Friday, March 28, 2014

Four For Friday- He Is Going To Kill Her

Not much to say this week except I will be here all weekend blogging and have been working on the rankings so should have more parts of that this weekend. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer

For the past few months things have been getting worse. What was always a volatile relationship has turned more violent than volatile. Family members have tried to help this C list reality star offspring of this former A+ list entertainer(singer). From people I have spoken to who have been inside the home of our C lister, things are bad. There are drugs everywhere. There is cash everywhere. It is like watching Scarface. The significant other of our C lister thinks he is the next Scarface. The thing is he sucks at business. He just uses the money of our C lister to make it seem like he is making millions of dollars. Instead he is spending every cent she gets in the second it comes in and has made her sign all types of documents which have basically cost her most of her future income for the next few years. When he doesn't keep her drugged up he beats her. He has all kinds of recordings of her doing anything he can think of just to keep her in line. He says he will release it all if she tries to leave him. She is scared of him and loves him at the same time. When he is wasted the beatings can be rough and there have been shots fired more than once. Everyone knows he is going to end up killing her one night. She will try and leave and he won't like that and will shoot her and kill her. The family hopes she can escape, but she has no place to go that she would accept help from.


  1. Replies
    1. YIKES

      Borderline incest, family feuds, and hard drugs don't mix well with AR-10s

  2. Bobby Kristina.

    Poor baby.

  3. He recently posted photos of some SERIOUS firearms, which is never good, especially with all the drugs involved. Poor baby.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. If Bobbi is on a reality show, I'll go with her too.


      How could you forget, Wiglet!? Reality GOLD

    2. Lady H! I almost forgot about that Bankrupt Super Loser. I think I lost consciousness there for a minute, I laughed so hard.

      KISS MY ASS!

    3. Best reality clip of all time, in my opinion. "I've been to jail before, THAT's American!!!!"

    4. #KISSMYASS!

      Ahh, the golden days of reality TV. SHOW ME THE RECEIPTS!

      RIP Whitney.

    5. Or when Bobby had to pop her poop bubble? Too far?


  6. I usually don't have that much empathy for women that stay in abusive situations but I have to say, under her circumstances being young having just lost her mom and everything when this loser saw his opportunity and seized it, I do feel sorta bad :(

  7. Bobbi K...yes, so easy... that guy lets everyone see his BS on twitter

  8. Don't get high off your own supply.

  9. Bobby Brown needs to get his posse together and do some ass whipping on his "sons" ass.

  10. Bobby Brown needs to sac up & go help his daughter.

  11. Maybe she should call her cousin!

    ...“Nick was beat up by Krissi’s cousin, Gary Michael Houston, because he came to the party wearing a hoodie and a cap – looking like a thug,” explained a family friend.

    “Everyone knew there was a formal dress code, and Gary approached Nick and asked him why he was being so disrespectful. Nick said because he wanted to and told Gary – and the rest of the family – to stay out of his face.

    “That’s when it hit the fan!”

    Gary reportedly slammed Nick to the floor and punched him before Nick even knew what hit him. In the end, Nick meekly walked away...

  12. Agrees with the Bobbi Christina guesses

  13. This is creepily reminiscent of the blind from last week.

  14. Oh No....this is so sad. Bobbi didn't have a fighting chance from birth, with the parents she had.

  15. So wish Being Bobby Brown box set was available to buy.
    I would be like Oprah with her audience.."you get a box set and you get a box set..!!"
    That show was gold!! Best reality show onTV!!!!

  16. Apparently, Bobbi likes her guys to be like her dear, old Dad

  17. If she is dead and he is in jail, who gets Whitney's money?

    1. The assumption is Nick, right? Yuck.

    2. Oh duh, if Nick goes to jail...which is likely. I think whoever is listed as her next of kin or charity. Let's hope it doesn't come to that

  18. Krissi needs to escape somehow & get some big mean ass bodyguards that never ever leave her alone & will abuse anyone that tries to get to her.

    God bless her, I hope she can get out of that relationship alive.

  19. For Pete's sake he openly threatened her uncle and cousin on twitter and showed pics of assault riffles! I don't know if he owns them legally or not, but with that proof alone why can't the family intervene and show up at their home with the police and have him removed if Bobbi admits he beat her? I hope this girl will wake up and realize she needs to get rid of him or something terrible will happen! I'm sure the cops can find something to keep him locked up on!

  20. it's not sad just because she lost her mom. it's sad that she was brought up by 2 drug addicts who were fucked up for YEARS. none of this is surprising but it's very sad.

