Friday, March 07, 2014

Off Topic

Apparently the next superfood is coconut so I am all set. I have bags of Mounds scattered all over my office and basement.


  1. Good riddance to you Kale! Begone and make way for the era of coconut.

  2. Finally something I like.

  3. Coconut water is superb for hangovers!

  4. I'm cooking with coconut oil, yum!

  5. Extra virgin coconut oil is great to cook with and use as a moisturizer. It's all purpose

  6. Coconut Water made me wanna throw-up in the garbage can. Maybe I got a bad kind---is it suppose to have actual little chunks of coconut in it? cause the kind I tried did and it was vile.

  7. I prefer an Almond Joy

    1. @Lotta. Sometimes you feel like a nut.

      Or a whole bag of them.

    2. @Gayeld- Peter Paul Almond Joy's got nuts!

  8. I tried coconut water after running and it was hideous! Ugh.

  9. Coconut water is amazing! I guess it's not for everyone. Really quenches the thirst.

  10. I am sick of seeing this Kristen Bell and her hubby Dax whining about paps taking pix of their kid. MOVE TO FUCKING NEBRASKA if you don't want people taking pix of your kid.

    They are both so fucking stupid. "We are going to get the magazines to stop buying the pics from you and kill the demand." Yeah, that will happen as soon as the other 1/2 of Dax's brain starts getting oxygen to it.

  11. I love eating plants, but I can't stand coconut water. I know others that love it, but I can't even sip it.

  12. Coconut Water did not agree with me either. It was like drinking melted butter.

    Get some Quinoa. That stuff is 'mazing, yo.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      And you can make a delicious chocolate cake with quinoa. :))

  13. Flavored coconut water is the only version I can stand.

    I have a lot of friends who are raving about oil pulling with coconut oil. Can't seem to convince myself that swishing coconut oil around in my mouth for 20 minutes will do anything but make me gag.

  14. @Saritex, I was wondering about the oil pulling myself. I have eaten pressed coconut oil and it doesn't have a bad texture.

  15. @Sass71: Word is that cold-pressed coconut oil is the best to use. I think the texture and flavor would be better than say, sesame oil (a suggested alternative). I think I'd skip the recommendation of swishing with salt water afterwards.

  16. Great, this means the price is gonna skyrocket. *hoards all the coconut flour/oil to self*

  17. Anonymous12:16 PM

    The only coconut in my diet comes from Girl Scout Samoa cookies.

  18. Eating coconut is like chewing rope bits,. toasted coconut is edible if you eat it before it sogs and it's great on curry, it soaks up the sauce.
    Coconut water makes me think of Malibu rum without the kick * gag *
    I use that coco Lopez for the big V pina coladas, does that count?

  19. Coconut Rum is really good.

  20. I love coconut oil as a moisturizer. And I am probably one of the few who love to crack a coconut and eat it raw. So bring it on!

  21. Love coconut oil for stir fry. But coconut water? Gag. Thank goodness I tried it for free at a race instead of paying good money for it. You know it's really bad if you spit it out after a serious run, when I will drink just about anything.

  22. Many moons ago (OK, about 15 years), there was a hysterically funny website written by someone who worked for a state Poison Control Hotline, consisting mainly of his all-time greatest calls plus a few tales he heard along the way. I presume this was one of the any rate, a young diabetic man was out w/a bunch of his friends when his blood sugar suddenly took a dive, and he passed out cold. His friends knew he was a diabetic, and knew they needed to get sugar into him ASAP, but how do you manage that one when (a) the person can't take anything by mouth, and (b) they're already rushing him to the ER?

    Well, they found a way, all right...and the ER crew was very surprised to find an Almond Joy bar stuffed up this guy's ass.

    (Hey, it makes sense--you can definitely absorb things through the walls of your colon, and short of starting an IV, it probably was the best idea at that moment.)

    This gets better, though: at the time I read this particular anecdote, one of my roommates was a somewhat prissy fellow who was, I admit, kind of fun to get wound up; you haven't lived until you and one of your equally sick and twisted female friends play "let's introduce the squeamish gay guy to feminine hygiene products"--unused, I hasten to point out; there may still be photos someone of Adam with a handful of tampons and a completely stricken facial expression.** But I digress...anyway, I told him the story, and his first reaction was "But why an Almond Joy bar?"

    "Because sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!" was my snappy comeback...

    Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week...

    **He didn't have any sisters, and, frankly, never seemed to have gotten past the "girls are GROSS!" stage of his development, to the point that some of us wondered if he was gay because he was genuinely drawn to his own gender, or because the other one creeped him out way too badly.

  23. Off topic from the of topic topic ... I just had the most awesome hair cut ever. You may now call me awesomo, she of the killer 'do.

    1. Good looking, awesomo! :)

    2. Thanks, @Plum! Appreciate that! I don't see you around so much now, so it's extra cool that you used a post to acknowledge my follicle joy :)

      Felt kinda off today re the menses, so was iffy even trying for awesomo while not entirely compos. But it turned out to be pure excellence! Super short and cut up on the left. Massive comb-over to the right side, which is near my chin long on the front but angles up to be shorter at the back. I've got a ridiculous volume of hair, so it's pleasantly fluffy and boofed without effort. I just can't expend hair effort beyond washing; easy is a must.

      This is an adjustment to the pre-awesomo look, but it's so great. Edgy, even. As edgy as a semi-suburban gossip reading Aaron Carter hassling chic gets ;)

      I'm insanely happy with the 'do, in case you didn't notice, and t'is good to see you XD



  24. Someone once said that shredded coconut reminded them of toenail clippings. I'll still eat coconut, but not without thinking about it that way.

  25. I loathe coconut in any way, shape or form. If it's used in cooking 99.5% guaranteed I'll taste it, and gag.
    I had wicked morning sickness with my first baby. My husband and I were in a restaurant, and he had carrot cake and made me try it. He didn't taste the coconut in it, so he says, but I sure did. I ran to the bathroom (on the far side of the place) so fast he had no idea what was up.Than I came back and gave him hell for feeding me coconut.

  26. That's got terrible side effects, CanadianMiss, as I imagine it puts most Thai food off your menu.

    I like coconut on its own, not love but it's good, but Thai food makes my tummy sing! Big on the lean and raw, flash-cooked and deliciously healthy (if you keep the jasmine rice to a minimum), but they go for the coconut milk in a big way.

    I bet your SO had massive guilts after doing that to you ;)

  27. Alita, jealous of your awsomeist haircut.
    I have to go back to the salon today for colour redo. My stylist put all blond in, no ash, and now I look like I belong in the brass section of the orchestra. Worst colour evah! In fact, I am almost a ginger! Good for some, not moi.

    At costco they bags of pieces of young coconut, it's reasonably priced, and the coconut is yummy to snack on. You can grate it onto your food etc.

  28. I love coconut too. All the kids but one will suffer it.
