Friday, March 14, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Lea Michele was filming Glee in NYC yesterday with
Darren Criss.
Mila Kunis. I hope she isn't pregnant.
More Mickey Rourke and another tattoo.
Noah premiered in Germany and Emma Watson was there.
Jennifer Connelly looked amazing.
Aaron Paul is in NYC. His movie is going to open strong.
Ashanti thinks about celebrity boxing.
Sandra Bullock after dinner with a director.


  1. Thank you for the Aaron Paul. Must go pull up gif from Sugar for the peepers.

    1. also this
      hubba hubba

      Not sure I like his leather pants he's wearing though. Points off for those.

    2. My.GOD. Sugar!!!! Thank you!!

    3. I know. I really could look at those all damn day. I guess I just need a poster of him for my wall and a notebook full of his pictures from Tiger Beat magazine and I'll be all set to return to Jr. High!

  2. More importantly, who are those strapping fellows next to Emma Watson?

    1. Logan Lerman on the right.

    2. Douglas something. He was in that new Romeo and Juilet. Also that awful Miley Cyrus/Demi Moore LOL shit.

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    What is on Ashanti's pants?...hmmmm...

  4. Damn, Jennifer Connelly. Just DAMN.

    So Emma Watson read about Noah and decided two of the finer specimens of males would do? Good for her.

    If Mila's knocked up, well, good for her. Babies aren't the worst thing that can happen to people who aren't drug-addicted freaks. Ashton might be the worst that can happen to a baby, though. :/ I see Trucker Hat Baby Photos in the fetus's future.

  5. I don't know, Lotta but the dude on the left looks like he's gettin' some Emma sideboob action.

    And I kind of completely and utterly need Sandy B.'s sandals.

  6. They're ripped, anna belle. Click for a closer look.

  7. Mickey Rourke looks like he's shrinking

  8. jennifer... that hair... :\

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    LOL-if you're gonna buy ripped jeans stick with blue

  10. Jennifer is perpetually beautiful, but looks much better with some meat on her bones... that meat being Paul Bettany

    No Mickey... just no more

  11. the pregnancy watch for mila is so stupid. She doesn't look remotely pregnant yet people keep bringing it up for freaking two years now.

  12. the pregnancy watch for mila is so stupid. She doesn't look remotely pregnant yet people keep bringing it up for freaking two years now.

  13. The Lea Michelle Glee pics seem a little déjà vu.

  14. @Sugar and TTM
    Heavens to Betsy! I think you've recruited another Aaron Paul groupie with those gifs

  15. I read that as "Sandra Bullock after dinner with a dictator." Clearly I need a nap.

  16. This is where I get bored again. Kunis, Watson and Connelly all in the Randoms again. I'd even let Mickey Rourke beat the shit out of me in a boxing ring to get at all of em.




  17. @WriterGirl
    Yes, like she looked from the first season or something?

  18. Ashanti should have a better career. Girl is pretty and can sing. JLo has a much better career. Huh.

    Watson may be a huge bitch like they say, but I liked her in the last couple of things I've seen. Esp Bling Ring. She was perfect.

    Jennifer C is forever pretty. But maybe a tiny bit boring?

  19. Jennifer C - lovely but hate the hair.

    Sandy B - sooooo she's not gay?

    LOVE Emma W's dress. Don't care for the hair.

  20. Why "hope" that Mila isn't pregnant right now? She's already accepted that douche nozzle's ring so she will be eventually. NBD.

  21. Jennifer Connelly is gorgeous but I do wish she was a little fuller. Seems like she would be voluptuous if so.

  22. I hear ya on Connelly, Sherry. After 3 kids and her weight loss, she lost the soft, juicy, curvy vibe she had in the 90's. When she turns sideways though, that ass will make yer jaw drop. Must be all the running she does. I seen her on one of the late night shows recently. Side view, when she went in for a "hello" hug was astounding.

  23. Love Sandra's shoes. She actually wears them a lot and I always want!

  24. Love Sandra's shoes. She actually wears them a lot and I always want!
