coverage is concerning me.

  2. Dude, Derek. Leave Enty alone about Efron for once.

    1. Bwahahaha! Derek!!! Was this you, boo?!

  3. Looks like Zac has hired the K-Trash PR Team. Bad or good, as look as your keep the name in the press.

  4. Ok, which one if you sent this in

  5. We wont hold it against someone if they want to fess up to this. Its a reasonable argument which obviously the Enties have a problem with.

  6. Um, OK.

    All I have to say is... look at that mane!

  7. UMMMMM...... I'm dying to know who wrote this.

  8. LOL Darn spell check- long - not look.

  9. It's from a male. FSP - whoever denied it supplied it. Therefore, I accuse you of penning this wonderful and insightful essay on the lovely Zacquisha.

    1. Sugar, I thought the writing style resembled JAS.

    2. Not JAS, FSP - he doesn't allow grammatical errors to sully his comments :)

  10. Stop trying to make A list Efron happen, Derek!!!

    1. Can't be Derek either - his style is very different.

  11. It wasn't me, it wasn't FSP, that leaves Jason Charlie Derek Count Harry or JAS.

    1. @Sandy-or Lucas

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. It could be anyone that doesn't comment too.

  13. Alls I know is that I'm camping out in here until the writer of this identifies himself.

  14. Replies
    1. H

      Answer us! We need to rule you out Clue-style

  15. It was from meee. Kidding no it wasnt but I would be mortified If my email got posted.

  16. It's definitely not Count. The word porn doesn't appear anywhere.

    Maybe Sav's little sister?

  17. Maybe Enty is sending out an SOS that Zac's "convicted drug dealer of a bodyguard" has taken him hostage?

    Wait, aren't there also a bunch of random trolls that come on here just to copy/paste these kinds of stats in defense of certain celebs? I agree it doesn't have to be a regular.

  18. Notice I didn't even consider Massive G? Taint male!

    1. Sandyboo-this is hysterical coming from someone who everyone thinks is a woman.

  19. Just checking back. I came here to do two things, find out who wrote this and drink some beer . And it looks like I'm almost out of beer....

  20. Two words Sugar: boxed wine

  21. Aw now that's just mean. Why you ridiculing this person? So what, so he is a fan of Efron, we all have our guilty pleasures.

  22. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Did Ruth Bernstein's paid for twitter accounts & other profiles attack you enty?

  23. unknown might have a dick but has no balls right pally?

  24. KRISITN! lol NO WAY!!! I could care less about this twink haha. High school musical is not really my thang. File him under the cheesy has beens tween file with the Jonas Bros and Hanna Montana IMHO....good lord lolll

  25. At least my dick isn't a question mark.

  26. But it doesn't work mine does

  27. LOL @everyone in here

  28. Your dick works? Since many here think it's missing it really isn't doing the job sandy. The most feminine penis around.

  29. The email was well thought out and written. My only question is, Zac I do not know a single one of these elusive creatures.

  30. See shithead you might think I'm a female but I KNOW you re a pussy and there's a big difference there. now go run into a corner and cry because I hurt your sensitive female feelings AGAIN! (Mean ole me after all)

  31. I'm just confused what made this letter so special to post? Zac is really not that relevant. It is well-written and everything just surprised he is on anyones radar..I guess Enty is in love with him!

  32. Zak just needs to get his s' together. He's good-looking, talented and an addict. Lose the addict and he'll be fine.

  33. And unknown once again because you 're kinda stupid and dont comprehend well (look it up) you have a problem with me my blotter page has an e -mail link. instead of wasting these ppl's time show some guts and use it.

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Sandy, you dumb bitch, getting your Unknowns confused. I guess more than one of us are wondering about you troll. I'm still not e-mailing you either.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Can I email someone?

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Unknown3, Sandy would love that.

    4. Anonymous2:41 PM

      But Sandy's a bore

  34. Derek, but you Efron-Dunham fanfic was moving!!

    (my bowels)

    Also, Sandybrook has a penis and it's fantastic.

  35. Look at you using words like pussy! You must get that a lot.

  36. I love it when someone tries to call someone else stupid yet they can't even form a proper sentence.

  37. @K--until the day comes when Lena is caught buying crack on skid-row there will be letters to Enty from me. I do my fair share of throwing shade at him through the comment section! : )

  38. @Sandy.. I thought you were going on a beer run :p

    Ya knowww.. if you're not into boxed wine you could always get one of those Heineken mini they are so darn cute and fit in the fridge

  39. Sandy is all man baby. It confuses people sometimes. Like The Crying Game.

  40. oops, that was for SUGAR.. I got the S right at least :p


  42. Zac Efron ruins everything!!!

  43. Didn't write it. But whoever did, they know and love their Zac. Really could be any of the 10s of thousands of readers that come here pretty much every day. I actually don't mind the guy now a days. At 1st, I saw him as just a lightweight pretty boy that would be gone soon enough, but he's been sticking around, working, getting some mature years under his belt (he's 27) and except for that truly idiotic dropped condom stunt he's been handling himself pretty well. ...... Don't have a fucking clue what my point is. Probably don't have one.

