Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lindsay Lohan Fired Her Sober Coach

Nothing says that you are taking sobriety seriously like firing your sobriety coach. According to Radar though, Lindsay did just that the second her reality show stopped taping. Apparently the sober coach told Lindsay she needed to distance herself from her drug using friends but Lindsay thought the better idea would be to get rid of the person giving her that advice. Lindsay has shown no ability to keep away from drugs and booze unless she is in a rehab facility or watched 24/7. It usually starts with her having a couple of drinks when she is out which is very night and the next thing you know she is doing lines of coke like Paris Hilton's mom off the floor of a club and screaming it is for her craft and how she is misunderstood and it is not her fault that she is doing the coke. She then calls her parents who blame someone for putting the lines of coke on the floor which of course enticed Lindsay into doing it and then both parents yell at Lindsay for not letting them share in the coke before Dina says she has to go have sex with her lawyer and Michael says he has to go watch his kid because his mom is drunk again.


  1. Ok, as first commenter of the day - i will add Lilo to Charlie and Justin as the names of people who I DO NOT CARE about. Sober, drunk, high, whatever - I don't care. So there.

  2. See what being on a weeks leave from work does for you - the ability to catch Enty at 6am.

  3. Okrah Winseed pretty much handed her demise to her on a silver platter

  4. So are we on Club 27 watch now?! Sad.

  5. Does Paris Hilton's Mom do coke off the floor?

  6. Hard to say this but she's probably better off dead. She is extremely troubled has no family or friends that care about her and may be broke. So she probably sees she has nothing to live for and wants to die so eventually she will. She is committing passive suicide.

    1. @sandy - really dude?

    2. I agree! She is committing passive suicide. Let her.

      Its frustrating that she's been given so many opportunities. I wish i could afford a good rehab or a sober coach! Jeez!

    3. I think she should marry Tom Cruise. Only cos can save her now.

    4. Such a compassionate bunch. Granted I have had harsh words for addicts in the past but I don't think anyone outside of the terminally ill is better off dead.

    5. In all honesty, you're probably right. I'm not saying it to be cruel, but because it's true. She's committing a drawn - out suicide.

    6. Hopefully she won't take anyone out first while driving drunk.

  7. Please ban Lilo…enough of this waste of time and space.

  8. The Enty with mommy issues is writing today.

  9. Killer boots, man!

  10. I bet that coach was a solid buzz kill

  11. Happy first day of Spring! I don't have much to say about Lindsay. It's all been said before. It's time for her to move over and let another train wreck have their time in the sun.

  12. Violet- I hope all is well with your week off.

    Lindsey is dumb. That is all.

  13. she is such a whiner, watching her show. "it's not my fault"
    enablers everywhere.. she will be dead in 6 months. start the over/under clock now in honor of march madness.

  14. The sober coach wasn't real, total BS for the cameras, she was drinking and doing drugs the entire time. I think he was her dealer.

    1. The Dude, I used to work in a rehab facility a very long time ago, some of the staff were the best people to get stuff from. Not the counselors, but the maintenance guy, etc. You may be onto something

  15. The story Is from radar online?

  16. @Violet - you need to sleep in when on leave from work :)

    Stupidly wracking my brain to decide which Justin you meant ... duhh, Bieber. I need sleep too!

    LiLo firing a sober coach is like me firing an ironing coach - utterly inevitable. I just buy no-ironing required clothing, and LiLo does insobriety. Simple!

  17. Very sad. The only parts she's going to be able to play are alcoholics and coke-heads. How does staying clean and sober in the moment interfere with her kkrapht?

  18. @shelly - week off work is just a week catching up on chores at home @Atila - I'm in the Uk so afternoon here. and anyway, due to the irritating factor of too many children, am up bright and breezy to sort them out - no sleeping in here sadly.

    1. @violet glad all is well! Enjoy your time off. ;) take naps!!!

  19. The sober coach as dealer theory is very interesting.

    So, ok. Where to begin?!

    I watched the second epi of Lindsay last night. She totally seems like she is still using. She is such a disaster. The whole episode made me cringe. The production company producing the documentary totally footed the bill for her sweet NYC digs. This documentary is baffling because the premise is basically Lindsay Lohan fighting with everybody making the documentary.

