Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This foreign born B list mostly movie actor is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is loved by lots of women. Lots. Very attractive guy. He is also very generous. He was flying this past week and noticed a bunch of military people waiting to board his flight. He asked about first class seats for the personnel and our actor bought the four available first class seats and gave up the two he had. For the rest of the personnel that didn't fly first class he bought them unlimited drinks and bought them all food before they got on the plane. His total bill for everything was about $20K but the memories he provided for the troops will last a lifetime.


  1. Damn it. Never nominated. I just wanted to love him more.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hugh Jackman?

    Christian Bale?

  4. Un how does he know those soldiers werent pogs instead of grunts. Grunts are real soldiers. Pogs are paper pushers that reap all the benefits grunts should get cause of all the time they have on their hands.

  5. What a generous fellow and I hope it is my ginger love muffin Ewan.\

    Question, though: when they got off the plane, did they have to stagger drunkenly to the bathroom, only to emerge 30 seconds later looking perfectly fine?

    1. Lol @7! Hopefully they didn't sit down on a bench and pass off their machine gun to someone as they quietly sobbed.

  6. Anyhow this is a non US citizen doing this for American military personnel? If so that makes it even better considering how most military aren't treated that well here by us and we have to be constantly reminded to just thank them for their sacrifice.

  7. smh.. why not do something nice for the actual needy who don't murder brown civilians in lands far, far away.

  8. ^^^Always one out the bunch.
    Well done who ever this is.

  9. *slowly backing out of the room*

    1. It sounds like something Liam Neeson has done but he's gotta be A. He punches wolves in the face.

  10. I like the Clive Owen guess.

  11. I <3 Clive Owen, too.

    Hey Kristen, can I get a ride?

  12. Awesome...these men and women are coming back with some serious stuff...that flight was probably the best one.

  13. Could be the military of the country where the foreign actor was born?

  14. AEMISH.......go pound rocks you flipping JACKASS!!!

  15. Owen? Liam? Fassbender? Cucumber?

  16. Taxpayers pay burger flipping wages to suckers-turned-psychos to serve as security service to taxpayer funded privatized Haliburton employees who make many times over their military counterparts, who in turn serve as security for privatized Big Oil employees whose sole job it is to exploit the region for it's natural resources and then sell it back to the duped taxpayers who paid to retrieve it in the first place. I find it bizarre so many of us [STILL!] wave the little made-in-China American flags and call these poor bastards heroes.

    1. They ARE heroes. I doubt you could even make it through boot camp.

    2. No lies told here.

  17. @aemish
    Why do you think Dick Cheney never met a war he didn't love…
    Not that the low life would ever serve…

  18. @Misch.. THaNK You

  19. Sorry, aemish, a nice attempt to troll, but it seems unlikely you'll start a decent flame-war here.

  20. Sorry to burst your bubble, Jonathan. I'm a luva not a fighta.

  21. Let me get this straight.....soldiers are poor bastards that are nothing more than suckers-turned-psychos who do nothing other than murder innocent civilians?

    I am very sure that the families of all of our fallen "HEROES" would take great comfort in your analogy.

    Thank you..... You make our world so beautiful. (Extreme sarcasm)

  22. Whoever this actor is, good on him. Two of my three sons have served. Both did combat tours. One is now out, having served his hitch, and is attending university. The other is career and is now stateside.

  23. Go light a candle if you think it will help. I mean, that's ultimately the extent of your twisted brand of support of the troops, right?

    We just have to agree to disagree. My support is ending the war and bringing them home. Where in the Constitution does it demand we shed blood to protect the profits of billionaires? Talk about a pound of flesh.. And you're all for it! Yikes.

    1. There's a difference between being anti-war and your despicable shaming of men and women who serve honorably. Seriously, get over yourself.

    2. While I completely agree with your second paragraph there, aemish, I still 100% support the troops on the ground who are, ultimately, just following orders. No, They never should have been there, but they are, and you dare to brand them all as psychos and murderers? You're not there, you're not dealing with the hell they're going thru every day. You need to sit down and shut up, because you sound like a fool, and the (occasional) good point you make is completely drowned out by the stupidity.

