Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 6, 2014

This B list mostly movie actor is supposedly sober. I say supposedly because his PR people are trying to make sure the world thinks he is, but he has slipped a few times in the past month. The guy is trying, but he is not being honest with himself or his fans if he pretends he has been sober as long as he claims.

Zac Efron


  1. Isnt this from like the day after the last time he got the shit beat out of him?

  2. Enty, I'm coming out of hiding to say ENOUGH. We get it. You know your shit.

  3. Blind items revealed are tough, y'all!

  4. @Sansa Stark, don't come out of hiding! What if the Lannisters find you?!

    1. LOL. Too busy having sex with each other.

  5. Yeah was in fight in bad area of LA early Sunday with a bodyguard and his story is he ran out of gas??

  6. Why can't Enty talk abour Zac? Why is he off limits?

  7. Another Disney kid goes off the rails.... I'm starting to see a pattern emerging here...... Nope it's gone

  8. Enty's just sounding his truth cannon, y'all. He's our fat Beaveheart of smut. Or something.

  9. I think when you come to the place where you have to go score for yourself, you're in pretty bad shape. You're long past the hangers-on-offering-drugs-for-access stage. You're just a garden-variety addict.

    I don't find the bottle-throwing shocking. The man was drunk or high or strung out, and perhaps frustrated about waiting for the man and/or not getting what he paid for.

  10. Can we nickname these particular kinds of obvious, bragging reveals that come out within a few days after a public incident "Nana Nana Boo-Boos?"

    Maybe sometimes the Enties could toss in a "Almost Nana Nana Boo-Boo," to keep the universe on a balanced course.

  11. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Thsi is a gossip site, if you don't like it don't read it. Go to Jezebel or XOJane or Hello Giggles.

  12. @anna belle
    how are those sites any better then cdna?

  13. So Zach is today's Gwyneth?

  14. Anonymous7:12 AM

    @cubfan-they aren't really gossip sites, more along the lines of Women's mags, fashion & beauty, some current interest & news items, but with a light touch

  15. i think MOST stars/publicists will lie about sobriety at some point in their career. there are plenty of examples.

  16. he definitly looked like he was on something at the Oscars.

  17. What do you guys think he was trying to score? Heroin? I would think that he would still have a regular dealer that he could call for delivery.

  18. It is weird ZE trying to score something for himself. He must have a regular source, and as long as he has money a dealer will sell. So he might have been looking for something he doesn't have regular access too.

  19. Enty's just sounding his truth cannon, y'all. He's our fat Beaveheart of smut. Or something

    Kristin, did you mean "Braveheart", or did you just invent a whole new nickname for Enty & the Entities? (Crimony, that last bit sounds like a power pop band from either the mid-'60s or the early '80s...) Gotta say I kinda like "Beaveheart"; it sounds like some kind of demented mashup of William Wallace with Beavis and Butthead, sailing the seas of cheesy gossip (see what I did there?). Gotta love it...

  20. I'm afraid this isn't going to end well.

    Shape up, pretty boy.
