Thursday, March 13, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Alec Baldwin is still in NYC.
Umm, your guess is as good as mine when it comes to Britney Spears.
Chloe Sevigny out and about and looking for work. Probably. I told you her show wasn't very good. The ads are way better than the result.
Eva Longoria and those bangs are back.
Yeah, even Elisabeth Moss gets a laugh out of them.
Emmy Rossum goes see through.
Emma Watson practices her hand gestures for when she gets engaged.
Ed Westwick after working out.
Kristin Cavallari showing off her baby bump.


  1. I wonder if Alec knows Hilaria calls the paps in the meantime he always poses.
    Elizabeth Moss needs a lot of work done.
    Eva looks like she had some work done

  2. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Mmm I won t say a word about Brit s outfit. someone pls change her pills. fast! she is in Vegas for god sake

  3. Oh, Eva Longoria. I hope those are clip on bangs.

    Chuck Bass!

  4. dont think chloes a good actress
    her whiny voice blah

  5. Alec is getting fat again..........needs to cut back on the drink

    Emmy R. looking lovely......I know one of the entys doesn't like her or is that Lainey??

    at least Moss doesn't rely on her looks to get acting jobs........she may not be technically beautiful but she is attractive and talented.....too bad she is in that cult

  6. Rajah, I believe neither Lainey or Enty like Rossum

    Isn't Britney wearing one of those weight-cutting tops wrestlers use?

  7. Kristin Whatserpickle looks great here! So pretty. Too bad about the vapidness.

    I think Alec has gained since the wedding, must be happy! Or really unhappy, so hard to say.

    I used to have the most age inappropriate crush on Ed Westwick back in the day and I can honestly see now that I was crazy.

  8. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Saw a dude wearing a whole outfit like Britney's shirt, hiking/running up a mountain outside of Phoenix in scorching heat. Weight loss attempt?

  9. Why is Eva trying to morph into Kimmy K?!

  10. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Elisabeth had that sweet insecurity that people that grew up not the pretty one have...she can act & I always like that she didn't try to go get alot work done, etc or sleep around, she actaully works with acting coaches

  11. "Yeah, even Elisabeth Moss gets a laugh out of them."

    One of her body thetans probably had them in the 50s.

  12. I have finally come to grips with the fact that Alec isn't Jack Donaghy, and that I hate him. But dang if he isn't pretty fine with that extra weight back on. Hello, Chubby Chasers Anonymous?

    1. Frufra, guuuurl, I'm with you

    2. Make that three of us!

    3. @Chubby Chasing friends - I love it! Gotta have our boys with a little meat on their bones!

  13. Maybe Britney's roasting a turkey in there?

  14. P: Rossum

    M: Chloe

    B: Watson

  15. Isn't that one of those weight loss suits. Most people do not wear them out of the house or maybe they do in Phoenix according to CocoaBB.

    True..wearing your coat slung over your shoulders and not having your arms in it was very in at NY Fashion week.

    Don't get the Chuck Bass hot. I find him very unattractive.

    Supposedly Emmy is a raving beeyotch to people around her and some seasoned actor read her once for being unkind to the support people on a show.

  16. Either that or a suicide attempt, CocoaBeachBunny.

  17. Kristins bag....want - that is all

    1. Brit in 80s space suit for weight loss.

      I came here for the bag, too, canadachick. Don't care about Kristin Whasernsme.

  18. I think being married to Hilaria is driving Alec to cheeseburgers, and his weight gain might just be the beginning of a trek up into 300 lb. territory. I think the boy has it in him to be fucking huge.

    Eva Longoria doesn't look bad at all. I'm starting to like her more and more. Wonder if I have a shot?

    With my luck I'll probably end up with Elisabeth Moss.

    But I'll gladly settle for Rossum Possum. .... and her friend.

    Westwick has a boo boo on his knee. Probably got it from kneeling down in some parking lot.

  19. Kristin looks freaking adorable.

  20. The internet says Alec's 6' tall. I'm something of an expert on men of that approximate height and build; I'd say AB's pushing 250 maybe. Maybe between 225 and 250. I concur, Harry - three bills is a possibility.

