Monday, March 31, 2014

Craigslist Killer Gives More Details About Her Other Murders

Miranda Barbour is 19 and has been charged with one murder. Last month she told a reporter she killed 22 other men in six states but no other information was provided and police in those jurisdictions haven't been able to match any of her claims with any people reported missing or suspected deaths. In an interview over the weekend she provided locations of three of the murders and says they happened in Big Lake, Alaska; Mexico Beach, Florida; and Raleigh, North Carolina.

The police chief in the town where she is being held said he passed along the new information to the chiefs in those cities but doesn't believe Barbour is telling the truth about the killings. I think she wanted more attention. What I do believe is she said that she and her husband, who is also charged were supposed to meet two other men who responded to her companionship ad on Craigslist but the men never showed up. Lucky for them. Troy LaFerrara did show up and he is now dead.


  1. Lots if not most serial killers, when caught, claim more victims than they ever actually killed.

    I have no doubt that she would have killed more if not caught, but hopefully this is a case of someone having been caught before they actually got a chance to become "serial".

  2. Thanks for the newsflash Enties.

  3. Crazy betch. This one has a small child with her husband/killing companion!

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Beware the Craigslist hook-ups!

  5. She has some serious mental issues. I don't believe she killed any but the one, or that they were "satanic". Michelle (Smith) Pazder redux.

  6. So sad. Craigslist never recovered from the dude robbing/killing the massage whores. This will only make things worse.

  7. She is definitely mostly (possibly even completely) full of shit. Except for this one guy. Based on her description of how the killing went down, it did not strike me as the act of a seasoned pro. All kinds of wild claims from her that just sound like delusions of grandeur. It's like she's playing serial killer BINGO with her stories based on books and TV and movies.

    The part I find most terrifying is that she has a child. That poor kid. I really hope s/he's raised by someone who tells him/her that mommy died in a car crash or something.

  8. It's highly doubtful that we are looking at 20+ victims here. Law enforcement officials are investigating the possibility of a couple more victims, but no more than that.

  9. She sure has a lot of dough and money. She is only 19 and has been able to travel through all the US (if my US geography knowledge is a bit better than American's of the rest of the world, Alaska, FL or NC are on different corners of the country). She reminds me of Henry Lee Lucas, who claimed to have killed hundreds and he didn't kill 50.

    Anyway, you Americans have a huge problem with serial killers, and guns are not related to most (at least this fatty or many others aren't).

  10. When I wrote "dough and money" I meant "TIME and money". I am retarded and my English is awful, but that is horrid even for me.

  11. Sandybrook! Enty posted this for you! Careful with the Craigslist hos!

  12. She's obviously an attention seeker. She also claimed that there were two who got away, and that she called the FBI before to spill the beans but the FBI wouldn't listen. Uh-huh.

    Kermie, really, you can drop the "you Americans" act. It's pretty obvious by now.

  13. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Did they ever catch the Craigs List advertiser who was meeting prostitutes online (New York, I think?) and killing them off?

  14. This crazy sh*t happened in my hometown. The local paper keeps plastering her face all over, which is exactly what she wants. She wants the fame. She's a two-bit hooker who is trying to "glam" up her story to try and make money off of it. Please don't give her any more attention than she already has had. They just moved to the area 3 weeks before this happened, they don't represent what or who we are here.
