Friday, March 21, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 2, 2011

This B- list television actress has been in this space before for some not so model behavior. She is on a hit show for this almost network and wants everyone in the world to think she is the perfect mom and girlfriend to her B list actor boyfriend who is also on a hit television show. Our actress has gone through a series of relationships with men and at the end she always makes it seem like the boyfriends were the awful ones and she was perfect. The realities? She sets aside time for sex with her boyfriends. They get three times a week but she only schedules it for 30 minutes. If you are late then that is your fault. When 30 minutes is up, she is up too. She considers it a necessity rather than fun. Oh, and don't forget that pre and post sex shower. Food? She only eats four things. Seriously. Just four. Chicken, rice, Total and apples. Nothing else. No seasonings or spices. If you are with her when you eat, then she insists you eat the same thing too. One of the actresses on her show who is getting to be almost A list said that if given the opportunity she would slip a chocolate bar or pot into the homemaker's food just so she could actually live a life for two minutes. Red carpet events? She tells her dates what to wear. Why do guys put up with it? Because she latches on to them and does not let go. They don't have a choice. If you ask her out and she says yes, she will be texting and calling and doing drop ins before you can say boo. She does not let go and it is very tough to get her out of your life.

#1 - Actress - Kelly Rutherford
#2 - Her boyfriend- Matthew Settle
#3 - Co-star who talks smack- Blake Lively
#4 - Television show- Gossip Girl


  1. yeah so where's the coke mom reveal? You hit 20k days ago.

  2. oooh Blake---slip her a cookie?! Your such a bad ass!!!

  3. He won't do it Secret, he also won't ever give up MV. No sense in waiting.

    Isn't Kelly the one who wants to breastfeed until her kids are 8 or something?
    Also I would love to know how Blake was going to slip a chocolate bar into her Total cereal.


  4. She sounds so organized that I WANT to admire her, but the lack of seasoning in her food makes my soul hurt.

  5. She sounds like she has OCD. Although a pre and post sex shower is never an awful thing to be fair.

    1. Violet, I had a gf who preferred I went back to work work without washing her off

    2. I totally agree @Violet. Even the most thin obsessed of actresses allow themselves undressed veggies of all kinds and greens. This is just NUTS.

  6. wasn't she married to the French guy then?

  7. So Goop, Cami, and Blake are all the same

  8. So...she took lessons from goop. In the police community, the mentor is called a rabbi, would goop be called a Yenta?

    1. That's a NYC term. In Chicago, the mentor is often called a Chinaman.

  9. She lost custody of her kids right? And she spent all her money trying to get them back?

    1. Well the judge granted 50/50 but since the dad got deported they ruled the kids should live and go to school on France, and Kelly to visit...

  10. Holy Crap! I had no idea she was like this. Insisting people eat what she does? What a selfish bitch! She makes Blake Lively look like the Earth Mother.

  11. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I feel sorry for her.

  12. You DON'T have to eat what someone else insists you eat. You can always say no. For people like this it just blows them away. It's kind of funny to see them squirm. Mean? Oops.

  13. It worked for Monk.

    Seriously, though, slipping something into people's food is wrong. Like jerks who put meat into a vegetarian's bowl and laugh when they don't know they're sipping beef broth, or people who don't believe lactose or gluten allergies are real and try that slip of the hat. It's such an a*hole thing to do, just as bad as the preachy vegetarian who acts like you're a barbarian for liking steak. Leave food choices alone!

  14. Let us acknowledge that three times a week for 30 minutes, even if you have to shower and she is just lying there, is more sex than 99% of married men get.

  15. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Kelly is a known anal retention crazie self centered B*tch....the funny thing is she grew up poor white trash to a single mom in kentucky...Kelly left her 1st hubs, he got sick right after they married with a heart issue, & she left him, he didn't know where she took off to, he then got served with divorce papers...she's a piece of work to say the least.

  16. I agree Seven..That's wrong and truly creepy.

  17. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Kell is another one that's strangely creepy looking in person.

  18. The sex part of the blind would get her dumped and let her try to 'not let go' of me. ha! Please! I'd put her azz on the curb quicker than a STOP sign.

  19. Blake---- it's not nice to gossip girl.........


  20. Why are these guys letting her dictate sex and food?! Find your balls gentlemen.

  21. She always seemed a bit crazy. I saw her interviewed a while back and I surprised. I wonder what really went on her custody battle with her ex, she totally lost that case so something major went down.

    1. Me too. Something aboot she set him up and got him "caught by feds" and had his visa revoked and judge ruled in his favor and granted him full custody.

  22. I feel sorry for Kelly. She lost her children to her ex and they're in another country. That must be hell!

  23. help me out please! i`m not from the us, what is total?!

  24. Give me my damn spicy food, or give me death! Nobody is gonna deny me my beloved Mexican food!Tacos, tostadas, burritos, enchiladas and some dang chimichangas! Hell to the no! Gimme my damn Salsa Brava!!



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