"Conscious Uncoupling" - Gwyneth Paltrow And Chris Martin Split
Even in a time of what is probably sadness for her, Gwyneth Paltrow still wants you to know that she thinks she is better than you. She also thinks that using big words makes her look educated. It just makes her look stuck up and makes it hard to even feel sorry for the pair. Just tell the world you are splitting. I love how she announced it on her website to make sure she got the page views and while you are here, why not pick up the new $499 cleanse she developed using the anal sweat glands of a fish only found in Nepal.
It isn't like none of us saw this coming. If you read the site you are going to know that this day has been coming. She is so unemotional about it all. Two days ago she posted that photo from the Glee set and said she was having the best day ever and then yesterday says she is splitting with her husband of ten years. Last week she gave that "interview" to Kneepads and compared herself to a little girl and talked about the face scrubs she uses. No mention of impending doom.
The couple never acted like a couple. They tried so hard to pretend they were not a couple or do things together that eventually I think they grew to like not being a couple. They thought they were too cool and wanted to keep their coupledom out of the tabloids. They were in tabloids individually though and with their kids so I'm not sure why they never wanted to appear as a couple in them or in photos. Again, probably because she or they looked down on people who show love.
The cheating on both sides had to take its toll. I think the whole piece Vanity Fair was going to do was going to bring up some names that had not previously been made public. Gwyneth liked to keep hers deep undercover. Chris was discreet to a point but his were much more out in the open because of the number of people around him on a daily basis.
I wish them well. Chris is probably doing a Guy Ritchie jig right now somewhere while Gwyneth debates eating that second piece of air.