    1. Nah @Harry, reckon I got your point! Used to consider him another teen pretty boy, etc. I agree.

      I assume the author is not a regular commenter - and reckon you wouldn't bother writing anyhow - but stylistically speaking, reckon it could have been from you. If it *had* to be written by a regular, I'd bet you :)

  44. @7.. lol that gif is perfect

  45. Yeah @Unknown! Email Sandy! Then post it and his response here for us all to read!

    Also, calling someone a "pussy" to mean something negative is highly offensive to everyone with a vagina.

    1. @cool x3, don't presume to speak for all vaginas.
      I'm not offended by such petty things.

      But I'm not a pussy...

  46. Ironically I said Zac looks like a pussy in the last Efron thread. Oh-well can't please everyone!

  47. teeheee.. i <3 all yall's gifs :p

  48. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Sandy's a girl? Oh hell naw!

  49. Who made this bloody mess? Jeesus I can't leave you kids alone for one second and you're all over each other? And why is some unknown picking on Uncle Sandyboo? Stop it now and everyone play nice.

    *shakes head*

    Gotta wonder why Enty WOULD post this...Dollars before sense?

  50. I think of Sandy from Grease whenever sandyboo comments. That is how I read them. In Olivia Newton-John's voice.

  51. Well aemish Imma heading out for happy hour beer run in about 10 minutes.
    Cool cool cool how d'ya know what I planned to do the minute unknown e-mailed me with a name attached? :( and doncha think its funny "he's" offended I called Massive G a female??? Huh cool cool cool?

  52. fighting makes Zac cry.

  53. Sandyboo how clueless are you? I'm not offended! I just find it hysterical that someone that often gets confused as a woman would throw the same insult out to someone else. You know, like a paradox. ;)

  54. The ticket sales for The Lucky One had nothing to do with Zac. It was a Nicholas Sparks movie which comes with a built in audience.

  55. Anyone admit to this yet?


  56. people find this guy interesting????? i mean, as an ACTOR??!!???

  57. Kudos to whoever wrote this.

  58. My google alert went off for "boxed wine".

    I loooove me some Zefron, I will admit to that until I die. How can you hate someone that schmexy? Despite my unbridled love I do not care enough to write an email telling Enty how glorious he is. My heart knows the truth and that is all that matters.

    Now someone pass me that box!

  59. Oh hey Zac! Thanks for writing in! Lol

  60. Sugar, I love your dedication. I haven't had this much fun following someone's comments since Derek tried to find his way out of BeeHaven's Google Circle.

  61. Wasn't me who wrote this message. I don't even like the guy.

    Sorry all you members of the Zacpack fan club.

  62. I say we get her to investigate.

  63. LOL @ Jason, I saw that as Z-Pak, the antibiotic!


  64. LOL Charlie St. Cloud! I forgot all about that movie. The previews looked terrible!!

  65. Wait, WUT? I wake up to find out the Sandybrook is a bloke? Geez, @Derek this truly is some kinda Crying Game shit....pass me a breakfast beer please...or a Mimosa...not fussy...

  66. lol... me oh my, yall all need to chillax! we all know we'd meet up at the pub for giggles if the opportunity presented itself.. the beefs are just silly but the gifs are hilarious

  67. lol... me oh my, yall all need to chillax! we all know we'd meet up at the pub for giggles if the opportunity presented itself.. the beefs are just silly but the gifs are hilarious

  68. It's well-written and well-researched and kudos to Enty for posting it.

    Not to mention, I learned about something new today - the Vulture list!

  69. Kudos to the writer of this letter whoever it was. Enty's original Zac post was completely biased. If a movie doesn't make Titanic money Enty considers it a flop. If a TV series gets cancelled Enty places the blame squarely on the main actor and writes they "failed." He wrote something similar about Krysten Ritter two weeks ago. It's just Enty's way.

    I wonder if Enty gets any letters of support regarding Lindsay? Now THOSE I'd love to read.

  70. JBE..Silly! Those letters don't exist and White Oprah is too drunk to write any herself.

  71. Sherry -- actually Lindsay is quite skilled when it comes to writing letters.

  72. Didn't read it. Don't care. However, I felt compelled to post that here.

    The kid is fucked up. That is a fact. If he continues the road he's on, he won't be around in 2 years.

  73. @unknowns *yawn* go somewhere else to try and build up your self-esteem. Try working and having a life off this board too.

  74. Btw hows the weather in Virginia today babe? A bit rainy and cold? Tough.

  75. Oh Sugar. You will always be a major food group in my heartest of hearts

  76. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I'm glad you posted the letter. Most people think all of Zac's fans are empty-headed teenagers who believe he does no wrong and love him because...well, he's HOT. However, I've found that he has a few very intelligent fans who really do follow his career and know a great deal about the movie industry.