    3. Thank you LowKey.
      My husband is in the Army. You, aemish, are a jackass.

  24. I pictured Antonio Banderas as I read this.

  25. Dear Jayzus, please don't force those of us who have worked in politics on a governmental level to explain geopolitical stuff on a gossip blog. It's for fun, remember?

    Christian Bale

  26. Whoever this is, he is a great person.

  27. A thousand apologies, Di :p

    **puts $1 in the misbehavin' jar**


  29. Whoever he is, I like him.

  30. Jude Law is a pretty dude, nominated, and us probably down to B now. Does he like heroes?

    1. He's broke. All his money goes to child support.

    2. @Aeol $150k isn't all that much when you're rolling in Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow residuals.

  31. You have two contradicting thoughts going on here.

    My twisted brand of support has nothing to do with supporting a war or crooked people in government who started it for their own monetary gain.

    I do however take issue with your definition of what a soldier is and what a soldier does.

    It's very insulting to those of us who have loved ones on foreign soil at this moment doing what they can to make a difference in our world for everyone.

    You are no better than the people that you are criticizing when you make such sweeping generalizations.

    You are simply grandstanding for attention with no regard for anyone other than yourself

  32. I'm over it. Di was right. Besides, you can lead a horse to water...

  33. @Kristin---not as much as me

    I need a hero
    I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
    He's gotta be strong
    And he's gotta be fast
    And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
    I need a hero
    I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
    He's gotta be sure
    And it's gotta be soon
    And he's gotta be larger than life

    1. Derek Are you challenging me to a game of Footloose-tractor-chicken?

  34. Exactly!! You are the horse. You still can't grasp that what you have said is not just wrong it's incorrect.

  35. Or in this case, you can troll a gossip site, but you need to be a lot smarter to have anyone pay enough attention to you to freak out.

  36. Derek wins the Internets.

  37. Huh? Moving on.

    In any event, wouldn't it be Jonathan serving as the "troll" in this case since he is adding nothing to the discussion save imbecilic ad hominems..?

  38. @K lol Maybe baby...

  39. "You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think"
    -Mary McCarthy writing about the Kardashian women. Apropos of nothing in today's Hero vs Imperialist shouting match.

    1. Lazyday - very aptly used re the Klan (even our February visitors!) but it was originally coined by Dorothy Parker around the 1920s - worth looking her up, her punning jibes are freaking hysterical!

  40. @Aemish---thats what he does
    (not that I am necessary siding with you cause I am not) but everyone is entitled to their opinion

  41. Bonnie Tyler yuck. :(

  42. @lazyday, that's actually a quote from my beloved Dorothy Parker. She was challenged by a fellow author to use the word horticulture in a jibe, and she did so splendidly. :D

  43. @Derek.. ahh, thanks for shedding that light

    and @Aeol.. I guess we have two different opinions on what honor is *shrug*

  44. Colin Firth ftw! And if they were American soldiers, they're not allowed to drink alcohol in uniform.

  45. Yay for a serious discussion that didn't turn into a "whatever, you suck! Na na boo boo!"

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. SueRH American service members can drink while in uniform (though not in theater) but not get tanked in a public forum.

  48. @TTM.. but is it wrong for me to still want them to stick their heads in doo doo? (jussst keeeding... :p)

  49. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Going by Enty's hints, and weeding out the older winners/nominees, that leaves us with Colin Firth, Christian Bale, Javier Bardem, Russell Crowe and Daniel Day-Lewis. Possibly Christoph Waltz, who has won the two times he was nominated. Or Benicio del Toro, if Enty considers Puerto Rico foreign. ;)

  50. And Aemish can verbalize her opinions here BECAUSE of men in uniform. (Though IMHO it just shows what an ignorant ASS she is.)

    I'm going with Liam...

  51. @SueRH.. I think we all agree the physical fitness aspects of boot camp are pretty incredible. It's the brainwashing that leaves the bad aftertaste. Little wonder they recruit them as soon as they are old enough to carry a weapon -- and young enough to not ask any questions.

  52. @Shorty.. But you truly are living in some kind of armchair martyr's time warp if you believe I am speaking my mind because of the actions of anyone alive in this world today. If anything I am speaking my mind in spite of it.

