Friday, March 07, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Billy Baldwin heads over to Alec Baldwin's house to see if he needs help moving.
Brooklyn Decker makes a rare appearance in the photos.
Chris Noth and his baby bump.
David Beckham tries his hand at soccer/volleyball.
David Duchovny poses with a fan in NYC after returning from London.
Dakota Fanning travels with her own pillow.
Diane Kruger has been working out twice a day so must have something about to film.


  1. Yeah, Billy needs to help Alec untangle Hilaria's legs from the steering wheel.

  2. Team Big forEVER!!

    Remember when Billy was the hot Baldwin?

  3. Is it wrong that I still have a kindasortajustalittlebitiamlying crush on David Duchovny?

    1. Not wrong, Seven! I really liked his voice

    2. Right they're with you 7 & TTM.

      And you know that he'd be all up with some super fun kink.

  4. @ttm Team Aiden all the way - and looking at that pic I was right all along.
    David D on his way back to the States after a visit to see the wife?

    1. @Violet: I like a fella with meat on his bones

  5. @ttm he looks like he passed the meat on his bones stage some considerable amount of years ago.

    1. @Violet: all right, I like a fella with a LOT of meat on his bones

  6. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Brooklyn Decker looks great. I'd borrow that dress. Dakota looks the way I feel after a long flight. :-/

  7. Widen was for us violet, Big was for Carrie. He would?d let her do her ditsy bs and then ground her with his sweaty indifference while Aiden would have wanted attention and caring, something she was too self-centered to supply.
    Your basic cat ( Big) vs dog (Aiden) affection wise... ;-)

    1. Orrrr, it's because he was crazy effing hot.

  8. Widen? Spellczheck I was talking about Aiden not

  9. does walking to the box of wine count as working out? cause if it does i work out way more than diane

  10. Alec is only moving to the penthouse…
    Saw them in the street the other day, so funny, she was babbling non-stop and he was tuning her out…this is not going too last.

    1. Agreed and its going to be ugly when it does

  11. Agree. As much as I adore Carrie, Aiden was way too sweet and caring for her. Big and her matched.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      ^5..I lost respect for Carrie during the aiden episodes. She was not worthy.
      Aiden is a woman's ultimate goal. Big is the guy u learn from whilst in your early twenties. Carrie was too old for that crap. She should have known better.

  12. Guys! They are totally gonna make fun of us for talking about this!!

    But! Aidan wanted Carrie to be something she was not, a country housewife. Nothing wrong with that, but would ANYONE look at Carrie and say "that chick belongs in an apron out in the woods"? Big was the same type of urban animal. That's why he was a better fit, they actually had something in common.

    And Carrie wasn't all self-centred, she cared very much about all her friends. And her shoes.

    and now comes the making fun

    1. ITA! I couldn't stand Aiden and always thought Big was the hot one. Of course Baryshnikov was hot too ;)

  13. I stopped caring who Carrie ended up with because she was such a narcissistic asshole that it was possible to give a crap.

  14. How could anyone make fun? Satc was you know, just like real life.
    I hated Carrie for what she did to the beautiful Aiden. Bitch.

  15. TTM..Yep, way too invested girl!

    Canadachick..Absolutely acceptable exercise.

    Remember when Brooklyn Decker was everywhere? And then along came that other blonde model with big boobs. Her name escapes me now.

  16. Replies
    1. Mikhail Barishnakov was so hot back in the White Nights days

    2. TTM That man is still fine as hell. Tiny, but he turns ladies into panty pudding in person. And he survived Jessica Lange.

  17. I like Brooklyn's dress.

    He'll always be Mike Logan to me.

    1. @gayeld, now Mike Logan was very sexy. Tough Irish cop who was willing to pay the consequences for his temper...aaaand stand for justice!

  18. That scene where she was trying to get Aiden back after having an affair with Big makes me want to slap her. Remember she's acting like no biggie, let's just get back together and he yell's "YOU BROKE MY HEART!" and she runs off acting like HE'S being unreasonable.
    Anywhoo, yep WAY too invested.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      OMG..OMG..OMG! I was gonna say something about that scene. It made me teary. I've never been so emotional about the events in a TV show before that scene. Lol

      Well not since Meredith Baxter. Did thàt Betty Broderick movie. but that's a whole other thing...

  19. @ renoblondee, I took her running good riddance. Aiden represented the home/hearth/children choice that women try to make ( that fantasy that it Could be either/or Instead of a blend) vs Big's career/ fab friends/loft choice.
    Yep, WaY too invested...:-\

  20. I get the distinct feeling some people watched a lot of Sex and the City.......

    1. IKR, 7? Apparently it's about some guy named Aiden. And shoes.

    2. @7 I only watched the SATC movies. Never the regular episodes.

  21. Duchovny WASN'T in London - he was sighted all over New York City in the past several weeks. Fail!

  22. LOL Waaay too invested, too right, Sherry. Aiden was exactly the example of what women are supposed to want, the reality is that not all women want that : home / hearth / children.