  21. Alec Baldwin just bought the 12 million dollar penthouse in the same building he's living in…moving ? I think not.

  22. Alec Baldwin just bought the 12 million dollar penthouse in the same building he's living in…moving ? I think not.

  23. Hilarious is obviously with Alec for his stunning good looks.

  24. Anonymous2:03 PM

    What Britney's wearing is the top half of a sauna suit. It's a plastic weight-cutting suit that normally people like wrestlers, boxers, or MMA fighter use to lose water weight in a very quick amount of time (usually just a few hours) to make whatever weight they are competing at.

    They're very dangerous, and shouldn't be used by non-pro athletes ever. They cause you to become dangerously dehydrated very quickly, so much so even some of the best athletes in the world have been hospitalized, collapsed, etc. from using them. And there's the risk of death if you use them and your kidneys shut down from the rapid dehydration.

    It's beyond idiotic for her to be using one of those.

  25. OT: where are Lady Heisenberg & Blondie! lately?

    1. I was gonna say! What about lesbianeatwhat?? too? She was such a ray of sunshine

    2. Lesbianeatwhat said she was busy with work and would be chatting on the weekend... That was back in January.

    3. And what about Stepforded?

    4. I know I'm coming back 》》》》
      From the future here 《《《

      But lesbianseatwhat was a killer CDaN friend!

      Blondie! Was around in the past couple weeks, don't know when Stepforded was last in. Bacon thinks she's Annanonymous ... I miss Anna. Sigh.

  26. How many shots of Britney Spears looking like a gutter bum do we have to endure? Enough already. Christ.

  27. Step was here within the past few days.

    somebody called LadyH a troll and told her to STFU so I think she left but she had her thesis or whatever to work on so maybe that's why.

    Blondee! Has more important things to worry about like finding a job and place to live.

  28. Who HASN'T been called a troll on CDaN?! Just been checking in at nights lately. I'll read so long as VIP, Count and my other favorites keep posting! Shit has seriously been crazy up in here though!

    @Count: How about that TD finale?! Seriously, thanks for inspiring me to finally tune in.

  29. @Lady: I enjoyed it. So many people were poo pooing it, hoping for some ludicrous twist ending, but that isn't the show. It was about reality and how shit clutters it. All the red herrings, like Woody's daughter and her art work, were there to cloud reality, distract from the facts and keep you guessing. The lawnmower man finger banging his sister-wife was a little much for me.

    I will be amazed if Matt Mc doesn't win the Emmy. I will be amazed if they can make next season as good as this one. And I will be amazed if they can get a group broads to get naked as hot as the group they had this year.

    I don't even know if I am capable of ranking Woody's 3 women from the show. It is the titties, the ass and the youth. I would be ecstatic to have any of them chained in my basement.

  30. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Just the other day I was wondering about Rach, too...

  31. Love the insight & agree although you may wanna delete that, so you don't spoil such an amazing show. I agree that the ending was logical. The fact that viewers feel so let down and want answers dammit only speaks to how well it was written and how effectively it resonated with viewers. In the end, TD was really just about two troubled men and their bromance. Not the case. Plus, you can never really get them all, right? ;)
    Oh, and of course, a shout out to TTM, Wiglet, 7 et al. Goodnight CDaN, thank god it's almost FFF!

  32. I'm not worried about deleting anything. Anyone who has been watching has seen the finale. Anyone who starts the series after today, and makes it more than an episode and a half in, isn't going to be bothered by anything I said.

  33. My father just found one of those sauna/weight loss outfits in his house. Top and bottoms. He had no idea what it was or where it came from. After I told him no one in their right mind would ever use it he stuck it on a pile of clothes to donate. I wonder if Britney ended up with it.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. right on poni-tayl. Everytime I get on to read it's canuckle this and aboot that. JFC.

  35. WOW...yep, I said that, & meant every word for the rest of us follwers.
    So go blow the Count if u don't like it. (I would recommend a condom)...

    1. Poni-Taylor if you meant every word, why did you delete it?

    2. Same song, different sock puppet.

    3. The deletion took some of the part away from that emphatic statement.

      I h8 comment/deleters!

  36. Wow, poni-tayl - tell us how you really feel!

    If posts by TTM or anyone else bother you, try scrolling. Much better than insulting someone who's well-liked. Makes you look small and petty.

