Saturday, March 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

September 26, 2013

This former almost A list mostly television actor who barely works as an actor at night any longer is back at screwing with the head of this A list celebrity/reality star again. Our actor hooked up with a waitress this past week and while they were both naked after sex he took a call from our celebrity and said he wasn't doing much and that he couldn't wait to see her later and then he hung up and wanted sex with the waitress again who called him a sleaze and left. he then asked if she had any friends who would be interested.

Wilmer Valderrama/Demi Lovato


  1. Hate the game, not the player. Enty is a player hater!

    Good on the waitress!

    1. In this case, I think hating the player is justified.

      Boss is here, time to work *sigh*

    2. Presumably the waitress knew who he was before she screwed him the first time (I actually have no idea what he looks like so am not sure how recognisable he is so could be doing waitress a disservice) in which case she's probably fairly sleazy herself.
      Demi was singing his birthday praises on twitter on the other week so she's still in denial.

    3. Aw, LowKey, that's no fun!

      Violet: wanting to bone a hot dude with smokin cheekbones is not sleazy. Leaving because he is a Skeevy McSkeeverton is a pretty good thing!

    4. I would only say good on the waitress if she only never got involved with him in the first place. ;)

    5. LowKey -
      Agreement that hating the player is utterly justified in this instance.

      Weekend work :(

    6. I can't help but admire his slimy, greasy hustle.

  2. oh Demi girl, I like you but you've got to get some self esteem. This guy is a Grade A Douchecanoe. Get him out of your life.

  3. And she must know all this about him. Maybe she just doesn't care that he's a total sleazeball douche. If he's single, hey, do whatever you want. No big. But if you're in a relationship that shit is no bueno. He enjoys messing with her I think.

    1. He's an addiction at this point. I watched one girl waste 10 years on a douche canoe.

    2. Does seem the type that enjoys messing with people's brains. Like a zombie. A zombie from eons ago that nobody can figure out the continued fame of. The zombie metaphor went off track, but I'm going to stick with it.

  4. Gross. I don't understand how he can still get women with that reputation. SMH.

    In OTHER NEWS: If you're in the NYC metro area--I am having a massive clothing/bag/shoe and makeup sale today.
    I'm still trying to raise back rent. If you're interested in shopping, send me an email and I'll give you directions.
    I'm on the UWS

  5. Whatever. You go to a motel, have sex with a guy you barely know and probably only sleep with because you thought Fez's accent was hawt, then when he takes a call from his actual girlfriend, get all bent out of shape. Yawn. Nothing to see, moving along.

  6. Did she really think there'd be romance afterwards?

  7. @Renoblondee thanks! I put an ad in craigslist too.
    Fendi, Coach and other brand bags, vintage furs, vintage lingerie, jeans, tops, coats, dresses and more.
    Size 0-8.
    Hope I can sell some stuff!

  8. The waitress wanted a quickey and thats what she got. No harm no foul. As for Val, well, Demi is the dumba$$. She knew he was a dog and you know what they say about lying down with dogs.

  9. There are some women who think they can change a guy, that "lurve" conquers all.....urgh. It's like they watched too many Lifetime movies.

    1. @Blondie - some women watch too many Lifetime movies and try to change men, some women watch too much SATC and try to be Carrie Bradshaw. People are weird.

  10. If there is ever one kindness blind reveal that is Wilmer I know the end of the world will be nigh.

  11. @Lucas, I know and I don't get it. I'm a Manhattanite and I can't tell you how many women I met who moved to NYC, because they thought that SATC was real. That if they moved here, they'd become Carrie.
    I wish I was joking; I've heard the complaints. SMH

    1. @Blondie - right? I mean they think they are going to go into publishing and rub elbows with celebs while hoarding luxury goods and then next thing you know they are begging strangers for money on the internet to make rent like some kind of bourgeois panhandler. Madness.

    2. Geeze Lucas, you're usually nicer, this is unnecessarily unkind.

      Blondie - good luck girl, don't let mean spirited comments get you down -
      shelter & food > prada

  12. I just love that you used the word "bourgeois"

  13. @Blondie 100% agree with you I see it all the time too. They try so hard to create this fantasy world were they are the star of their own version of SATC. It always ends badly when none of the glam and drama happened for them.

    How some of the younger women dress in my office for attention is hilarious. It is a pretty conservative firm so instead of looking edgy and risqué, they are just eye candy for creepy old men and unwanted attention. After awhile you see them kick off the stilettos in favor of the more reliable flats.

  14. @Lucas And just when I thought you were kinda cool, you toss me a bomb, nice one Lucas.
    Let me tell you one thing, I left home when I was 17. I have worked my ass off my entire life. I can't even begin to tell you how many years I worked 2 jobs.
    I have tried everything I can to get another job, I'm sending out resumes every day, doing everything you can.
    I've been selling every damn thing I own.
    You think I enjoy going public? You think this is fun? Are you serious?
    I don't have any family, I don't have a net should I fall down like I have, I have only myself to rely on.
    I have tried every freaking gov't agency. Unfortunately, if you're a single woman without any dependants you are completely and totally screwed.
    I have been coming here for years because this is a place where you can forget stuff. I mentioned the tag sale today because if there are CDANers who live in the city and want a bargain, I've got them.
    I hope to freaking god that you never end up where I am now.

