Friday, March 14, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

A very reluctant Jamie Alexander poses for a photo.
When did Jon Bon Jovi get old?
Josh Duhamel out getting groceries.
Jennifer Garner and Judy Greer. Two of my favorites.
Jared Leto in Ukraine.
Kristen Bell was talking about Veronica Mars last night.

Kate Upton is now a DJ. Apparently anyone can do it Paris.
Lily Allen heads to the races with her husband.


  1. Jared Leto's hair is never frizzy. Betch, what your secret?

    I like Judy Greer. She needs to be in more things.

  2. Josh Duhamel, what are you wearing?? That looks terrible, take it off immediately. And slower.

    That Lily Allen pic looks like it happened right after a big fight, doesn't it. awkward. Dang paps right there

  3. awww 13 going on 30!

    upton is so gross... yes please go hang out with paris.

  4. Josh Duhamel, you can check me out any time.

    If Jen Garner is one of your favorites, why do you always say she calls the paps when she's with her kids? :/ Both JGs are awesome.

    Jared Leto is his own personal Jesus.

  5. love Judy Greer

    I need to see Leto's hair stylist.........

    is it just me or is Upton getting close to plus sized modeling?????

  6. I have some unpopular views to share: first, I don't get the Leto love. Maybe because I'm too old for My So Called Life?? Second, I think Upton's only a thing for her boobies. I'm married to a boob man - I get it - they don't see anything BUT the boobs. It's totally worked for me in my life. But I think that's all Kate's got. And truly, my hat's off to her, if she can make bazillions off her bewbies. But she's only 21 - work fast girl, and save that dinero, before them boobies fall victim to our nemesis, gravity.

  7. If Bon Jovi is getting old there's no hope for the rest of us :(.
    I wish I had seen Kate around town when she lived around town. I wish shed come back occasionally.

  8. I'm...I'm having difficulty reconciling that Jon Bon Jovi photo with this Jon Bon Jovi:

    Who is this guy?

    1. I believe the Versace ad was from 1996, no? That would be him 20 years ago.

      He's like a fine wine, though.

  9. josh duhamel....i so would

  10. old bon jovi... i would still

  11. @frufra, I agree. I don't see the Kate love, outside of her boobs. I think the problem is with execs who see things as, I assume, the majority of men: women with big breast but with the face of a child. Both her and Kerr have that, style? Image? Quality? What do you call that?. Anyhow, I just cannot get my hear around the idea of models being successful because men find childish faces with full grown bodies attractive.
    Kate is thick around the torso too, I supposed she needs that to hold the weight of those puppies, they re heavy!

  12. Judy Greer seems to have a lot of high profile friends, we see her in pics with Katie Holmes sometimes too (starred on Broadway together).

    Loved Judy and Jennifer in Thirteen Going on Thirty.

  13. Wait...1996 was 20 years ago?! Holy crap! What have I been doing all that time?

  14. you've probably been asleep for 2 years too long

  15. Good on Jared Leto. He opened his mouth at the Oscars and now he's walking the walk.

  16. Top 3

    Bell - I saw an upskirt photo and some yoga pants ones yesterday and it made me forget about her inane yapping about paps. I am Pavlov's dog.



  17. I'm too old for the Leto of MSCL days, but damnnnn. I say yesss to Lesus.

    My hubby had multiple surgeries last week, still in the hospital, how is everybody else doing?

  18. I think it's great to see a fellow big boobied, slightly curvy woman as a model. Most look like little boys.

  19. @Renoblondee...I agree. She's not stick thin like the mags and runways like project. That's what I like about her. Realistic shape. Probably pretty stupid tho'.

    Bon Jovi.....omg. I soooooo loved him back in the day.

    I'm too old for MSCL also (although I've seen an episode here and there) but would do him in a heartbeat.

  20. Ladies, don't get me wrong - I'm not objecting to her figure (Upton). I'm merely saying I don't think she's that remarkable looking aside from her boobs. Cute, but not model unique or striking. I'm all about full-figured (although I'm not saying she's heavy or anything, just not a stick) ladies!

  21. Those tittays are gonna head South like a flock of geese in October. ⬇⬇

  22. When did Bon Jovi get old? - 'bout middle of the first song.

  23. I'm guessing Jon got old the day his daughter overdosed on heroin. That would change a guy.

  24. kate upton looks pretty fat in that photo

  25. I am just the right age for MSCL love. There were VHS copies of "the boiler room episode" circulating my high school for months.
    I'm a little tired of Kate Upton's body altogether. Not every model needs to look like a VS angel, but her body isn't even all that interesting in a fit way. She doesn't look good in most clothes IMO and the boobs are everywhere. I'm breastfeeding right now and suffering the indignity of 36F boobies, so I'm down with a curvy figure, but hers just isn't that impressive to me.

  26. I think it's great Upton has a double chin. She knows it and always tries to turtle her neck, but sometimes she forgets and it shows. I think she's cute, but shaped like a toothbrush. Are her boobies real? I think they are paid for, but not from nature.

  27. I think it's great Upton has a double chin. She knows it and always tries to turtle her neck, but sometimes she forgets and it shows. I think she's cute, but shaped like a toothbrush. Are her boobies real? I think they are paid for, but not from nature.

  28. @Henriette: Upton's boobs are most definitely real.
