Wednesday, March 05, 2014

High School Teen Suing Her Parents Loses First Round In Court

Rachel Canning appeared in court yesterday with her parents and a judge denied her request for $650 a week in child support expenses and the payment of her private school tuition fees. The judge agreed with the court investigator that Canning is spoiled and that parents should not live in fear of enforcing rules because their kids might sue them for financial support of they don't agree with the rules. There is a hearing scheduled for next month where the judge will decide if Rachel Canning is entitled to the college fund her parents established for her. The only way that will happen is if the same investigator who deemed her spoiled somehow now says that Canning left home on her own or her parents were abusive and kicked her out which is what Canning is alleging. I think she will be out of luck but maybe the family will kiss and makeup prior to that hearing. I can't believe it has gone on this long.


  1. Her college fund will go to pay her court and legal fees and she will work as a cashier at MickeyD's to pay her way if she goes and to pay for rent and food if she doesn't.

    1. No, it won't. There are different kinds of college funds but the laws are all the same. Every single penny must go to the education of the account holder. Parents can only be custodians of said account and are not legally permitted to withdraw the money for any other purpose than education. If the parents set up a legit college fund, there is no way possible they can withhold it or spend it on any other purposes.

    2. @Katie - the money can be transferred to another family member.

  2. She's going to end up at Scores

  3. Anonymous6:07 AM

    She is sooooo trolling for rich saps to marry and pay her debts.

  4. The cynic in me sees this as an attention getting ploy used to shop a reality show.

    1. We see eye to eye on this. Colour me cynical, too.

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I still think there's something shady about all this. I wonder if the Catholic school will sue for tuition due?

    1. Apparently money has been donated to pay the tuition which is why the parents are no longer liable for it.

  6. Where is the grumpy cat meme when I need it?


  7. We'll be seeing her escort infographic in a couple of years.

    1. She received 49 books? I'm in the wrong profession.

  8. I dont have sympathy for her, it's all very selfish on her part. I'm interested to hear the actual story though, but growing up around similar brats I totally believe that she left home and is expecting them to continue to fund her fancy live.

  9. I really don't inderstand why she wouldn't be entitled to her college fund unless her college fund was just her parents intention to pay it out of pocket

  10. I read a news story about this and apparently CPS interviewed the other sisters, no abuse or weirdness in the home. Her "parent problems" started when she skipped school to spend the day with her suspended from school boyfriend back in October.

    When she refused to adhere to household rules her parents laid down the law and she moved into boyfriends house, then into a friends house.

    As the mother of an almost 17 year old, I am watching this case closely.

  11. It's March! Isn't tuition paid in advance? I'm curious why she needs funds for the school she is currently attending.

  12. @Slap-n-Tickle, her parents paid tuition through December 31st, which I guess is the first semester. She left home in November, so they haven't paid for the last semester.

  13. I hope this brat doesn't get a dime. The parents should be vale to set ground rules for living in their home. She is 18; if she doesn't like the rules, move out, get a job and then she can date or do whomever she pleases. She has made all sorts of claims against the parents CPS said was bullshit.

  14. If she was serious about getting her education, public school is free to attend. There are fees, of course, but they are affordable. Teenagers--most days they make it very difficult for a parent to remember that they love them. Nothing makes that bad boy boyfriend more appealing to a teen girl than having mom and dad freak out and insist you stop seeing him.

  15. Good...she's the most hated teen in NJ.

    I don't care how strict her parents rules are...they're her parents rules. She's an adult, chose to move out. Now she's on her own (her decision), and she's broke. Get a job and pay your own way like all the other grown-ups in the world. Welcome to the world of being an adult.

  16. If CPS can show that she was lying about abuse, can she get in legal trouble for that?

  17. What a little betch

  18. I'm not sure what to think of this, to be honest. On the one hand, I'd like to smack her upside her head and tell her to grow the fuck up. On the other hand, I'm inclined to think they created this monster and it's too little too late from them, y'know?

    I dunno. Glad she's not mine.

  19. She's not really that unusual, a lot of kids today have a sense of entitlement that's frightening.

  20. Miss the prom and get her GED.

  21. I have a 17 year old daughter and I tell you what - my heart goes out to the parents.

  22. The voicemail she left her mother was crazy. No way I could ever speak to my parents that way. What a sense of entitlement she has.

