Monday, March 03, 2014

Today's Blind Items - It's Over

The screaming and fighting and the women he would take to his apartment instead of coming home have ended it. That and the big secret she withheld from him because she says she was scared for her life. She always ends up with these guys who she is scared of and who treat her poorly and she gives back. She isn't afraid to punch and scratch and throw things. She is an Academy Award winning actress and it is fitting that she was telling people last night the marriage is over. He has cheated from day one and told her she would have to put up with it. Because he was honest about the other women she thought it was refreshing and let it go because she didn't think he meant it. He did though and cheated almost every day he had free time. This was a horrible idea from the beginning and she even talked to one of his exes who said the guy was a horrible person.


  1. Please not my Penny Cruz :(

  2. Replies
    1. Could the 'secret' be the blind a few weeks ago about Nahla not being her biological child and maybe not the new baby also??

    2. How can they not be HER biological children?

    3. Guess my wording is kinda screwy, but a former blind suggested donor eggs and IVF.
      She still carried them so technically she the mother.

    4. Anonymous7:18 PM

      I always thought it was very bad form that Olivier (allegedly) cheated on Kylie Minogue when she got breast cancer. He's been quoted in a number of publications as saying she was the best thing that happened to him, but too little too late there. I remember after they broke up, how Kylie would take his dog - who adored Kylie - out for walks! She seems like such a sweet lady.

      A number of people I know who have worked with, or around, Halle all say she is an absolute nightmare with a terrible temper and horrible personality.

  3. I can only think of Kate Hudson, but I would think she were more of a cheater.

    what about Biel?

    1. Duh, Biel will never be nominated for an award.

  4. Naomi Watts was alone last night. Liev took care of the kids at home.

    1. Hasn't won an Oscar tho.

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      She's very laid back. He's a known cheater but I doubt she'd fight back.

  5. I wonder what her scary secret is\

  6. halle berry because she was photographed at an Oscar party alone and without ring

  7. Liev is a pig but they're not married…
    However Halle the moron did marry Olivier.
    Kate and Matt aren't married either, and she never expected it to last…

  8. I thought Halle.

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Halle is a really good guess...she's been open about the abusive guys, leaves out that she fits back, but come on, we all know she is the type to fight...

    Reese was actually my first thought though...her guy, the agent is a piece of work, she's not nice either, she put up with Ryan cuz she thought they were gonna be the next Tom & Nicole

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      @Anna Belle - is that right (about him)? He just gives me the heeby jeebies ... there's something about him that's 'off'. I know she's an absolute bitch though, so sounds like they deserve each other.

  10. Halle's big secret would be the donor eggs.

  11. Halle Berry. This one was easy.

  12. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Halle also have marks all over her arms in those pics in the Daily Mail

  13. This screams Hallie Berry.

  14. As usual, VIP nailed it! Plus, in the pics, she's not wearing her wedding rings.

  15. I'm 100% behind everyone on the Halle train.

  16. Some chicks are dumb and oblivious so they constantly pick abusive men. Some chicks think they can change him, so they constantly take on the challenge of abusive men. Some chicks are fucking nuts and turn men abusive through a war of attrition. This final category is Halle.

    David Justice has been happily married, w/o incident since 2001. How many abusive relationships and legal problems has Crazy Berry had since then?

    1. "Turn men abusive?" No.

      A MAN would deal with it a different way.

    2. Sprinkle, Why is it OK for a woman to be abusive but a man should deal with it and turn the other ckeek?
      The way I see it, if I have the balls (hypothetically speaking) to attack ANYBODY, they have the right to fight back.
      Just as I would fight back if I was attacked, regardless of the gender of the person attacking me.
      Women can't demand equal rights AND special treatment.

  17. Oh hell, even I got this one.. Oh Halle.. let the fireworks and drama begin.

  18. So when did Halle bump into Kylie?

  19. she does pick does the secret have to do with some type of childhood abuse....??

    or the donor egg thing? But why is that such a scary secret-its's done a lot

  20. I came here to write Halle Berry and I was so happy to see that VIP agreed!! I got one right finally! *bouncy bouncy bouncy*

  21. a.k.a. Scarey Berry.

  22. Kaylie called or emailed Halle at the beginning and warned her about Olivier…Halle didn't listen.

  23. I can't feel bad for racist Halle.

  24. @Gina sez: Off the rack eggs.

  25. @Peggy: She is the host, like a surrogate, not the "technical" mom. If the first dude finds out she isn't the bio-mom, then he could go for full custody and probably ace her out of the kid's life. Bio parents come first in custody matters.

    Then he could probably go on to have a ground breaking reproductive rights lawsuit.

