Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Your Turn

Would you ever be a beard for someone?


  1. Replies
    1. I had to look this up... you (AnnaLynn you) dated Kellan Lutz?! Now I get the obvs.

  2. I think I did! Two different times! High school can be tough for gay dudes, y'all. And so can small, small towns

  3. Yes.

    Dale JR, call me!

  4. Sure. Gay guys are often charming and fun to be with. Am assuming that both Ms. Beard and Mr. Closet will be getting their physical needs met elsewhere. Between the two of you, there's only parties, shopping, and a discreet exchange of cash. Sign me up.

  5. Sure, as a date but I'd draw the line at pretending to be someone's girlfriend, I'm not a good liar.

  6. Hell to the yes, yo!

  7. Depending on salary & contract length - totally.

  8. Technically, I did for one evening but the guy wasn't gay. He just needed a pretend girlfriend to a group outing because his ex was going to be there. It turned out that she didn't show, but the others told her about me so it still worked out in his favor. :)

  9. As long as I didn't have to do The Full Katie, hell yes!

  10. As long as I liked the guy as a person and enjoyed spending time with him, sure. Oh, and the money'd better be good.

  11. The Full Katie. lulz

  12. So far 100% yes we all suck!

  13. Depending on the contract hell yes! Those girls usually get paid pretty good. Not to mention a lot of gay guys have very good taste in clothing. So I'd probably get a lot of nice clothes out of it. Well unless it's Kanye. His taste in clothes is pretty crappy.

    For the right amount of money I'd even go the full Katie. Just no scientologists please.

  14. If there's money involved, most women would.

  15. Where do I sign up? I'm blonde with big boobs--the gays love it for show and tell!

  16. Sure, for a friend and no charge.

  17. George Clooney. I hear being his beard is pretty lucrative

  18. If it pays good, then yeah.

    U wanna kno wats ghetto?
    My house.
    I dnt have an electrical can opener,
    & the hand one is being a rotten bitch
    so, ive literally spent the past 40 minutes jacking off a can of Chef Boyardee.
    Just give me my ravoilis!!!
    God dammit!

  19. Only for a short while. Then I'd have to get me some.

  20. I think I was at least somewhat for my most recent ex-girlfriend.

    Would I knowingly do it? Probably, as long as I was allowed to (discreetly) "cheat".

  21. If the money was right.

  22. Assuming I was single and I actually liked the guy enough as a person. Yeah, I would consider it. Only as a fake GF, though. I'm not up for doing a Kelly Preston (although I genuinely believe they are best friends and nonsexual life partners). Also, you couldn't pay me to sit through fake date after fake date with an asshole.

    Look pretty and attend events with you? No expectations of commitment? No sex? My expenses are paid? We get along well? Sure. I'm game.

    I wish we lived in a world where no one had to hide who they love, but since that's not the case, I can't be hard on anyone who does it.

  23. Just c/p NomNom's answer here and that about covers it for me.

    George, call me!

  24. But of course and for free

  25. Yes. For free. Back in college for a great guy who was terrified of his parent's reaction if they "found out". 30 years later he is out and free and I see on Facebook indeed loved and accepted by his parents. So sad the fear and shame one has to go through to simply be who they are. Most coming outs that I've witnessed have had happy and supportive results. Still too much fear out there for many, though. Again...sad :(

  26. What a stupid question! of course!

  27. I know 2 professional beards. They get paid a butt load of cash! So hell yeah I would! Sign me up.

  28. Yes call me George !

  29. Bearding is my dream job - especially if my faux beau would help me accessorize. I suck at accessorizing.

  30. After being in between tech jobs for the last few months, there are few things I wouldn't agree to for financial security and upward career mobility.

  31. At this stage in my life.. why the hell not! Being a "hollywood type" beard would be fun.

  32. Am still laughing at "The Full Katie". Kudos.

  33. Is VIP really Anna lune McCord ?

  34. Did it in high school for a really nice and super pretty girl. There was some nasty talk going around because she had never had any sort of a real boyfriend and the guys that she had dated briefly said they never got anywhere with her and that she was distant. Some of the girls were starting to shun her. We knew each other pretty well, had been through all of public school together. Beginning in grade 10 we started spending time together. To everybody else it looked like we were dating, but we weren't. No making out, no sex of any kind. We never talked about, it was just understood between us that we were pals, and nothing more, and that would never change because she was gay. But out in public we would hold hands a lot, and that's all it took. The nasty talk and the shunning stopped. This went on for the rest of the year, and on and off for the next year, grade 11. It worked out pretty well for me too because there were some real fuck pigs at school that would do anything so I still got my dick wet on a regular basis.