  23. yep^^^^^

    she def need a dose of real won't be as fun as she thinks....she'll be crawling back in no time at all

    I don't even know why parents are "supposed" to be responsible for paying for college automatically. Look what it's done the the university system which is all about the almighty $$$$ now. There would be a lot more serious college students if they were responsible for the debt. They would be forced to make better decisions. They might even try harder and not play around so much while they are there. College paid for by your middle class parents used to be a privilege and now they think it's their right.......

  24. She didn't call CPS, her school did, after she put her mom on speaker phone and had an argument with her, so a teacher/administrator could hear it.

  25. sorry about the typos.....

    and then they graduate from their 4 yr vacay paid for by their parents and can't get a job in their "field" which may very well be some unmarketable ridiculous thing that is their "passion".........what a mess we have made.

    Since you can't file bankruptcy on college loan debt-I say we make the change and make them responsible for their adult actions and decisions starting with their college education. Good start good lesson.

    1. Rajacat, you could not be more right. And then they have yhis ridic degrees in say Guatamalon basket weaving, and if course cant get a job. So what do they do??!! Back to school!!!!!! Now on their dime, they very serious.

  26. She claimed her father Inappropriately touched her and her mother called her fat and porky which led to her bulimia.

    I hope she gets in trouble for lying under oath and making up these false accusations for some money. She is a disgusting human being, and that has nothing to do with the parents. They have other kids/kid that are fine, sometimes kids are just not controllable .

    Having grown up in Fairfield county, CT, I can tell you there are LOTS of kids with this kind of attitude....makes me scared for the future

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  30. she's being coached........on how to get the desired result....

  31. I think she baited her mother into an angry convo on the phone so she could get the desired result.....I'm sure she knows how to push her mother's buttons by now and did so to make sure they heard whatever she wanted them (the school) to hear.........

    she is calculated........

  32. @rajahcat, I agree. The complaint about an 'inappropriate kiss on the cheek' from her father was appalling. What an insult to all true victims of domestic sexual abuse.

  33. And what about the dad if the friend that's footing the legal bills.......something is not right with that.....little girl is going to learn nothing is for free...then she will be running back into daddy's arms. Ugh I just can't with this bothers me so much.

  34. and they will forgive her as parents do until the next time.........

  35. Spoilt little bitch having a large hissy fit coz her parents won't give in! Get a job and pay for stuff yourself, you shit!

  36. let me guess-donated by the "friend"???

    interesting indeed

  37. @rajahcat I totally agree with you that it is not a parents legal responsibility to pay for their children's college. My kids are nowhere near college age but there is no way my husband and I will pay for their college, even if we had the money (which we don't and probably won't when the time comes) because I have found that kids who had their college funded did not take as seriously as those who did not. I paid my way through college, my parents couldn't afford it back in the day, and I took it very seriously because I knew 6 months after graduation those bills were coming due.
    This young lady makes me shake my head.

  38. Depends on where the college fund money is saved. If it's an education IRA with her name on it, it's probably going to be hers. If it's a simple savings account or the like and they're juat calling it her education fund, she can kiss that money goodbye.

  39. The biggest fools in this are the people who took her in and have been suckered into paying for her care and this ludicrous lawsuit.

  40. Well Nancy thanks because I wish I would have done what you are going to do......I say this from my own experience.

    It's not that we couldn't afford it-but should we have done it? It seems today that if you take this stand you are a bad selfish parent. I now unfortunately disagree.

    I also look at my friends' experiences with their kids in college and I think my point is proven there also....I wish I could get a do-over

  41. At the very least, her parents should pay her school fees. It can get expensive and it's important to finish school.

  42. when she come home and complies......

    public high school is free btw

  43. I"m so glad the judge has a brain, and can see down the road to what would have happened if the daughter had been awarded 650 per week. The courts are already clogged with real cases that need attention. This entitled young lady no doubt considers the word No to be abusive. The lawyer father of her BF, who helped her with this, has behaved abominably.

  44. comes

    my typing in abominable :)

  45. wow it really is

    I think my computer is rebelling-----

  46. Students at the school raised money to pay her tuition.

  47. hmmm....
    I think we're all being played. The family will sell the story rights and this will be a Lifetime movie by fall.

  48. I don't know what this situation is all about, but I bet it wouldn't be happening if was about a son, instead of a daughter.