    1. You're absolutely right. Again, me with the screwy wording. I meant that she carried and gave birth to them.
      If this is true, I hope Gabriel finds out and gets custody. I think he's a great father. Nahla always looks so happy when she's with him.

    2. I think after the thanksgiving brawl all charges were dropped and Gabriel got a raise.

    3. Meaning hush money.

  26. true^^^^^^

    and he would be well within his rights

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  28. I don't think it's Biel but since it was a guess-what was up with her last night?

    I do smell trouble in paradise........

    something is up with those two

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      @rajahcat - I thought Biel looked rough last night. She was obviously freshly-plumped, but aside from that she looked awful. I can't put my finger on it as her dress was okay and her hair was okay (although it looked beautifully done, it just sort of hung there).

  29. Ok, so women are fine to have emotional meltdowns and become aggressive, but men aren't allowed? Testicles require higher standards? You may not find men and women as equals, but I do.

    "She isn't afraid to punch and scratch and throw things."

    1. Women aren't "allowed" either. Never said that.

  30. Kidman and Urban- he is in the random photos today.

  31. Halle is a very mean woman herself. I dont feel sorry for her. Karma.

  32. @Sprink - in any other case I would agree with you and call the Count an ill-informed misogynist, but in this case the shoe fits. She's a prime example of someone pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside. She has a history of HORRIBLE choices in men - they're either cheaters or beaters (or both). When she had her first child with a seemingly nice, caring guy it seemed like maybe she'd changed her bad habits. Nope. Turns out the "nice guy" was just a sperm-donor who she tried to legally eliminate from her daughter's life as soon as she was done with him. Then she gets with her latest, who has publicly demonstrated a serious violent streak and she tried again to cut the dad out of the picture to move to France with crazy step-dad. Sometimes I want to punch this girl, and I don't even know her personally.

  33. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. No wonder Enty is saying that they are never together anymore. And he has always been a big manwhore.

  34. Thank you, Tyger Lilly.

    I would like to say that the David Justice restraining order had nothing to do with violence. She was fucking with him when he was trying to get stuff out of the house, and he melted down and said some stupid shit.

    Kneepads article

  35. Didn't Halle win an Oscar for that movie with Billy Bob Torton where she bared her breasts?

    I kinda thought it was just a matter of time, Oliver doesn't have rep of being faithful. I could see Halle not wanting to appear nuts again though, you can only tell the same story so many times. She has blamed all the men in her life & now when it's probably true she's called "wolf" so many times in the past she doesn't come out of it looking good.

  36. As much as is like the Urban/Kidman marriage to go belly up, I don't think this is them.

    Halle B FTW.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      @hothotheat - I agree - he'd be more inclined to do what he's told, and cry, than lash out.

  37. To all the Aaron Paul fans in the audience, he will be guest hosting WWE Raw tonight at 8PM, USA Network.

    @LowKey: "Women can't demand equal rights AND special treatment." Testify, my sista!

  38. Halle. The secret is that her children were conceived with eggs that didn't belong to her. The first baby daddy would go apeshit if he found out, what's his name? The model

  39. Halle has Type II diabetes, and want her kids to possibly inherit the disease, so she used donor eggs.

  40. @epiphany: That is great for her, but, from what I've learned from Detective Benson, it would be a form of rape for her to do it with out the father's knowledge. He consented to reproduce with her, not an egg donor.

    If it was a man who slipped some store bought jizz into his spouse, with out her knowledge, in order to knock her up, no one would be pulling the diabetes card. They would be pulling pitch forks and torches.

  41. @ Count Jerkula - couldn't agree more. Please don't think I'm defending her, just reporting her rationale for what she did.

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  45. Guys, it doesn't have to be an 'either-or' scenario. Men that hit women suck. Women that hit men suck. Either should be prosecuted. If a decent person gets hit, they do what they need to do to get away, physically, and then they get away emotionally. Can't we all live in this world together?!?

  46. Halle's diagnosis of diabetes is suspect as hell. At one point, she claimed to have cured herself of Type 1. Then she switched to Type 2 since she got called out (since Type 1 can't be "cured".) That has been doubted as well.

    Nothing Halle says can be trusted. But I don't get why she would use donor eggs at all. If she went through the trouble of implantation and 9 months of carrying, then why not implant her own viable eggs (they can be harvested from older women) or just use a surrogate?

    On the other hand, Nahla doesn't look anything like Halle. Even her complexion tones are very different. Nahla does look a lot like her father.

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  48. You can't inherit Type II diabetes but you could possibly pass on/inherit Type 1. If she were a Type 1 diabetic conceiving at her age would've been dangerous.

    I agree she seems to be the type to provoke men until they lash out. There are women like this and they make it very hard for everyone around them.

  49. Halle's Oscar is for Monster's Ball. And yes, she's crazy.