    I love it that the man footing the bills basically held onto the checks because Lindsay kept blowing off filming for the documentary.

    I would LOVE to hear more from her assistant. Actually, I would love to hear more from any celeb assistant. How do these people wake up in the morning knowing this is the bullshit you have to put up with.

    Lindsay Lohan blames everybody else for her problems, and so do her parents. Her dad totally comes off as a used up seedy club owner or used car salesman or both.

    And then the whole life coach person. OMG. Really? All Lindsay needs to do is go on Pinterest and pin a few sayings like: Today is a good day or Let's leave the negativity behind or something.

    It's so clear that Oprah is paying for this whole thing.

  20. It's also equally disgusting that Oprah is so clearly using her for ratings. Lindsay does not seem ready for this show. If somebody really cared about her, they would tell her that. I think that's why I'm actually starting to feel slightly bad for her. Her behavior is wretched and she is a grown ass woman, but it does seem that she has been surrounded by users and abusers her whole life. And, it's hard to win when that's the case.

  21. LF2014 - Lohan Free 2014
    I'm telling ya, I'm onto something...

  22. All i know is that Sandybrook mentioned the words better off dead. Now, I'm stuck on seeing John Cusack playing the sax!

  23. Oh my goodness, the Lohan+Cruise idea is fabulous!

  24. You're not wrong, @Jacq.

  25. Hey Orvilla!!!! remember me?!?! xo

    The sober coach cost 1300 bucks a day which is insane!! Why is he making more than a Heart Surgeon??
    Also, I am no fan of Lilo but to hope she dies is kinda sick and cruel.

  26. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Oprah needs the ratings, Lindsay needs the money. The only person exploiting Lindsay is Lindsay.

  27. Heyyy TTM, you know just creeping in the cut. Just being a lady about town *wink* How are you?! I've missed you guys.

    I can't believe has happened. I mean there is a Ratings List...jeez!

  28. I can't believe how much has happened. Ugh, I can't believe how much my typing has failed me!

    Hey Derek!

  29. She just keeps circling the drain, but never makes it down. Yet.

  30. Add Oprah to the long line of enablers- she's vile for using her and sending her further down the path of destruction. If Oprah cared she'd privately help sort her out and then tape her comeback once she's in a better place.

  31. Orv---a lady about town? lol---hopefully not Lohan style ; )

  32. How do you become a sober coach? I've got to get in on this racket.

  33. Soft spot for Lilo - haven't been able to catch the docudramarama, sads! And I agrees with Sandybrook, her addiction has become a slow suicide. It is inevitable.
    So when that time comes, imagine how repulsive Dina and Michael et al will be when it comes to hawking her belongings and diaries. Lilo better watch her backside; she's now worth more dead than alive.
    I still miss Anna Nicole Smith. Had hopes of her being a Phoenix, same with Lilo.

  34. D, I'll never tell.... ;)

  35. @Kimba---I agree but at least the Anna Nicole show was funny as hell. Although looking back in retrospect kinda sad now...

  36. Sober coach was probably scaring off tricks.

  37. A real sober coach has go to be a hard job. I can't imagine.

  38. *Got*

    Obviously, I can't seem to type all words today. I need to go back where I came from. Sorry guys.

  39. lol@auntliddy Great description!

  40. @derekharvey, me too's, I didn't watch all of her episodes, after her and the clown face, made me super sad.
    She was beautiful in that southern way.
    - am also missing Canada BB , I like the cast this season. Hopefully I'll catch up soon. still can't stand that Marissa Cox, she makes a worse host than Julie (who I've grown to like).

  41. @Kimba---I hear ya about the clown face!!!! She was soooooo beautiful! : (
    Is there any ways she can reverse that damage?
    and lol Marissa Cox! I know eh?--and all the house guests are like "you look so beautiful tonight Marissa!" lolll It is getting good I hate Andrew and that beard guy--the girls gotta snap outta it and vote em out!

  42. Why wouldn't she fire her sober coach!! They are clearly incompetent. Ironically, this sounds like the most rational thing she has done- the coach wasn't getting it done. I don't want to hear excuses.