  37. I know SURFER...I'm just sick & tired of their CR@p...sorry, no offense to U.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Except if it's Sunny doing the deleting.

      Sunny can always whatever she wants and is perfection.


  39. HA HA Sunny!
    "This is where I tell You if I had dick I would tell you to to suck it"... Thanks for your support

  40. @ponytayl...seriously? TTM's posts are what bugs you and leads you to spew venom all over this post? Not the vile racist shit? Really?!

    Methinks your ponytail is too fucking tight.

  41. @Poni-tayl: First, I would not accept a BJ w/ a rubber. Maybe if it was a challenge, like "last 20 minutes and you can fuck my ass" but if it was a chick on a date, I would get up and leave and it would be the last date.

    Second, if you have complaints about the comments, take it up with the site owner, and see what that gets ya. This site will never be what you want, what TTM wants, or what I want. It will always be what Fugazi Enty wants, and we all know Fugazi Enty is nothing more than a Click Whore. That is why he ignores his acolyte Moo when she complains about me.

  42. No need to be a cunt Poni it's not your site so STFU

  43. Serious question: there are dozens of commenters who comment every day, on almost every thread. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why TTM gets singled out. I'm not trying to be bitchy. I swear. I have read this blog close to 3 years, and I love seeing regulars (and we all know the regulars do a changing of the guard every half year right? It's written into the by-laws)

    Anyway, sorry to drone on but I just find it bizarre that someone who is funny and welcoming is being attacked in such a regular basis. Is it because she's a Mom? Because when I was home with my babes I HAD to have an adult outlet. Please stop being so stinkin judgemental

    Chill oot

  44. Serious question: why can't TTM chat with people wherever she wants to? People initiate convos with her all the time because she's funny and a nice person. I guess I just don't understand why her posting holds you back from posting whatever or wherever you feel like posting. Why can't everyone just coexist and do their thing here? There's plenty of room to cross talk and have multiple conversations going on at the same time. I think that is the point of this whole she-bang. To have fun and make some CDaN friends is why I'm here.

    TTM would certainly never be rude to you for posting whatever you feel like posting. Don't know why you need to be so unkind to her. And me? I suppose I may be included as a g'friend?

    1. @sugar
      I'm almost afraid to ask what year you were born

  45. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Hi Poni-Tayl. Thanks for expressing your opinion. Opinions are always welcome. You are in fact, singling out TTM but I'll let her deal with your criticism. She is by no means the only one who carries on conversations with friends here.

    I'm surprised that you speak on behalf of a lot of regular followers. How did you all communicate and come up with a spokesperson? I'm glad you had the balls to write this using your own username, that takes guts!

    If I don't care to read what someone writes, I scroll on by. It makes life easier and I don't have to get upset. No one is denying you the opportunity to write a comment, make a guess or speak your mind.

    A lot of us ARE reading books elsewhere and the book club HAS been started elsewhere. Do you feel left out? Not part of the hen party? Too bad, we're a fun bunch of beeches. And bassturds.

    @Count makes me laugh sometimes - so what? Doesn't mean I want to give him a bj. (Sorry, Count)

  46. People target TTM because they see her as an easy mark. She never posts anything nasty, always comes off as nice and kind, so they think they can go after her and not catch any reach around.

  47. It's cool Cocoa. I can accept worn panties, or bathroom mirror selfies, in lieu of BJs.

    Unknown's "canuckle this and aboot that" made me laugh.

    I must say that this site has humanized Canuckistanis for me. I'm still conflicted about it. My only previous interactions with Canadians were a couple of tools at a bike event and talking with pornographer Brandon Iron, of He is a little too cordial and mellow, unless you get him on the subject of money. Only people I ever heard him say anything bad about were porn companies who ripped him off. Amazing how he drummed up the hate for all those Slap Happy videos.

