Saturday, March 01, 2014

George Lopez Discovers There Is Nothing Finer Than A Casino Floor As A Bed

I can't say that I have passed out on a casino floor. I have passed out on hotel convention room floors. There have been too many nights to count where it was far too much effort to climb into a bed when all one needed to do is fall down to the floor. George Lopez was arrested for public intoxication. He passed out on the floor of a casino in Windsor, ON shortly after performing a show there. I'm sure it is not the first time it has happened. It won't be the last. He just happens to be a guy who has a kidney donated by his ex-wife who he dumped in favor of a string of hookers that destroyed his marriage and if you noticed, also hasn't kept him in good standing with his former bff Sandra Bullock. I'm pretty sure that getting so hammered that a casino floor looks inviting is probably not good for the new kidney.


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