    And that was a great episode, Reno, Carrie had to actually see the damage she's done, even if he was totally wrong for her. I always think of her breaking out in hives in a wedding dress when I see Aiden.

    I know, I know!! Too much

    and I liked Mike Logan, but I LOVED Michael Moriarty

  23. Could not stand aiden. My god he was all up in her grill 24/7, so frigging annoying. That scene where he broke thru the wall i was so thinking like carrie, ugh, get the freak out!! He was just to clingy and needy to me.

  24. Anonymous2:44 PM
    Aiden was willing to let Carrie b Carrie. The OCCASIONAL stay at home with me is a minor sacrifice.

  25. Never watched satc, but there's no way anybody can mock with any validity. Observe:

    1: I mock you for your lame satc love
    2: lol satc is sooooo lame, you waist you're time loozers, lol
    1: I waft sarcastic derision in your general direction

    All: you're on a fucking gossip blog, you can't look down your nose at anyone's time allocations. Shut up.

    1. Alita! I so agree! Their fathers probably all smelt of elderberries! :b

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      After Googling elderberry. I came up empty. I don't know what u mean. Is it an elixir that sappy women take as a cure? That's the closest I got in terms of comprehension. I'm lost. HELP.

    3. @fancy, it's a Monty Python joke. I am not a Monty Python fan but that sketck/skit never fails to amuse!

  26. Anonymous4:27 PM


    U r an awesome broad.


  27. Who gives a flying fuck about sex and the city? Get a fucking life, honky bitch losers. Ride some big black cock and got your white ass turned out.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I'm glad I didn't watch satc.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      It could have Been one more tool towards your arsenal in getting laid. All we needed was your blank stare, occasional nod and mock interest. Sandybrook

  29. Anonymous5:50 PM


    Ha! That was funny. I know of MP but I'm guessing I was too young to get the humor back in the day. Benny hill had comical movement and funny music with his dirty jokes so I got that.

    Im remebering MP/ Benny hill being around at the same time (as far as american tv) but i could b wrong. Dont want to sound like an idiot. Lol

    Saved that clip. Thanks.

    1. @fancy, same here. I still don't get the Stooges, the Beatles, and occasionally get Monty Python. If you're an idiot, well, I join you with pride. And queue up IT Crowd.

    2. @7 I'm with you on The Beatles. I didn't know we were allowed to say that... Ya know, out loud.

    3. @Kristin, I thought so, too, until a few months back when I confessed I didn't like Paul McCartney, and other people came out of the same closet. We're not alone!

  30. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries! That is THE BEST.

    Of course I'm French, why do you think I speak with this ouuuutrageous accent!

  31. Yeah well...but I like my blank stare I learned it from NYC subway girls.

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      ya gotta sit really still and stare off into space. One move attracts the attention of the subway crazies. U never wanna b "that person" that the crazy focuses on. Lol

  32. Loving the MP retrospective :)

    Dead Parrot

  33. Okay, me and auntliddy have already talked about one of our favourite episodes, the one where Smith waits for Samantha while she's boning Richard to prove she doesn't love Smith, what are your guy's fave epis?? Lets all be mocked together!!

  34. @ Sevenpoints There were two or three sightings of Duchovny in the UK last week. It seems you missed them.

  35. @Sherry - I think you're thinking of Kate Upton?

  36. Those Baldwin boys do NOT age well...

  37. Really wish Enty would get on with the blinds this morning. some of us successfully avoided a hangover from last night and need something to do before brunch drinking begins. Thinks of your kids, Enty!

  38. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Someone go and knock on his window - rise and shine Enty, your readers await!

  39. @rom.d There was one sighting and the guy was joking if there were others- provide proof Oh wait your lot cannot! Stop making things up to fit your sick and twisted agenda. FAIL AGAIN!

  40. @Sevenpoint. I'm sorry but there were like 3 different sightings. Stop vomiting your hatred on me. Deal with it:)

  41. Okay rom.d show me the sightings

  42. @Sevenpoints Use your fingers and your eyes, and go through tweeter and fb. If you frequent xf or DD forums you'll be able to find them too.

  43. @Sevenpoints, and while you are at it, show me where the guy literally said he was joking please:)

  44. @rom. d - THERE ONE WAS TWEET I'll say it slowly because you are mentally challeneged and even though you like to make things up (given your twitter account) you cannot prove there were any others! NO I can't prove the guy was joking - but it stands to reason that David wasn't hanging out with him. I understand sarcasm as well as reason and real proof. You lack understanding of all three.

  45. @Sevenpoints Read what I write in the speed you want:) There were like 3 different sightings. It stands to reason to YOU, because that's what you want to believe. Number two, I don't have a twitter account, no matter how much you insist:) And number three, don't you know any other way of communicating which doesn't involve aggression and name-calling or high-school bullying? Nah, you and your kind evidently don't because you never matured:)

  46. @ rom. d If you provide links to legitimate sightings I will publicly apologize to you. All I am asking is for a litlle proof - I can't find it - you obviously saw things - why not share?

  47. Why lie to the fans, David Duchovny is not in London, he was seen in NYC during the week of this photo.