  43. She fired him, because he probably wouldn't let her drink.

  44. I think we're missing the real story here...Paris Hilton's mom did coke off the floor of a club?

  45. @kriss_t: No surprise. If Paris Hilton's mom wasn't a party ho, then Paris Hilton's dad would have never hooked up with her.

  46. I wonder if 'sober coach' is the new word for 'handler'. I wonder if Lindsay hired the coach, or the show producers? It's hard to imagine a more stressful job than sober coach for Lindsay Lohan. It would be like babysitting a giant 3-year-old.

  47. @bellaluna That's true, but it's also a reversible situation. A narcissist such as Lindsay will leave it until the last possible moment (getting sober) because she gives not an absolute sh*t about the people around her.

  48. Woah. Plenty of people go on to recover beyond all the odds. Blowhan clearly just hasn't hit real rock bottom yet because everyone keeps cushioning her falls. She may be slowly killing herself, but by no means does that mean she is better off dead. Sometimes, old junkies end up being the cockroaches that outlive us all in the end. I wouldn't be surprised if the sobriety coach was really a drug DEALER, but I think Blowhan may have hired the coach to be more like a drug mule or a Mike E/Ray Donovan fixer-type to be around in case shit goes wrong. But yeah, Paris is known for hiring people to carry her stash around trailing her since she got busted for yayo in Vegas.

    Moral of the story: Can't help people who don't want help, no matter who they are or how much money they have. Any word on how Oprah feels about this news?

  49. At least she's alive. When is her 28th birthday? The Doomsday Clock is ticking louder & louder every day.

  50. enty this is so perfect. the longer we know her the more we can use our craft in describing her. this post is going in my enty hall of fame.

  51. Lindsay has been shown compassion time and time again. Offer her some help and she'll just laugh about it and then call you a sucker behind you're back and still do whatever she wants. She'll cry the fake tears and tell everybody what they want to hear ("I'm taking recovery seriously now,") but it's all BS. What was the first thing she said on her show? "I know this is my last chance to do what I love doing." Meaning being paid a ton of cash to have everyone kiss her butt on a set. What she should have said was, "I know this is my last chance to straighten myself up so I can live a healthy, happy life." But being non-famous doesn't fit into that in any place on Planet Lindsay.

  52. I've lived this with my brother. He died last year at 42 due to alcohol & drugs (heart attack official reason). He never hit rock bottom because when the family cut ties hoping he would so he would get help, there was always someone to give him a hand. His friends got a much better version than we did. When you don't enable you are resented & don't they let you know it. Walking on eggshells so you don't set him off when you did see him. So sad. I prefer to remember my brother as a child, not as the abusive arsehole he grew into. Save a lot of your sympathy for the people who tey to help & get abused for it.

  53. You've mentioned your brother before, @feraltart - it's very sad. I'm glad that you've come up with a way to reconcile it and still love him.

  54. The Kathie Hilton and cocaine story, as I recall it ...

    It starts a few years ago, in those heady days of the 'noughties.' An older guest celeb visited a late night talk show, and Paris Hilton (sex tapes, outrageous behaviour, etc - t'was the 2000s!) was mentioned.

    Our guest celeb reminisced about being at Studio 54 back in the day, like in the 70s or 80s, and seeing Kathie Hilton there, jiving with her husband, and doing copious volumes of coke, as lines.

    But alas! The coke fell into the shag-pile carpet! Ruined? Never fear - Kathie got down on hands and knees, which left her somewhat inadequately covered, ass high in the air. She snorted it right of the carpet ... or at least got as much coke, dust, and grime as her nose could vacuum.

    Back in the future, where Paris Hilton is grown up and making a spectacle of herself, and our guest celeb is on a talk show. He finishes his story. Looks up, smiles, and says "whatever Paris Hilton is, she came by it honestly."

  55. I have exactly zero fucks to give about Liho's recovery. If she wants to snort her way to the funeral home, let her. There are far more worthy people out there who could use 1% of the help that's been given to this giant douche.

  56. I'm so sorry for your loss @feraltart. Around a year ago, I had to come to the unfortunate realization that I was enabling my brother out of fear that I would lose him. And I did, for a while. But I cannot imagine the pain if actually getting that call. Sending a lot of love your way.
