Jennifer Lopez Lip Synchs On American Idol
Sure, it is a singing competition. Sure, the contestants are required to actually sing the songs they are performing, but they are not out Jennifer Lopez who would never be able to actually compete on the show she is judging. Just like Paula Abdul before her, Jennifer Lopez lip synchs all of her performances on American Idol and will continue to do so because she is a lousy singer who knows she will look like an idiot if she tries to sing live. See, when you lip synch you can say there was a reason she had to do it whether it is production or a sore throat or time constraints or a million other excuses. When you sing live, it doesn't matter what excuse you come up with, the only thing people remember and play all over the internet is where you sound like crap. Real singers should be the judges on the show. How about taking some people who finished in the top 3 of Idol and have them be judges on the show. How can Jennifer Lopez judge and give advice on something she can't even do on our own. She would not even make it to Hollywood week.