  21. Thanks for sharing, aemish.

  22. Whoa..that's some scary shit right there. Run Bobbi Run!!

  23. I hope her father gets his shit together long enough to step in. Then he can go back to being an utter loser.

  24. I actually feel really bad for Bobbi. She had an awful upbringing with horrible role models for parents who had drugs and booze and all sorts of awful things around her as a child. Then she loses her mom which is extremely hard to deal with and this guy who is supposedly suppose to be family not only gets involved with her in sexual relationship when she's still so young but then takes complete advantage of her. And with the parents she had I'm not surprised she sticks around in an abusive relationship since it's probably all she's known.

  25. And hey! Anonymous source, should you be reading this cause you're just soooo excited to see your work on here, go ahead and call in an anonymous tip to the police, too! We don't need another blind outcome like last week.

    And if it's just a made-up blind, then carry on. As you were.

    1. @TTM: don't worry, the cops are aware but doubt they can do much. Unfortunately, most of law enforcement is reactionary and that's just the nature of the beast. Some tragedies just can't be prevented, let's just pray that this one can be.

  26. Enty better have thora birch on that list. Hopefully lalaine is on there too.

  27. I don't understand the part where the family knows about the abuse, knows he's going to kill her, hopes she can escape the Scarface den - but yet she has no place to go? Aw, family ties.

  28. Just watched that clip, had never seen the show. Man, were they messed up. Poor kid. Where's Cissy or Dionne Warwick in all this? That God would give someone such beauty and talent and see it destroyed by addiction, sad.

  29. Cissy needs to pull another Whitney-like intervention. Don't piss off the Ciss.

  30. I saw a recent photo of her ree her shoes didn't even match and she looked a mess. I just pray for her

  31. Late as usual ti the party but gawd this was easy fuhsheezy.. bobbi Kristina. ..I pity that girl.

  32. I always wonder about these people that worship the movie Scarface and others like it and then try to emulate the movie. Do they know how the movie ended or are they just stoooopid???
    One more thing, when Enty posts things like this I get chills, these things eerily come to fruition.

  33. But I thought they were married. The blind indicates that this couple isn't

  34. They are married but Pat Houston just got a restraining order against the husband. I bet this is them

  35. Wait, WUT? I thought we were done with rankings? Gawd, I can't wait for that fresh hell of bullshit....

  36. Can we get a bus a pick her and a few other celebutards up and send them to night school? I can't help but wonder if a few basic life skills might not help a bit :-)

  37. Would love to see Gary Houston step in and handle this. Bobbi must have a reactive attachment disorder at the very least. Add drugs and alcohol to that and it is a recipe for disaster. Sad. Bobbi really didn't have a chance. And little choice too. She is damaged from all her parent's drug use.

  38. @malibu i about thought the same thing.

  39. I saw a pix of Bobbi Christina yesterday, and she looked ROUGH.

  40. I am not religious at all and put out a prayer circle for Bobbi Kristina.

  41. Poor baby was doomed from the get-go. Relatives are trying to intervene, but to no avail. I sincerely wish the best for Bobbi Kristina. This girl deserves it. I also hope that Bobby Brown pulls his dick out of his ass long enough to help his daughter get on the right path, but know this is as likely as a leprechaun bringing me a pot 'o gold.

  42. @Dee Dee Russell - I'm with you.

  43. Such a sad situation - growing up around crack addicts. It becomes the family obsession, and people will beg, borrow and if necessary, steal to get it. I pray one of her relatives can find the attention, strength, or calling in of favours to save this girl from her grief and herself.

  44. Krissi never had a chance. She went to kindergarten not knowing how to spell her name, for fuck's sake. That's what happens when you have shit parents who are more into their drugs than their kids.

  45. Wow. This is so incredibly sad. Like others have pointed out, that poor girl had no chance. Somebody call Oprah! She would love another celeb rescue case.

    But seriously, I sincerely hope someone steps in and gets her out of there and she can try to live somewhat of a normal life.

  46. I want to believe - with all of my heart - that this is one of those fake/fabricated posts.


  47. Was hoping to make Kimye work for this ... Moowahahahahahaha *evil laugh*

  48. I am bringing up the YouTube channel on my TV in the morning and having a bbb. Marathon. .. I thought that got taken down. .Thank you. Kisses.

  49. Hardly a blind. She wouldn't listen to those warning her not to get into this relationship and now she's got nowhere to go. Sad.

  50. This situation needs some "mysteriously related to Jay Z" type of intervention to make Nick disappear.

  51. Living here in the ATL, we haven't forgotten about Bobbi K being in the car that got shot up, in the drive by. She hangs w drug dealers and gangs. She's a bad drug addict. Enough said.

  52. my gosh looking back this post was so accurate..
