Saturday, March 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 2, 2013

This former almost A list mostly television actress who is getting older, but is still gorgeous and has been linked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood must have forgotten to take her meds or she is back on the bottle. Apparently she thought her on and off actor boyfriend was cheating on her. He said it was a break. He also has several fewer intact windows after she saw a car in his driveway that belonged to another woman. Her key to his house no longer works, but her throwing arm does and she broke four or five windows before he could get outside to stop her. Hopefully he kept his date inside.

Heather Locklear/Jack Wagner


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Was the date the same person who used to participate in threesomes with the two of them?

  2. Hey step! Ya coming to the Oscar party if enty sets it up?

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Hi Steampunk! Sure am! Looking forward to it :-)

    2. Yay! I'm off w*** so I'll be there for preshow too :-)

  3. Woman like her are a glaziers best friend.

  4. Ashley Jones you bitch!

  5. Lol! You know those 3rd wheels are guaranteed traction , they're already on the car, so to speak...:-D
    Figure it out ladies, when you give him a side by side comparison of you ( been there done the For Years) vs new moves , fresh " face"... What do you think is going to happen?

  6. Women are not pictures!

  7. I hope the arresting officer applauded :-D

  8. Sooooo, the biggest names in Hollywood are Scott Baio, Tommy Lee, Richie Sambora, David Spade, and Jack Wagner?

    1. @ loopymommy, maybe the biggest isn't referring to their fame....;-)

    2. Oh, DUH!!! Thanks, Steampunk Jazz! ;)

    3. Isn't tom cruise in there somewhere?

  9. I hope Ashley and Heather used to play with each other too when they had their parties.

  10. God I hate to think that Heather has fallen so far she's now a stalker.

    Stay off drugs, kids!

  11. I think in some cases the third wheel is a guy who is just happy for go along for the ride and it could happen in reverse if turns out the one lesbian/bi female lover is oh Anne Heche and could switch teams on a dime.

  12. *sigh* just like Melrose Place, love it!

  13. @tina, either Ellen drove her crazy or Anne Heche was fucking for prestige power or roles and went crazy on her own to piss off the lesbian mafia in Hollywood by breaking up with Ell. Rumor was she got caught riding stick and got dumped...:-D

  14. @steampunk, I am dying! Hollywood lesbian mafia! I picture that as the female version of the Anchorman guys going to brawl the PBS guys!

  15. Do the Hollywood lesbian mafia live on Hollywood Blvd.?

  16. I don't know Hollywood enough to say but I suspect their vaginaway wouldn't be on a street with WOOD in the name...

    1. ROFL, you That's too funny!

    2. The above for@ seven :-D I was laughing so hard, I hit send before id ing

  17. Heather pulled a Courtney Love! Go girl!

  18. There are no more beautiful women in Hollywood than Lipstick Lesbians........of which neither Ellen or Anne H. are.

  19. I still like her though.........:)

    she is a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs

  20. and I loathe Anne Heche.........

  21. Why is it that majority of beautiful women are super insecure? So sad!

  22. Because a beautiful woman thinks a man wants her because she only looks good and for nothing else.

  23. @sandybrook
    A lot of the time that's very true and their shelf life is not too long. Just look at all the older beautiful women who are either going nuts, Demi Moore, or losing their jobs, Brooke Burke Whatever. Beauty is fleeting.

  24. I forgot to add, many physically beautiful women only work on the exterior and not the interior, so once the attention goes, they are goners.

  25. He's a dog. Always has been. And he likes rough sex…as in, he's a biter. Don't ask me how I know.

  26. Now see I think Demi really looks good and so does Brooke. I dont think Brooke has an image problem but Demi surely does. Demi 's problem basically is she wishes she was 25 like her daughters. And she can still get young guys she thinks but she should move to age appropriate where she would be more appreciated like a 45 yr old guy with money maybe. BUT she doesn't think those types of guys are any fun.

  27. I feel very sorry for Heather and Ritchie Sambora's daughter, Ava. That can't be an easy road.

  28. Heather Locklear and Jack Wagner relationship = '90s trash tv wet dream!

    Like discovering N Fallon (firefly) and Caprica 6 (battlestar gallactica) are (were?) dating = nerdgasm.

    I thought when Heather was done for dui in Malibu a few years ago, with her mugshot splashed everywhere, that they ended up apologising after finding it was a total frame up from someone. Vague recollection. I thus have question marks over whether she's really got addiction problems.

  29. @Seven Eleven, Bernadine did it right! I love that scene so much.

  30. @Seven Eleven, Bernadine did it right! I love that scene so much.