    I also believe that if Zac doesn't allow drugs to drag him down, he will have a great career.

  77. Dammit @Sugar. That one made me laugh so loudly it woke up my bf who is taking a nap! Getting me into trouble!

  78. @Sugar: I have a theory that can hold you over until the real author comes forward. I hypothesize that the writer was Mr. X and this was the sensitive information that Enty would not publish on his own Lol

  79. Dear internets,
    Somewhere there is a photo of a horse with its mane blowing across it's face and it looks exactly like this picture of Efron. Please, people with great skills and time, please find that photo.

    I'll come back to finish reading the comments later, have to cook a roast for dinner.

    1. Awesome Cocoa. That's very close to the photo I was thinking of.

  80. @FS...this is the closest I could find :(

    Efron Mane

  81. That's gorgeous @cocoa!

  82. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Thx @BeckyMae. I don't know who's prettier, the horse or Efron.

  83. Gasp! Oh that glorious mane!

    Efron WITH horsie

    Animated power80s Efhorse

    I personally think about three-word-named (huh!) emo band members, but I like the horsies, cocoa!!!

  84. Don't care who wrote it I LOVE IT! I love him too. He is reasonably talented, and a success.

  85. Ha! WTF is going on? Efron is blowing-up all over the place. That letter was obviously his team trolling the sites trying to do some damage control. I guess his Mgt. could be referred to as a fan? They sure are fans of the percentages they get from him.

    Okay…I’ve been hesitating to go here because it’s a tired theory and especially considering today’s earlier comments. But here’s my professional busy-body diagnosis: Z is closeted, it’s eating him up inside and he’s destroying himself. He’s also been working overtime trying escape his destiny as another corpse on the Disney pile.

    Zach was damn lucky to headline as many flicks as he did right after HSM when he should have been fast tracked to obscurity. He’s also reminded every day that he’s 1 step away from getting lost in the Crawford/Sommerholder/Pettyfer mash-up. The truth is that there isn’t room for everyone to be on top at the same time. A pretty face with marginal talent? That shit grows on trees in L.A. I think you guys are all “poor baby” because he’s cute with long lashes and a clean-scrubbed lady face. So? If he was FUG like Furlong we’d write him off as another Hollywood casualty and move on to the next.

    I agree with some of you that said he should’ve taken the pressure off and aimed lower with a steady TV gig or supporting roles in movies. He’s stuck in the past if he thinks he has a fan base to cater to, those kids are gone and they don’t care if he’s straight or not. Zach needs to go away and just…be gay.

    Dude, discover your actual personality outside of Disney image manipulation and bearding gigs. I’m not talking about coming out. Just find out what kind of guys you like. Go on some dates, get your heart broken. Hey, maybe even get a non-horsey haircut that YOU chose on your own? Get some life and real relationship experiences. Zach, you don’t have anything to bring to the table, that’s why your delivery has been flat and lifeless in recent flicks. You are shallow and one dimensional on screen but that’s not your fault because you kids didn’t need major acting chops to crank out those HSM movies. You simply don’t have the tools to carry a feature length film on your own. Unfortunately, the tabloid spotlight is white hot on you right now, so you need to GET CLEAN before you can start navel gazing with cute guys in private.

  86. Hahaha @Lady - tres amusing!

  87. I personally don't think they're is anything wrong with admiring someone just for being pretty.

    Kanye shrug.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous11:34 PM

      Shut up and sit the hell down you fucking cunt. If your mom jeans will let you. (You know you were wearing those don't-fuck-me pants before you switched to sweats.)

  89. @Unknown Yore Stupit and meen
    @Unknown B You're just mean.

  90. Anonymous12:28 PM

    OMG, the fact that somebody made serious analysis of the commercial success in an film studies literate tone on Zac Efron makes me think 2 things-
    A. that is the most depressing thing I've ever heard as a traditional classical film fan who's utmost passion in life is the quality and substance of performance and narrative in the cinematic arts.
    Or B. it's one of Zac's staff or family writing you.

  91. Anonymous12:28 PM

    OMG, the fact that somebody made serious analysis of the commercial success in an film studies literate tone on Zac Efron makes me think 2 things-
    A. that is the most depressing thing I've ever heard as a traditional classical film fan who's utmost passion in life is the quality and substance of performance and narrative in the cinematic arts.
    Or B. it's one of Zac's staff or family writing you.

  92. If forced to choose, I would attend a Shia LeBouef movie before I would attend a Zac Efron movie. Shia will be the worse actor in a decent movie. Zac will be a bad actor in a bad movie.

  93. 1) salient points
    2) I watched 17 Again for Matthew Perry, thsnkyouverymuch
    3) I didn't know we got a rebuttal chance here
    4) can I do one on Miley Cyrus and how she didn't just "blow off a cancer patient" and how ppl shit on her unfairly on blogs?

  94. Totally Hmmmm. RDJ has a raging crush on Zac Efron



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