  49. She's entitled to shit. If college fund set up solely for educational purposes, does that apply to little miss cant be wrong as well? In other words, can she blow thru her college money on non college things? I feel sympathy for her parents and dont blame them for her. We all know great parents who have lousy kids. And yeah, i think she will exploit thus to the hilt, and she will be on today show ere ling. disgusting.

  50. I get wanting to pile on this girl as she is an easy target.

    However, her parents raised this. And, she's obviously being manipulated by this crazy legal advice and possibly other adults.

    Just think back to how stupid and gullible you were at 18.

  51. Anyone see the movie "Election"?
    Yes she's totally calculated and is playing a lot of people but so convincingly because she really believes she's entitled to it.

    Why doesn't she live with the boyfriend anymore? That would be interesting to know.

    Let's hope every judge she goes before has a teenaged daughter. She never win then.

  52. @Sherry the Catholic school she goes to told her she couldn't stay with her boyfriend anymore. She was only there two nights before moving in with this gross lawyer and his family that looks like extras on Jersey Shore.

  53. The irony of this is that if parents were divorced they are required to pay for 2/3rds of a state college tuition. Child is responsible for the other 3rd.
    If married the child is screwed.

  54. What a rude little pig.

  55. When she sees the writing on the wall, that she's not going to get a dime, she'll tearfully apologize, move back in and continue seeing the BF on the sly (like she should have done in the first place).

  56. @B626: I don't know where you got that 2/3 info from, but there is nothing like that in NJ.

  57. wow must be some rich students going to that school.....

    perhaps we are being played-time will tell

    don't be so quick to blame parents for everything-I've seen kids with the best of parenting go down in flames-there are a lot of other factors out there besides the parenting. I actually think they are pushing tough love now before it is too late for her. I wouldn't be so judgy about others parenting.

    I second the parenting's tough y'all comment

  58. I read that the parents are not adverse to paying for college, they just don't want to pay for the really expensive one she has chosen.

    There was some quote from the dad like, "it's saying we will go shopping, just not at the high end store"

    Also, although they raised the spoiled brat, at least they realized the error of their ways and tried to instill some rules. Better late than never (especially with two younger girls in the house).

    I do think the "friend's" parents should have MYOB. Giving someone a place to stay is one thing (I had a couple of friends "run away" to my house in high school) but helping to SUE the parents, that is TOO MUCH.

  59. The friend's dad who is bankrolling the bim's lawsuit SFW. No eyebrows and no upper lip, 2 reasons not to trust him.

  60. Someone mentioned that the law states that she has to receive the funds set aside for her college. Here's the thing about that. The parents set the fund aside and she's basically the beneficiary. All the parents have to do is change the bene to one of the other kids. She'll be ass out!

    Mom and Pop are smart not to pay up. She's really stupid if she thinks this will work. PLUS, the price she'll pay for trying to be "right" will be WAY higher than any tuition bill.

    As soon as she figures out that she's going to have to take her grown behind to work she'll go crawling back to mommy and daddy real fast!

  61. Am wondering how it is possible for a father to kiss his daughter on the cheek, inappropriately.

    Am also wondering why--if the father is guilty of abuse (and I realise he's been cleared)--she isn't pursuing that more, because that's the important issue.

    Am also wondering--because we talk here about how victims are ignored, and how it affects their lives so badly--what if she's telling the truth.

    Now, based on what I've read, I don't believe it. But I can't help wondering.

    Anyway, this has given me the kick I needed to have a sit down with my own children so I can help THEM plan out THEIR futures.

  62. @Sprink: DYFS investigated and interviewed her siblings. She is only a victim in her damaged head.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Yeah and the allegations re the mum when you read the transcript of the message she left the mum it is clear she is angry her mum thought she was making herself sick again and monitoring her. So the complete opposite of wanting her to be bulimic. Girl has just made it up.

  63. So how long before we hear about Vivid buying her "sex tape"?

  64. Don't necessarily blame the parents for the way the kid turns out. My teens do stuff I never would do or never would have done. (Of course, nothing like this brat.)

  65. good idea Sprink-now before it's too late....

  66. @Jcool: Your lips to god's ears.

  67. My friends would have disowned me, forget about every single member of my family. Apparently her friends think her behavior is appropriate. Those other parents should be worried too.

