Monday, March 17, 2014

Your Turn

Scarlett Johansson called Dylan Farrow irresponsible for shaming actors who worked with Woody Allen. Do you agree with Scarlett?


  1. OT, I'm late this am and just wanna thank TTM on the First Book Club meeting!

    1. Holy David Foster Wallace! Really? There's a book club? Next thing you'll tell me is you're reading Wally Lamb!

      Entycore at it's finest!

    2. Sorry, Cleo, didn't see this! So much fun!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And I think there should be a lot more shaming done to him and the other pervs.

  4. Here's the thing I believe Dylan believes every word she says, but I don't and this ugly thing just won't die due to Mia. It's just a sad sad situation.

  5. I sort of do. He was not convicted of anything. I don't know.

  6. Here's an idea, don't work with misogynists and pedophiles.

  7. Heh. Yeah. Because she's got standing to judge other's level of responsibility.

    She screwed Sean Penn. Her argument is invalid.

    1. She screwed Sean Penn. Her argument is invalid.
      OMG- priceless comment . I just spit my 7 up!

  8. If its true hes not but he was never convicted of anything unlike Roman Polanski who still makes movies. So I have a bigger problem with him than Woody (although there's enough of a smoking gun there to think he did do it.)

  9. ScarJo wants whatever makes ScarJo look the best. Plain and simple.

    1. Exactly. Didn't she get dropped as a peace ambassador or something bc she wants to be a spokesperson ($$$$$) for some unethical brand. (sorry, I don't remember the company)

    2. I think you mean Sodastream, Crystal

    3. Noooo not soda stream! What've they done? I'm not sending my machine back unless it's something to do with pedos

  10. And she wants to be in another Woody flick a la Jasmine

  11. Yeah, I think she's right. I don't think shaming people who associate with him serves any purpose. I mean my opinion is that Michael Jackson was a scummy peadophile but other people have other opinions and I respect that. The only ones that matter in this should be Dylan and Woody.

  12. I'm with Vera, and yes, I'm boycotting your work too, Scarlett.

  13. Was he ever convicted as a pedophile ? If the answer is no then I would have to agree with scarjo. For the record, I havent a clue what the real truth is regarding this matter and I would be torn on what to do. Its a clusterfuck situation for sure.

  14. ScarJo sounds bright when someone is writing lines for her to regurgitate. When on her own, not so much. She should just shut up, look pretty and pray none of her future boyfriends are inappropriate w/ the baby growing in her.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sometimes you bring it in a great way Count. This is one of those times.

  15. Scarlett Johansson pretty much said that she knows nothing about the case--but come on. Once her name was brought into it she didn't think to do a little Googling?

    Also, from this article, she says, "It's not like this is somebody that's been prosecuted and found guilty of something, and you can then go, 'I don't support this lifestyle or whatever.' I mean, it's all guesswork."

    Because child-molesting is a "lifestyle." Ohh, Scarlett.

    To answer the question, though, Dylan Farrow has every right to call these actors and actresses out just as they have every right to tell her to f*** off.

  16. I agree with her - Dylan shouldn't have called Cate out, she did solid work on that film. Shame Woody all you want, but leave the actors alone. He's gross but as a director he's an actor's dream of achieving artistic expression, I think because he works with what they bring to the table.

  17. Maybe since he hasn't been convicted, then no one else should be "shaming" anyone about working with him, but we're talking about his VICTIM. I think she has every right to say whatever she wants!

  18. I personally think the man's an awful person and likely a pedophile. However, there's no legally established proof of that and "shaming" people who simply work with him is moronic and juvenile, as far as I'm concerned.
    Life is not an After School Special.

    1. I think it's pretty fucking obvious that Woody Allen is and was a creepy perv. I mean, come ON! Creeping around Soon Yi when she was a kid, THOSE photos of her!
      I have no doubt he did something horribly inappropriate with Dylan.
      And any actor who works with him, and justifies choosing ambition over honor by yammering about how he's never been convicted should eat shit.

  19. Nope.

    Sorry, I don't know how to make this link live, but it provides a factual timeline for events that is often missing in the discussions on the subject.