  53. lol... I had to do a double take on that one too

  54. The horticulture quote was pretty clever :p

  55. "ephemerina said...
    Going by Enty's hints, and weeding out the older winners/nominees, that leaves us with Colin Firth, Christian Bale, Javier Bardem, Russell Crowe and Daniel Day-Lewis. Possibly Christoph Waltz, who has won the two times he was nominated. Or Benicio del Toro, if Enty considers Puerto Rico foreign. ;)"

    If those are the chances, keep out bardem. He is used to HATE all non-communist/islamic armies. He is a male version of aemish although I seriously doubt he can write.
    Benicio del Toro is his soft version.
    Colin Firth is largely liberal (American way) and I doubt he would hang out with American soldiers.
    Daniel Day Lewis is crazy enough to party with anyone that way (the BI says he invited them to drinks and shared a lot of stories), he is my option.

  56. Dammit, got another Mary McCarthy/Dorothy Parker quip wrong. They were the queens of mid 20th century wit. Anyway this actually is Mary McCarthy on her rival Lillian Hellman:

    "Every word she writes is a lie, including and and the"

    1. Lazyday, There was a funny pun like 'the house was lousey,' (that was really paraphrased ... Sorry, Dorothy! ), and another along the lines of 'a lady with all the poise of the sphinx, but alas none of the mystery.' That last one could be used quite nicely for many a one-dimensional celebrity!

  57. Liam has been promoting his movie. I think it could be him.

  58. aemish, stating and arguing in support of an untenable and deliberately controversial statement for no other purpose than to cause conflict in an Internet discussion is the very definition of trolling.

    Calling a troll a troll is no more trolling than calling a bigot a bigot is bigotry.

    1. JAS, that's perfect
      (I had to read it like 3 times, but I got it and it's perfect)

  59. JAS that is the STUPIDEST thing I have EVER heard. Is everyone suppose to have one opinion and spend their time saying "your so right" with each other? wtf. What is the point of having any discussion about anything than?

  60. Daniel Day Lewis

  61. @Jonathan.. I wouldn't presume to know what individual readers find controversial. Pretty ridiculous for you to suggest it is my position that is untenable when you've yet to supply anything of substance to support your alleged point of view.

  62. @Derek.. I don't know where he comes up with these definitions of trolls, but it's pretty immature. It's like he's following me around for no other purpose than to finger wag like some kind of wannabe hall monitor or somehting.

  63. There's nothing wrong with showing kindness to others. It makes me feel good and them too! It doesn't have to cost big bucks to make someone's day, but hell if you have it...why not! There should be no debate...its not like the actor helped out Kim Jong-un...

  64. I have no idea who this is, but kudos to them! I hope this one is revealed.

  65. Personally I don't think that just because we find a known commenter's opinion abhorrent they should be labeled a troll.

    And I don't agree with her opinion. My sister and several others in my family are members of the military (sis did 23 years)and they're not treated extremely well by our gov'mt either. However, Aemish is still allowed to have her say however wrong I MAY feel it to be.

    I think this is Firth.

  66. i viewed about 10 posts then realized...

    it doesn't matter WHO this is...IT'S ABOUT WHAT THIS PERSON DID.

    THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE. You are a stand-up person who cares about others, and i hope you know that we appreciate you.

    I am appreciative of those who have decided to be of value for whatever purpose our country has deemed the most valuable goals. Sometimes that's debatable, but these people uphold their pledge, no matter what.

    I don't have a family member in the military any longer, but the most important gesture to me is that this celebrity - despite their obvious wealth and good fortune - have chosen to acknowledge others that have served a valuable purpose TOWARDS PEACE, and the world as a whole.

    Thank you. All of you. Much love (and mostly peace) to everyone.

  67. Whoever it was and whoever the soldiers were, it was a really kind gesture...

  68. @Sherry.. Thanks for that.. uuhm, I think :p

    Although I must say all this so-called controversy is completely lost on me. I come from a military family too. Big whoop. Taxpayer ignorance and wasted tax dollars of satanic proportions are not mutually exclusive. I think it's pretty evident they go hand in hand.

    It annoys me when people play the sympathy/"offended" card because some of some enlisted relative. But whatevs.

  69. And PS I didn't label them all psychos. It is entirely plausible the remainder fall into the suckers column.