  48. I come here for the human interaction more for the blinds. You can't say boo at work without someone dragging your but into hr. You are my peeps and you get me. 8 hours with a..holes. I need an outlet to be me without repercussions. I work with 25-65 year old babies. Ttm- is funny and I like friendly fire just as much as @count incite full views. Regular Rainbow Room her. But I need my outlet- or this betch be crazy umkay!!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am stealth. I only come out when cunts think they can tell people what to do. Rest of us?? Who the fuck do you think you speak for

  50. Did you hear that Sharks? Radio silence for 5 days. Let's give the Jets some time to shine


  51. Nice Dick-wad comment

    1. I think you are rude, but I am going to delete my first comment because I think it hit too close to home. Apologies

    2. I literally just laughed myself sober because this fool called Sunny a dickwad.

  52. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Gang-up? Nah. Most comments were polite and honest expressions of opinion and suggestions for how to deal with posts you don't want to read. Again, NO ONE is preventing you from having your say or contributing. (I don't wanna sux your dick either.)


  53. Club Too Cool

    Ugh. Knew I'd regret posting again today. I don't think they're hanging up on you. But I'm a little confused. Your complaints are welcome and you have the right to say whatever the fuck you want on here. Some posters can TTM (including myself) and you're not wrong about some things.

    Your main gripe was against this pack of "hens," right? But you milked this pecking order when you addressed the CDANer who is more or less mama hen in your formulation. Count is right that TTM is an easy target but she's also an effective one. Get the white shark, not the guppy. With all due respect, if you wanted your post to have no impact, you should have dissed me.

    No hate, just saying. Oh, and don't bother telling me to fuck off again. I've got this.

  54. This is nice:
    Sunny has left a new comment on the post "Random Photos Part Five":

    I think you are rude, but I am going to delete my first comment because I think it hit too close to home. Apologies

    I have no idea what :Sunny is referring to, but I felt the need for you all to jump back on that bandwagon you all hate me for, so just go for it.

  55. "Nice gang up, why don't you all be stealth for 5 days and see what the rest of us would like to say/contribute without your negative comments that you ALL can't wait to post.
    (i don't have a dick, but u can all still SuX it clubbers) "

    Telling people to go away? Dude, flat out, Fuck You. You want the site different, buy it and do something about it. Otherwise take a Midol and some chocolate, and stop yer friggin whining.

    "Eveything isn't how I want it. WAAAAAAAA. In real life I bitch those around me into submission to get my way, but that doesn't work on the net. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

    Suck on that, Honey.

    1. I'm finding myself very sickly attracted to you right now.

    2. @SuSu: well you better send your age and location along with a selfie real quick, before the feeling passes. The sicker and more depraved the better. Email is in my profile ;)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. #teamfindCounta Jerkuladywithinpetrolrange


  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I love the smell of a meltdown in the morning.

  57. @ Count, U R so miniscule.
    That's it, nothing more.
    It's amazing I noticed 1 of your ignorant posts.
    :SILENCE 2 U

  58. Dude...."Count Jerk-Off- U're a dickhead & always will be, we all expect that from you aZZwipe. "
    All the bestXh0es

  59. Yer a chicken shit who won't go after anyone who doesn't give a shit about being polite.

    The only thing miniscule about me is my cock. On here, I'm a SuperStar. I have screen caps confirming as much.

    In conclusion, you are the one who needs to start doling out BJs, then you can land a dude to henpeck during Shark Week, instead of putting yourself on display for the world to ridicule.

  60. DUDE???? WTF? Are U from another country? What the hell was that rambling...
    OK, so I need to do WHAT? HUH?
    OH, You MUST be a CHICA?

    1. "Are U from another country?"

      Whaaatt?!?! There's people in here not from the US? Tha fuqqqq did that happen?!?!?!

  61. Blogger Poni-Tayl said...

    @ Count, U R so miniscule.
    That's it, nothing more.
    It's amazing I noticed 1 of your ignorant posts.
    :SILENCE 2 U

    Blogger Poni-Tayl said...

    Dude...."Count Jerk-Off- U're a dickhead & always will be, we all expect that from you aZZwipe. "
    All the bestXh0es

    LOL. So much for silence for me. I stuck yer face in it, so now I'm in yer head. Lets cut to the chase, tell me your location, age, height and jeans size. Yer gonna have bad thoughts and dreams about me, so we might as well figure out how doable this is.