  20. I saw a bunch of fiery back & forth on twitter and thought it was over the top.
    Shame the perpetrator all you want and I'll be right behind you, holding a giant flashing arrow that says PEDO...but innocent people should not be splattered with the same filth.

  21. Anonymous10:22 AM

    No,and Ms. Johansson should keep her nose out of what is a family we all should...regardless of said family inviting the public to watch this heart breaking train wreck.

  22. The man married his step daughter and started a relationship before she turned 18. I'd call that a pedophile. I refuse to support anything he does.

    Dylan has every right to shame people for what he did to her. If you read what happened he wasn't prosecuted because of the trauma she was going through. They didn't want to add to it. The prosecution had more than enough evidence to prosecute. So in my eyes yes he did it. She knows people still worship the ground her father walks on. That has to be horrible for her. Imagine being in her shoes always being reminded of the person who molested you. It has to be torturous for her. Also imagine people going on and on about how wonderful that person is. I don't blame her at all for putting people on blast who support him.

  23. I say that now that Scarlett Johansen is pregnant let's see what she says when her mentor "Uncle Woody" wants to take her little daughter to the circus or up to the attic to look at something...

  24. So Terry Richardson is a no-no but Woody is a-ok? To me, publicly supporting someone you know to be a predator of young girls makes you complicit.

  25. @Catsup - thanks for posting the link. Great article, interesting attached document.

  26. For those that are criticizing Scarlett, please, just stop for a moment.

    She was asked about it in an interview, and this is how she responded (keep in mind, she did NOT bring this up):

    "I think it's irresponsible to take a bunch of actors that will have a Google alert on and to suddenly throw their name into a situation that none of us could possibly knowingly comment on. That just feels irresponsible to me."

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Yes she has a google alert on her name and it's inconvenient for her. Forget the child penetrated by Woodys finger

    2. We'll see how she feels when it's her child.

  27. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Scarlett is a jackass no matter what. Whenever she speaks on things she always sounds like a moron trying to be intelligent. Google any important topics she's graced us with her opinion on.

  28. If Dylan and Mia have such a problem w/ Woody Allen, they should have pushed the DA to pursue criminal charges. They didn't. Thus, Allen is not guilty.

    Hate to say it, but I don't disagree w/ Scarlett. I wish the Farrows would all shut the fuck up.

  29. @Surfer: My fave part of that statement is she has a Google alert for herself. Google alerts are 1/2 the reason I sometimes write like I am speaking directly to a celeb.

    1. Clive Owen! Meet me at the Mecca for a free pint!

  30. @Count - That being the case, I really hope David Tennant has google alerts on. I meant what I said about that tryst, David. Mr. Disco will understand.

  31. I'm with ScarJo on this. No actionable case was ever made of this supposed incident, although the authorities tried their best to do so. There was simply no credible evidence to back up the claims of abuse, and the fact that Mia Farrow released what was obviously a highly edited videotape of the girl making allegations didn't help matters.

    Farrow was in the midst of a particularly nasty breakup with Allen at the time, and she certainly wouldn't have been the first woman to try to use a child to "get back" at a man she felt had wronged her. It wouldn't even have taken much to make the child believe it herself.

    Be all of that as it may, however, the incontrovertible fact is that there is still no credible evidence to support this claim of abuse, nor has there ever been. People who want to rake it all up again now have the mentality of persons involved in a lynch mob, not members of a civilized society.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Ermmm the police at the time said there was credible evidence but that the child wouldn't cope with a trial
      Before Mia found out about soon yi he was in therapy for inappropriate attention to Dylan. There is a lot of meat to accusation.
      If you were rich and could chose work would you chose a suspected paedo to give money to? Scarjo is a self absorbed twunt and doesn't care about him being a paedo.

  32. Here's what, my family/ext family went through a situation with one child touching another child in the family. It was reported to authorities, older kid admitted it, and it was harmful for everyone. You believe the kid that tells you. Get them in counseling right away!

  33. @Crustal: OXFAM dropped her because of her deal with SodaStream, who has a factory on disputed Israeli/Palestinian land.

  34. I'm with @SpiffyPaws. I think it's time people stopped trying to paint this man as a pedophile when he was never even charged as one--let alone convicted. Accusation does not equal guilt.