  68. Count - that pic looks like a Rob Ford "before" photo.

  69. That judge should make her sit down and hand write the definition of responsibility 100 or 200 times. She's going to be one of those people who somehow makes it to 25 without ever having a job.

  70. seriously??

    lots of em make it to 25 without a job these days.......they are in school like forever now. 6 yr 4yr degrees because they can't get their courses in in 4 (sad money ploy created by universities). And then when they don't get the perfect job in their so called field they go to grad school and create their own school loans to pay forever.

    a job at 25 now might be a rarity

    after all you pretty much have to keep them on you insurance until 27-why do you think that happened????

    we have created a society where 18 yr olds are now the equivalent of a 13 yr old....prolonged adolescence

  71. or you could kick them to a Medicaid card if your state has expanded.......with Obamacare and they can be subsidized by everyone

    that 26 yr mark for insurance (clarifying my remark above) is a truth teller for our current society

  72. Parents are in on it. This is a sign of the times. Reality show is already in the works for the teenager. Mom is already writing a book about the "experience". Dad is opening a restaurant in the fall. It's a ploy people.

  73. Where is her MTV reality show? Betcha she gets one

  74. I concur that parents can do their best & children can turn out very differently from what their upbringing would indicate. My brother seemed to come from a different home.
    Having written that, re: the allegations of abuse, it is quite common for only one child in a family to be a victim. Siblings may have no idea of what is going on. The fact that people are willing to help her makes me hesitant to dismiss the claim so readily.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      But they've been investigated. She didn't say he abused her fully but kissed her on the cheek and gave her booze at a wedding. There would be plenty of witnesses not just the siblings.
      Who knows what the people helping her think but I think it's telling the dad of the friend said her parents hadn't paid him.

  75. These parents are lucky. How many times have we read true crime stories about teenage girls whose parents disapprove of their boyfriends, and the next thing you know, the parents and other siblings are dead because the idiot girl figures she'll just take out her whole family, inherit all the money and live happily ever after? Menendez anybody?

  76. In other news, I went out to lunch with my best friend today and two guys next to us not only tried to pick us up, but also offered to pay our bill. We declined but now I'm wondering if we should sue for unwanted sexual conduct in a public environment.

    Also, my basil grapefruit martini had a sugar rim and I specifically request no rim, so I am considering suing for breach of contract and attempted assault (sugar rims make me stabby, though Sugar doesn't).

    And it was raining on the way in and the restaurant did not provide a personal umbrella holder for us, so I am considering suing for deliberate defamation of character via wet hair.

    My specs got wet, too, and need to be replaced, so I'll add that to the damages.

  77. I wish Alec Baldwin was her father.

  78. I never had a sugar rim. Couple times w/ U-Bet chocolate syrup, couple times w/ whipped cream, never sugar though.

  79. I don't think the sugar rim on my martini glass in any way resembles your, um, rims, Mr Count.

  80. Raja
    I didn't say a career, I said a job. As in any job, even a 12 hour a week, learn a few skills, part time, pocket money type of thing. Those fast food, mall retail positions that help teach you responsibility, team work, following directions, etc.

    My apologies if anyone else did not understand what I meant.

    I have seen this trend in my own personal HR experience, new graduates who have applied for positions with almost no actual skills on their resumes, just a long list of education stuff. Some of them had internships and volunteer positions, but too many of them were unable to tell me what 'skills' those experiences gave them. It was basically 'but I have a degree, isn't that enough?' It's disturbing and I genuinely hope what I've seen is not indicative of what's really happening out there.

  81. Paid him for what, interfering with raising their daughter?

  82. Sorry, late to the party...The parents are in no way "in on it", I have some inside info. The claims she made are b.s. The family is disgusted & ashamed of her behavior. She's 18, her choice to leave.

  83. This little snot made up those claims to get her way. Y'all wouldn't believe how common false abuse claims are.

    Happened to me years ago. I tapped my son on the butt for not listening, and next thing you know, a disgruntled "family member" got someone to call CPS with a long list of false claims about me.

    I was cleared of all the charges, but going through that shit left a lingering sour taste in my mouth. I cut off that person and everyone who continued to associate with her.

    This brat needs a taste of the real world. No one owes her shit. Transfer her college $ over to her sisters, and let her get a job and PAY her way through college after this shakes out.


    She is back home with her parents, and they are asking for privacy.
