Thursday, March 13, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

The very lovely Mary Louise Parker.
I swear Mickey Rourke changes his face everyday.
Rose McGowan taking selfies as a way to stay relevant.
Simon Cowell gives a thumbs up after his 11am orgasm.
Selena Gomez looks like she had her wisdom teeth pulled.
Scarlett J doing some press for her new movie. Loose top.
Sarah Jessica Parker makes like she is 19 with her clothes.
Sienna Miller attends a memorial service.
Zac Efron heads off to his car. Blames drinking and drug use on night terrors he had after having sex with Lindsay Lohan. Totally understandable.


  1. Now it makes sense how Zac got himself mixed up with LiLo

  2. MLP is awesome sauce forever.

    Was ScarJo's top ASIAN? I hear tell their tops fall off quite frequently.

    Odd outfit for a memorial service, but who am I to judge?

  3. SJP and Mickey messes. MLP hot mess (at 47?).
    the rest meh.

  4. It's not a selfie if she isn't taking it herself (ie)!

    Oh Mickey Rourke, what in the mother humping hell did you do to yourself?

  5. @TTM, I think this one's vernacular means any photo posted to Instagram or Tumblr or Facebook = selfie.

    I know, right?

    (Missed you, Canuckle!)

    1. I'm guessing he means anything pretty posted for attention then!

      Missed you too, HC! (Honourary Canucklehead)

  6. Mary Louise Parker never enough of her

    totally understandable Zac

    Sienna Miller really has style---she just does--there's something very striking about her--prob how she gets away with all the crap she pulls

  7. Mickey must've gone to Snooki's dentist. I smell a Groupon!

    1. @Sunny - your comments still make my day :-).

      And I saw a clip of Mickey in his young/hot movie days. Such a shame that he's (according to Ent) such an awful person and that he's destroyed his face.

    2. Meant to say saw a clip today. I'm old enough to have seen 9 1/2 Weeks when it came out - que escandaloso!

  8. It is NOT a selfie, if you DON'T TAKE THE PICTURE YOURSELF.

  9. I thought Mickey Rourke was Michael Lohan.

  10. Actually, Selena's swollen face looks like a bulimic's post-purge swelling.

  11. I love enty's comments on the photos

  12. Mary Louise Parker in all her glory.

    Selena's face is really fat. She's going to have lots and lots of chins by the time she's forty. Or else her face and neck will be pulled so tight she won't be able to close her eyes and mouth.

    Whoever the girl is with ScarJo, she's way prettier. And I'll bet ScarJo knows it and is super pissed.

    Sienna Miller a few years back I guess.

    Zac will be 27 in October. He's pretty much lost the twink and is now a very good looking grown-ass man. Fucking guy. That shoud be me in that picture.

  13. Okay esplaine me the ASIAN top thing?! What did I miss??

    And why is a itty bitty blazer a thing?

    1. Something this morning about a random Asian chick sitting on someone famous lap. He's married and her top kept falling. That's all I remember since lunch

  14. @JoElla read all the comments beginning with the first post of the day. It's somewhere way back in early morning coffee time.

  15. Who's the cutie sitting next to ScarJo?

  16. It seems like when I read interviews with MLP she has an attitude. Don't like her.

  17. Gomez

    ScarJo/Other broad tag team


  18. What's up with Mary Louise Parker's face these days? Too much botox? Bad eye lift? What is it?

  19. @Naughty Nurse, thank you. I kept looking at her, thinking that isn't really her, is it?

  20. MLP never seemed to age until she got some work done on her face. Now her face screams she's 50. When will women learn that noticeable plastic surgery just makes you look your age only worse?

  21. THAT'S what it is about Mickey. Veneers that are too big for his mouth. Why people? Also his nose looks different.

  22. I thought Enty was referring to ScarJo’s pregnancy,hence the "loose top"...but what do I know :-)

  23. Maybe my eyes need checking, but I think that is the best I have seen Mickey look in 10 years.

  24. I too thought that Enty was referring to ScarJo being pregnant.

  25. Teeth veneers aside, I think this is the best Mickey's face has looked in many years! I'm happy for him.

  26. Mickey looks great here. He's in amazing shape. His face looks the most Rourkian it's been in decades.

  27. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Simon cowel comment: HA!

  28. @ktmonster it's because the picture is somewhat blurry! HA!

  29. scar jo tag team/mlp (its a tie)