    Let's also not forget all this accusation started during the child custody battle after Woody left Mia for Soon Yi--not before.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      No he was just in therapy before for showing Dylan inappropriate attention

  35. I thought she gave up the gig with Oxfam (I could be wrong). Soda Stream is an Israeli-owned company, which operates in Gaza (I believe) and employs many Arab people. Which is a good thing.

  36. @ Rob

    None of us are aware that there wasn't credible evidence because it never went to trial.

    Dylan Farrow writing an open letter about her abuse took a lot of courage.

    IMO, Mia Farrow saw a *pattern* of predatory behavior in Woody Allen and she sounded the alarm.

    Wood Allen was a father figure all the while Soon-Yi was growing up. He was Mia Farrow's *mate*. Soon-Yi's mother's *mate*. Was he grooming Soon-Yi and "plucked her" when she came of age?

    IMO, he overstepped his boundary.

    I believe Dylan Farrow.

    Why do stars readily associate themselves with "sexy" (environmental) causes, but become defensive when associated with something not so "sexy". In both instances: money. jmo

  37. @Surfer: Further research does say she quit. I thought they axed her while she was trying to make a decision.

    The factory is in a settlement in the West Bank, and is said by many organizations to violate international law.


  38. I agree with her even though I'm coming around to the idea that Allen might have abused Dylan. Might have. But there's no conviction and WA is a skilled filmmaker so of course actors want to work on his films. You don't get to dictate other peoples' lives just because you have a sympathetic plea. Emotional blackmail is bullshit and makes Dylan look noncredible.

  39. @Count - who doesn't have a Google alert, lol?

    I would think the fact that this controversial company (to some) employs Palestinians would be a good thing. More productive than, you know, lobbing missiles.

  40. I don't think it's wrong at all, I believe Dylan.

  41. The fact that he started an affair at 60 with his wife's teenage daughter leads a lot of credence to Dylan's claim. So does this:

  42. In the case I spoke abt, the kid admitted it and nothing happened to them because they couldn't PROVE gratification. Puhlease. The system fails kids daily. I have lived it. Have one of your family members tell you that so and so touched me here 3 different days and see if it changes how you view the system!

  43. Agreed that the system fails kids daily. They often don't bother to try sexually abusive parents because it's so scarring for the child whether or not the parent is convicted. Not worth additional damage to the child.

    I believe Dylan.

  44. Scarlett doesn't like anything that she can't control.

  45. Dylan has every right to tell her story and I have no clue as to why ScarJo would pipe up about it, maybe she's brown nosing for a part in his next movie.
    My mother was a victim of abuse in her family, this came out when she was an adult and no one believed her, not her brothers or mother, not anyone. Her abuser was never convicted either and she is still in therapy weekly in order to cope with the devastating effects. This type of thing happens ALL THE TIME and we should never stop talking about it....

  46. I dont agree. Personally i wouldnt work with him, he's creepy as hell and 99% prob a molester. Imagine how Dylan feels when rveryone is fawning all over him ? I supported snd admired the actors that turned their backs on Elua Kazan. In my own life, there are stores or companies i dont do business with because i take issue with their wsys of doing business. It isnt much, but I feel better doing what i think is right for me.

  47. Well, if Scarlett gives birth to a little girl, we'll see if she lets Uncle Woody babysit!

  48. @NaughtyNurse

    That would sure be a hypocrite test.

  49. @BeckyMae - ScarJo didn't bring anything up. Dylan Farrow did, and then SJ was asked about that in an interview. She stated her opinion, which is absolutely valid.

    Lots of people have been molested, myself included. I don't think it's appropriate to spew venom all over other people just because they once worked with a predator. Dylan Farrow clearly needs to work through some stuff.

  50. @CK - There's a difference between not spewing venom and fucking celebrating a predator and rubbing their face in it.

    Dylan made her comments because ALL OF HOLLYWOOD gathered around rapist Woody to give him a big ole pat on the back for being such a 'genius'.

  51. I despise Woody Allen (and also that douchenozzle in Switzerland or wherever he is) but I think Cee Kay makes a very good point. (Let me finish before you Kanye shrug!)