  35. @VIPBlonde does that mean you have done it before? Any hints?

    I would totally do it, get paid to NOT have sex??? sign me up!!!

  36. If it was somebody who didn't get papped frequently I probably would. I'd never beard for an A or B lister. My dorky face would be all over gossip sites everyday and then everyone here on CDAN would be saying shit about moi. No thanks.

  37. If they paid off my car and gave me some "spending money" aka money to go into a savings for when we are through, then yes, I def would!!!

  38. Even though it has helped plentya peeps make money, I look forward to the day when bearding will no longer be necessary #hope

  39. #ilikeshashtagging

  40. Sure! Where do I sign up?

    I could not, however, pretend to worship Xenu.

  41. I did pretty much as Harry described above. Helped a close female friend pretend to be straight. Mostly for her parents benefit. Almost 30 yrs later, still friends with her. And her lovely wife.

  42. U go, Sean!
    U too, Harry
    Every one else I didn't name,
    U go!

  43. For the right price

  44. i would for then right price , i might even gain a friend who knows. sounds like fun tbh

  45. Sign me up! I'll take the perks as long as they're available, and I don't even have to sleep with anybody!

  46. I bearded a few times pre-marriage days (high-school / college era). I had a lot of friends who were definitely closeted and once they started getting questioned or suspected, I was brought in. Two of them came out. One died in a car accident in college. One is married with a couple of kids. Good dad, but still definitely in the closet...

  47. Hell yeah, if I was paid well plus given benefits such as a IVF child. Beats being single and childless like I am now at 40. Tom Cruise, Ryan Seacrest, and all other men who spend their lives clinging to coat hangers, give me a call!

  48. There isn't much I wouldn't do for enough money.

    That being said, I would feel a little torn about it. I don't believe in hiding who you are, even for your career. Think of all of the LGBT kids who have grown up thinking being gay is bad, and they are bad, at least in part because they don't have enough role models because people refuse to come out. Think of the good these people could do if they stood up and said, hey this is me, I'm proud of who I am and you should be too. Think of the good that has been done by those who did come out.

    But yah, everything has a price.

  49. If she was hot and rich and she either gave me mouth & butt, saving the V for her lady, or she brought home/paid for chicks/whores for me. A weekly whore would be more action than I got in the 3yrs livin w/ my kooked out ex.

    Oh, and of course she would have to let me watch.

  50. totally - fun times with a hot looking dude - and to get to home at the end of the night and put on pjs and chill without having to worry about your little pot belly or whether you remembered to shave your legs.....HELL YA

    1. I'm too old to bead for a younger guy and I'd have to lose weight to beard an older guy. It would take about two months to get ready. But... If I liked him and we went to interesting places and helped me pick out a fab wardrobe ( with my money of course cuz I'd feel weird if he paid for my clothes) as y taste in clothes goes towards the comfortable then yes. No charge.

  51. Yes. My dream job. As long as I live in a beach house somewhere warm. This winter sucks

  52. Yes, I would beard for anyone nice. I can be ' the nice girl' for Nana's 89th birthday, if you're dating a Superfreak or are gay. The "ex' that drops by the table where you are eating with your parents and whines " Why'd you stop calling me? Candy misses her Big Poppa" or I can even suss out the potential parental reaction with my " friend who is gay," story..But,
    If you act like a raging badger, prepare to be yanked out of that closet ' cause ain't nobody got time for that...

  53. Sure I would. I spent enough of my adult years without a boyfriend, so know I could go without the sex. And I dated two guys who later came out, so in a way I have already bearded for free.

  54. I'd beard for Taylor Swift. Bearding with benefits, yo.

  55. WareCat you can be had for some quality Chef Boyardee? Who knew. If it gets out there will be a line around the block.

  56. Maureen, says wat?
    I dnt get it.

  57. @WareCat: I hate when that happens. Usually after a half hour chafing sets in.

  58. I think I've been doing this for 23 years.