  62. Blogger Poni-Tayl said...

    DUDE???? WTF? Are U from another country? What the hell was that rambling...
    OK, so I need to do WHAT? HUH?
    OH, You MUST be a CHICA?


    You play stupid better when yer not trying.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. dumm..duh..duhhhh..dummm........

  65. Blogger Poni-Tayl said...

    Little du-dette Count, I am a 6' tall athlete, married to a baseball player, we are both very athletic.
    don't fuck with me. PERIOD


    I knew it all had to do with yer period.

    6' tall, that could be fun. Now Age, Location and Jeans Size. You don't have to play coy about it, just dish it out.

  66. You think I'm a rookie and don't know to cut and paste yer comments? Plus, I'm subscribed to the comment thread, so I get them as emails.

    1. Count FTW

      Careful Count. Her man plays baseball..,You do NOT fuck with those guys! Haven't you seen the Sandlot?!

  67. If they gonna hunt me down and beat me up I can take it. As I've told a few fellas in bars, "My daddy was 6'2, 240 and I could take his best punch when I was 14. Whatta you got for me?"

    Maybe hubby is at spring training, so she got no one to vent to?

    Anyway, if her hubby plays for the Yankees, I wish him luck. If not, eh.

    Good night all.

  68. Ummm, who doesn't know how to "cut & paste", You just need to make sure you don't post anything you want repeated, Count Jack-U-azz...
    You don't "read" too bright here as you're posting. So you wanna argue with me for my opinions?

    I got u all by myself

  70. Goodnight, enough is enough. Let's maintain an adult respectful status, if that's possible now.
    Sorry to the rest of you "adults" for the interruption/intermission.

  71. How did I know you would pop back in soon as I said good night? ;)

    "They" is you and yer baseball playin hubby, Sweetcheeks. If you wanna keep this between us, that is cool. I dont have much experience with being watched

    I dont post anything online that I need to worry about being repeated. Please dont start projecting. After projecting, the next part of the spin cycle is semantics arguing and that bores me.

    I dont read too bright, you are correct. If I put my intellect on full display all the time i'd never be able to catch a huckleberry.

    Now you gonna tell me your age and jeans size? Or you could email me a selfie. Just write "COUNT" on ya in lipstick or eyeliner, so I know it aint a fake.

    Yer opinions aint worth arguing over. You went after TTM because you know she is too nice to retaliate. You told people to stop posting because you dont like them. Yer a wackadoodle who dont delve into reality much, and dont like it when people introduce you to reality.

    Ima bet yer hubby has better road stats huh? Yer probably a handful to deal with during homestands.

  72. You have GOT to be kidding, Pony-Tayl! Today is the first time I've posted all week! How on earth anyone can find us saying hi to each other annoying is so far beyond me I just don't get it. Are you saying that it's affecting the seriousness and integrity of A GOSSIP SITE??

  73. Also, Sunny, Cocoa, Meanie, Lady H (I think?), sugarbread, Sugar, CunTuesday, surfer and the count; thanks, guys, you're awesome! You get that I would never deliberately TRY to be annoying. It just comes natural.

  74. I love TTM! - long time lurker, different time zone

    1. Thanks, som!! Yay for commenting from lurking!

  75. Wow, that's a lot of pent up rage you decided to delete.

    8/10 times VIP nails the blind in under a minute. What else is there to do besides talk to one another when the dishes are already done? I've been reading this site for 6-7 years. It has always gone off-topic. If you want serious discussion try the UN General Assembly rather than a third tier gossip blog.

    Even the Count went to the mat for TTM, so you may want to reevaluate who you try to go after next time you bitch and delete.


    1. Wigs, I told you I was gonna get it for all the OT. Stabby

    2. It's her opinion, TTM. And not a seemingly popular one, or all these other readers she claims share the sentiment would have shown up.

      Or maybe they don't know since she extinguished her bat signal.

    3. I did save it, if you wanted me to re-post. Technically, it's about all of us, but I don't know if we need any more negativity. Want it, or no?

  76. Count, I usually view you with a delicate mixture of inspired awe and paralyzing terror, but this was some fine work you did here.