    I once did some work for a guy who later turned out to be a grade A a*hole. I mean, groping the secretaries, brought up on sexual harassment charges, parking the Jag in the handicapped spot a*hole. He actually bragged to one of the people interviewing him about getting workplace (ladyparts) because he's the boss, he gave them their jobs, and it's not his fault if they didn't understand that making him happy didn't include (various sexual innuendos).

    Since he was my client, I was contractually obligated to finish the work I'd started. He was (is) a complete waste of oxygen who thinks women are parking stations for his withering pecker, but I had to do my job. Would I defend him if asked? HELL TO THE NO. Would I defend myself for doing my job? Yes, I would. I never worked for the tool again but if I ever spoke about the issue using his name, I'd be sued faster than Chik-Fil-A on rainbow day. It was all settled out of court, so anyone who asks me about working for them gets, "I didn't have a pleasant experience with the owner" accompanied by the RUNNOWWHILEYOUCAN smile.

    All of that to say, ScarJo can pick and choose her work, and if she chooses to work with a villain, well - so did Meg Fox. Excoriation has a price and in Hollywood, the loss of morality isn't expensive.

  52. @cee kay of course she is entitled to her opinion but mine is that ScarJo is irresponsible for stating she thinks that Dylan is irresponsible. As an ex-employee of Woody's she could have gracefully declined to comment about such a personal matter. I do not expect her to weigh in on it at all.

    Sodastream is a whole can of steaming hot worms I don't care to open!

  53. I agree with Folly. ScarJo talks out her butt all the time to get attention. Remember when she claimed to be buds with the Obamas during the campaign and then he was like, "I have no idea who that is"?

  54. Unfortunately they are both right and wrong with in limits. Before I go on Polanski is a different set of circumstances.

    Woody has not been convicted. He has every right to work in his field. Should people who have work with him be held in disapprobation? No!

    Woody reportedly has a history of questionable behavior towards young women. Should he and those who continue to socialize with him be called to account by his alleged victims and the extended social circles he moves in yes!!

  55. No I don't agree with Scarlett.

  56. Scarlet is doing what is good for the others have also done.

    There is more proof than you think--read up on it. Really read up on it-not just the pro Woody stuff.

    What I think would be great is that a celeb would take a public stand against Woody and not work with him. But you haven't seen that have you???? They are afraid to. I don't know how they can look at themselves in the mirror.

  57. yep @Emily

    that's what I meant........they didn't go to trial because they didn't think Dylan could withstand it

  58. I at first thought Scarlet named Dylan's brother, then I re-read it. So now my response is so much more vehement. Scarlett needs to shut the fuck up and stay out of it. Are you crazy???!!!! I could be wrong, but NO ONE has gotten into the messy thick of this except the parties involved. After re-reading and realizing that Scarlett is shaming a person for outing her abuser....I am so angry. I don't care if she does think Dylan is wrong. She needs to stay out of it, and is the only one stupid enough to say anything. I mean, some have made a statement like Alec Baldwin which more or less said I'm staying out of this. Which is smart. Scarlett must have felt as though she, without being named, was guilted. But it would have been so much smarter to stay out of the fray, because now she looks like, and actually is, shaming someone who could be, and probably is, a victim. None of her business. Stay out of it. I think a lot of times some people hide their conscience behind numbers, and there is a LONG list of actors who work with Allen. No one likes being confronted. Who in Hollywood would be so brave if there were not numbers to hide behind. Scarlett's wording too is reprehensible. Dylan is irresponsible? I think if you are a victim you can say whatever you want and anyone else needs to shut up. This makes me really angry. I think she made a mistake. She has been riding on a lot of good will. She should have just continued to hide behind the numbers, as everyone else does.

  59. No, I don't think it is irresponsible to call out actors who work with pedophiles (oops, "alleged" pedophiles). However, I don't really care what that airhead thinks.

  60. Scarlett has spent her time on the casting couch so to her Allen's actions aren't despicable. Most if not every one of the Disney child stars did who knows what with any and every perverted Disney executive that wanted them.
    Hollywood is full of creeps and wackos. Woody Allen should be in jail but justice doesn't apply to Hollywood or recently friends of Obama.

  61. Woody, Dylan, Ronan and Moses are not Mia's first victims.
