Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lindsay Lohan Fired Her Sober Coach

Nothing says that you are taking sobriety seriously like firing your sobriety coach. According to Radar though, Lindsay did just that the second her reality show stopped taping. Apparently the sober coach told Lindsay she needed to distance herself from her drug using friends but Lindsay thought the better idea would be to get rid of the person giving her that advice. Lindsay has shown no ability to keep away from drugs and booze unless she is in a rehab facility or watched 24/7. It usually starts with her having a couple of drinks when she is out which is very night and the next thing you know she is doing lines of coke like Paris Hilton's mom off the floor of a club and screaming it is for her craft and how she is misunderstood and it is not her fault that she is doing the coke. She then calls her parents who blame someone for putting the lines of coke on the floor which of course enticed Lindsay into doing it and then both parents yell at Lindsay for not letting them share in the coke before Dina says she has to go have sex with her lawyer and Michael says he has to go watch his kid because his mom is drunk again.


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