Kesha Is Out Of Rehab- No More $ Sign Either
After more than two months in rehab Kesha Rose as she is calling herself now has left rehab and returned to Los Angeles. Kesha spent the past few months in a Chicago area rehab center for what she said was an eating disorder. That is the same thing Demi Lovato said and has spent the past few years slowly telling people it was for everything in the world and probably an eating disorder too. Hopefully Kesha will be honest with her fans about why she was in the facility for so long. Shortly after Kesha entered rehab her mom checked into the same place and it has been a little while since we heard from her mom who probably checked in to stay close to her meal ticket. I'm not sure why mom couldn't find a different facility to go to if she had issues that needed to be dealt with. The last thing someone needs when dealing with their own issues is to have their mom right there next to them the entire time. I don't think that is a great way to get healthy. I'm glad Kesha did this the right way and stayed in so long and hopefully she is doing great now.