  77. Good morning, everyone. It's hell being an early morning commenter...:-)
    If anyone wants another perspective,
    Keeping this site going is a hard job, if it weren't for TTM, Sugar, Wiglet( kristen:-D ), and Seven to name a few of my many friends on this site, this place would be a wasteland.
    It would be all +1 and ditto after VIP throws her " guess " out( like other sites)
    knowing I can drop in on my lunch break and find people to interact and giggle with, keeps me going.
    And being so dedicated is Hard, Y'all!
    I just want to Thank You ALL ( named and unnamed ) for the hours of enjoyment, spent gossiping about people I couldn't pick out of a lineup, as the pretext for some great fun.

  78. To the haters:
    When you snap, feel your going to snap, or just think you can't take Anymore...walk away
    I just wish I could take back my own outbursts.

  79. Love you too, wiglet, love you too :-D

  80. Wow - this one blew up. Epic and awesome. Count for the WIN.

  81. TTM, missed ya girl. I have tried ( on my days off) to duplicate your dedication to this site and us. and I get nothing done!
    I mean Nothing! I get so excited to hang out instead of lurking :-D I can't tear myself away...
    I checked,Any you canucks are on my time zone, so if your up at 5 am...just saying. :-)

  82. Hey Steamy, missed you too, lady.

  83. TTM, you be you. I love you " warts and all" :-) and if you let the stone casters change you...many would mourn.
    Kindness is hard to find and generosity of spirit, harder. Don't give up on us to please the haters... It will never happen.

    1. I know, Steamy. It really is posts like this that make me keep posting. I took almost the whole week off because of someone like that (and sick kids) and still comes the shite when I come back. I guess not everyone wants to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with us.

  84. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Morning all! Imma guess the Count will be a little late reporting in today. When polite difference of opinion doesn't work, count on Count. Keep on rockin in the free world, TTM.

    1. Thanks, Cocoa. Hey, have you heard from Blondie! at all?

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      No, TTM. Not sure what her story is.

  85. Love Chloe's dress too.

    Brit Brit is wearing that to either try to lose water weight...or detoxing.

    Emmy Rossum has tried so hard to change her image from prissy little girly girl to vixen. I think she finds she gets more attention that way, instead of made fun of.

  86. ok then

    TD rocked the finale and the whole season.......MM is on such a roll right now

  87. Who the f*%# is Emmy rossum?
    I know so many people that fucked Chloe S it's not even funny!!! GROSS!
    Also just started TD, I am loving it so far, and fir the record, I just skipped comments with spoilers into Em, it's not too hard to do....
    Pony, anyone else with unnecessary feelings of hatred towards a blog and people they don't t know, let all the air out of your lungs, take the joint put it to your mouth, inhale allt he way and HOLD for at least 10 seconds then exhale. Repeat a few times or until joint is done.

  88. @Poni-Tayl I would be busy just when someone needs me. Not liking TTM is not liking kittens...or puppies. What the hell? Jellus.

  89. @Poni-Tayl WTF!!!! Maybe you don't like Canadians? Sorry, bitch, there's a lot of us on here. I had no idea you were like this. You owe TTM an apology. I could count on one finger the things that Count and TTM agree about, but even he is more civil (hard as it is for me to say).

  90. Wow! TTM you weren't kidding! Epic ridiculousness! Makes me mad!! Thanks Count for fighting that hater off! And TTM you're too nice for any sane person to dislike you. Ignore the bullshit keep being sweet you. Besides I like having your posts around, makes me cheery - if that's a word?

  91. God damn. Is Random Photos 5 becoming the lunatic fringe gathering site?

    Count - I've said it before and I'll say it again: I fucking love you.

    TTM - You keep painting this place with your amazingness and ignore the trifling bitches.

    1. Seems like these things blow up on the last post of the day.

  92. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Fun fact: Bee Haven appeared almost exactly one month after Rach Around left, also in Random Photos #5. You're right, Disco and Texas, if you want to come unhinged or start a fight, this is the place.

  93. The only random photos I didn't subscribe to. Of course.
    This happens once every couple of months with the fights. I don't understand how anyone could hate on TTM. She's so sweet and funny! Love you guys!

  94. @Kristin: "Inspired awe and paralyzing terror", nice. Thank you.

