Saturday, March 01, 2014

Philip Seymour Hoffman Died From "Acute Mixed Drug Intoxication"

There were not many drugs that Philip Seymour Hoffman didn't have in his body at the time of his death. yesterday the Chief Medical Examiner in NYC said that Hoffman's body contained cocaine, heroin, amphetamine, and benzodiazepines (Valium). Hoffman died from this group of drugs which he was speedballing. This is the same way that John Belushi and Chris Farley died.


  1. Back to wanting to burst into tears. That Rolling Stone cover is brutal

  2. Yeezus Christ!!!
    that shit is like medicated suicide.

  3. My sympathy is reserved for the young children he left behind. I don't feel sorry for someone who ingested that many drugs at once and didn't care enough about his kids to stop. Or get help. Yes tthat's harsh but I have little sympathy for drug addicts.

    1. or compassion for those who are struggling in life.

    2. Seeing as he was clean for 20+ years, clearly he had sought help. A bit of sympathy, or at least compassion, for his struggle wouldn't be too much to ask.

    3. I've gone through tough times but always asked myself how my actions and behavior would affect my daughter. Especially when she was younger. That was the guidepost of my entire life. Because when you have little kids, it's NOT all about you anymore. Compassion for his struggle? OK I grant you that. But sympathy for his actions and manner of death? No.

    4. I've struggled with the actions of others too, @Pugstermom, but I think it's cool that (like me) you give compassion for his struggle while not excusing his culpability in his own death. It's hard to separate those things at times.

      Personally I feel compassion for all addicts -seen too much of it myself - while firmly believing in self determination and responsibility.

  4. Can someone explain exactly how you're meant to feel on that sort of combination of drugs? Uppers and downers at the same time. As someone whose head gets a bit spinny on a double espresso that amount of drugs is quite jaw dropping. Poor guy.

  5. Ah, here we go again with the addict discussion. It got pretty ugly last time, unfortunately.

    He was an amazing actor, and a life has been lost. I'm sad for his family. RIP PSH

    (BTW, Valium isn't the only benzo.)

    Also, I still maintain the possible conspiracy theory of $cio involvement.

    1. I think the Scientology theory is very possible, but probably never proven.

    2. I'd not heard of the scientology angle, @7, so had to look it up. For anyone in my shoes:

      21st century wire article .

      I agree with calif - possible (once you accept that scios ate freaking nut jobs). But the possibility of a junkie overdosing is more on occams razor edge, imo.

  6. Violet, he was prob speeding too hard & took to much valium to come down.
    surprised his heart didn't explode.
    not saying the benzo did him in, but i had a friend die like that.

    1. That's probably exactly what happened. It was down, needed to come up. He was up to far, needed to come down. The Elvis effect. So sad. RIP PSH. You will definitely be missed.

  7. What a waste of life and talent. Heartbreaking.

    The sad thing is that addicts don't think of the damage they do to the people who love them. They're just chasing the elusive high.

  8. Not it isn't, you stupid fuck. Belushi and Farley were running cocaine and heroin. No valium or meth. Know your drugs, dumbass.

  9. A fucking speedball is smack and cocaine. Get a fucking clue.

  10. Clearly we all aren't drug "experts" like you ^

  11. I stick with the hippie speedball: pot and coffee.

  12. @Violet
    Heroin makes some people feel like they are a safe little baby in a womb. It also makes you sleepy so then to wake up a bit you do ... Cocaine! This makes it hard to sleep so then you do some pills or smoke some pot.....Then you sleep and have to wake up and take some Oxycontin or Xanax bc you feel like shit. Probably something like that. It was probably an accidental overdose. Depressants such as alcohol, heroin, pills, most pot, added all together, are sometimes enough to cause the central nervous system to relax so much that you stop breathing, etc.

  13. you'd do theheroin which brings you down but you want to stay awake for the high so you take the speed. that's how it works.

  14. @Ray, I've missed you and your awesome hashtags. Now that you've revealed your love of pot and coffee, "hashtag" takes on a different meaning. :D

    @Warecat, LOL boo, that was perfect!

    1. #midtermbreak

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I stead if a Kardashian Free Feb, how about a Drug Free March? And I mean the commenters, not the slebs...

    Go team!

  17. No sympathy for an addict, doing it to themselves. When you have kids and you do drugs, you are an asshole, a selfish asshole. Dont want to hear the tortured artist schtick either. Not wishing to explain myself, but closer to home than most

  18. Sorry if my post offended, I didn't mean to be flip about it, I was trying to explain the cyclical nature of addiction and got carried away, forgetting it was really about poor PSH.

  19. #imdownwithray
    # itwillnotstopsnowin'

  20. also don't feel sorry for him but sorry for the mess he leaves's the ultimate in self absorption

    and it really is medicated suicide

  21. Bill Murray recently did an interview with Charlie Rose and he said it was chilling to realize John Belushi has now been dead as long as he was alive. Clearly, this was also a reference PSH.

  22. I take a similar concoction almost daily. It really comes down to him having been clean and having a low tolerance.

  23. I agree with 7, it was the CO$ that did him in!

  24. PSH was apparently clean for 20 years before resuming his drug use approx. 18 months ago. He did go to rehab (albeit briefly), but sadly, it wasn't enough to save him.

    Clarity is a wonderful thing for those who have it. But for those who don't, it can be a downward spiral from which they can never recover.

    Nearly everyone in this world deserves some form of compassion. We don't have to understand or agree with another's choices to feel for another human being.

    Obviously, PSH's children deserve the lion's share of our compassion. I imagine PSH would agree with that.

    But that doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't mourn losing him, or wishing he could have seen how important he was.

    Don't assume that the rest of us don't understand things. You're assuming that we're obtuse or can't possibly know. That's pretty insulting. I suspect every person here has gone through deep troubles.

    How amazing it would be if instead of saying "We don't sympathize" after someone is gone (like those word can hurt the dead) we would say "Let's try to stop the cycle before it stops, so we don't lose someone we love."

  25. I don't ever need any of those other shit drugs with my smack. Chasing the dragon fucking rules.

  26. The brightest stars seem to burn out early. Some artists move people, and make us believe that humans aren't as shitty as we think they are. Then I see some stupid asshole posting their judgement on this man's life, when the best thing they ever did while being human as take a long, solid shit one day.

  27. Madlyb, that's pretty judgmental too. All any of us can do is the best we can, each and every day. And try to love one another the best we know how, and if we can't do that then try not to knock them down. Then again, I'm posting this on a celebrity gossip site full of vitriol that I read because I'm bored. Oh well, nobody is perfect.

  28. he did try to get help. he was a major addict. a cautionary tale. yes he should have thought of his kids,do you honestly think he didnt? he didn't make it. he didn't take that second chance,he missed his train. sorry for clipped writing style,all I have is a phone at the moment.