    @Cocoa: "Spring Forward" always fucks up my ability to sleep and wake up at human hours.

    @Kgrl420: Any good stories about Chloe gettin tapped? Ya figure if she gonna blow a dude is an absolutely worthless film, she'll get pretty nasty w/o cameras around.

    @Leek: I appreciate your honesty and open mind.

    @APyatt: No problem. My hope is to one day beat off enough h8rz that a kind woman will beat me off.

    @Disco: Right back atcha, Betch.

    @Ethorne: At least they are stimulating the economy, by providing Fugazi Enty with clicks. That is much better than takin our jobs.

  95. Dammit, I miss one day... ONE DAY!
    I coulda had sooo much fun...

  96. Pony-Pubes doesn't speak for me, as I think all of you are Hilaria!

    TTM you're sweet and fun.

    Count, Ron Jeremy bows down to you.

    Has anyone considered that this shite stirrer is the same chick (with a variety of names) that seems to have a major personality disorder? I've no idea which personality disorder as I'm not in that business, but def has one. Holy crap. Attacks for no reason and always has an issue with the same posters, or those similar to them.

  97. Dear Lord! Came back to see this after someone mentioned today. We adore you TTM. Nice job Count, Jerkuladies unite!

  98. @Poni-tayl: I am now going to extend an olive branch. Google the email you contacted me from, and click the second link. I will not share or use any of that info, no matter what you say on here. You are lucky that I don't have the same issues you obviously have. That is how this should end.

    Concentrate on making these wonderful comments you talk about having in you, not shitting on other posters.


    @Dingle: Ron would only bend over if he saw a penny on the ground, but that you for the sentiment ;)

  99. How great is Count? That's a gentleman's response. Now I feel like a dick.
    Ron Jeremy would tip over these days. Well, his built in tripod would prop him up, you're right, he'd pull out his kick-stand and get that penny.

  100. How great is Count? That's a gentleman's response. Now I feel like a dick.
    Ron Jeremy would tip over these days. Well, his built in tripod would prop him up, you're right, he'd pull out his kick-stand and get that penny.

  101. Oh here we again with the stereotypes. Wonderful.

  102. Also adding, my hubby has been in critical care unit for last week, and I missed all this. People like Count, 7, VIP, TTM, Ware, Lotta, Vera, Reno, Kristen, Charlie, etc make this site. It's for fun, quit trying to make it something serious!

  103. @di butler - good thoughts in your direction, hope he's on the mend.

    @TTM - you know people heart you here! Stay cool :)

    Dickheads that blow a gossip site comment forum into #camps and #teams make me lol.

    It's the curse of Random #5!

    Not to be an asshole about it, but I'd like to see the original Pony Tayl post ... I expect it's pretty awesomely stupid, based on the rest of the awesome Pony comments. "Oooh, *my* husband's a gladiator and I'm a Valkyrie, I'm better than you morons that choose to spend your time in exactly the same way I do. "

  104. di butler, hope hubby is making a speedy recovery.
    I think half of the antagonists are paid posters to bring in clicks. Names seem to pop up posting in full force, wear out their welcome, and then are replaced by others. I may be 100% off, but it just seems weird.

  105. Damn I always miss the best threads.

  106. @Candyland: Thanks.

    @Di: Thanks for including me in the list.

    @Dingle: Thanks. I believe in a separation between online and real life. There are tons of lunatics around the net who don't.

    @Sherry: You got a dude that 5'8, 38DDs are making happy. Don't sell yerself short.

    @Alita: Thanks for trying to help.

    @Surfer: If your stereotype comment was directed at my Ron Jeremy comment, it isn't a stereotype, he is a cheap prick. Ask anyone who has had interactions with him. When he had his health scare last year, I read many such stories on porn sites.

    @Lute: That wouldn't surprise me, but I think it would be more the writers/admins than straight paid posters. Also you have to consider that many people turn to the net to kill time while in between jobs, which may have to do with the frequent 2-3 months then gone.

  107. Maybe Count. Just seems some of the comments are made with the intent of provoking more comments.

  108. @Di. I hope your hubby is well. I always enjoy your posts and insider knowledge.

    @Sherry. Have a good weekend and see you Monday I hope.