    1. Ahh Blondie, I see you already got this one (I read down and comment as I go).

      Good luck, sending prayers your way. And respect - after the day is done, you can belt out a Sinatra or Sex Pistols version (whichever floats your boat) of My Way. You deserve it. Hope the sale goes well, no shame only pride in taking care of yourself and having the guts to make hard decisions.

  15. @Timebob--When SATC was really huge, my friends and I could spot the "Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Sam" group whenever they were out. They all dressed like the characters, even if they were going to a concert in Prospect Park.
    You'd see under the social groups section in a ton of NYC activity boards notes from women stating that
    "I'm looking for my Miranda and Charlotte."
    I knew one woman who bitterly, bitterly complained that the city wasn't ANYTHING AT ALL like the TV show.
    Don't people realize that if it's not a documentary, it's not true?
    If they even read the book that the show was based on, they'd see that Bushnell's NYC was dark and not glittery.

  16. @Blondie - Don't assume I haven't. I just decided not to make it everyone's problem. All over the internet. For a year.

  17. @Blondie! - I tend to err on the side of compassion, but I see the point Lucas is making. Social service agencies exist to provide services for people with needs, yes, but a mother with two children escaping from a domestic violence situation is a greater need than a single white woman in Manhattan with a closet full of designer clothes and vintage furs.

    I wish you the best in your life, but I also hope that you understand where those organizations are coming from. They're not trying to "screw" you, they're trying to allocate their funds to help those who need it most, and I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts, a single mother escaping an abusive husband and seeking shelter or rental assistance does not have a full year to find it or a closet full of furs to fund it.

    A really good friend of mine also pointed out that you go where the jobs are - if your current situation is about to make you homeless, perhaps a city with one of the highest costs of living isn't the place to be.


  18. Is this the first time you have had to go public with this Blondie! ?
    I was gonna send you an email about the furs and pricing but I won't negotiate with someone who is so easily caught in a lie.

  19. Hshit, that escalated quickly

  20. Anonymous11:01 AM

    @Blondie used vintage lingerie? You're kidding right? Can I make a suggestion? Look at your Internet fingerprint, it may explain why you're not getting calls back on jobs. I hire employees and we check their social media before hiring to get a "sense" of who they are. Yours reads like a self centered twit that thinks the world and every agency owes them a favor. I too have been on my own since 17 and except for a $1000 car I got in 1994 I haven't taken a thing from my parents. You need to move, erase your Internet past and get a real job. Sorry if this sounds harsh but I think reality has taken a leave of absence.

  21. Nope, not lying. If you want to email me about the vintage stuff, please do. If not, that's fine.

    If anyone wants to, I can send you scans of all the documents I have.

    If you want me to post the link to the tag sale ad, I will . If not, that's fine.

  22. Thanks for the advice and constructive comments.

  23. Anonymous11:19 AM

    @Blondie! - I wish you the best of luck with selling your stuff. I know how tough things can be but commend the efforts you are undertaking to pick yourself back up. I have to agree with the suggestion of moving to a place where there are better job prospects. I've had to do that on a couple of occasions and it's been well worth it.

  24. Holy crap, people. It can happen to anyone. One stroke of misfortune, a string of bad luck... happened to my BFF, she had to let her apt go, file bankruptcy, and she's living in my spare room now. Shit happens.

  25. That's awesome, UnknownB, so you WERE exactly who I thought you were

  26. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Her tumblr story:

    Post on Enty's CDAN Chit Chat:

    The original story in the CDaN Forums (I think a year ago):

    The celeb encounter that hurt.....

    I live in NYC in an old pre-war building. Nothing fancy, shmancy, except we do have an elevator. No doorman, no laundry room. Kinda basic, but in a quiet nabe in the low 100s. I've lived in the building since 2000. Sometime a year after I moved in, Neil Patrick Harris and his BF, now husband moved into an apt. on the 5th floor. This was before How I met your mother. We'd say hi as neighbors do. Occasionally trade tips on restaurants and things. Once in awhile, I'd tease him and say, "Hey! I haven't seen you around where've you been?" and He go, "West Coast," I'd reply, "why would you go there?" and laugh. You know the usual neighbor stuff.
    Once I pleaded with him to switch jobs with me because I was editing holiday gift guides and my eyes were dice.

    So, yeah, the usual, hey neighbor thing, hold the elevator/front door thing...nothing crazy, nothing rude.
    This past Tuesday, I had gotten awful news. I had lost my job in November, and had been job hunting. I had gotten behind on my rent, went to apply for a "one shot" deal where a charity pays your back rent. I had money coming in that would pay future rent--I've started freelancing, but needed $7000 to pay back rent.
    When I went to the HRA office to apply, I was told that...well, here's the story--

    Anyway, that I got a hold of the assemblyman's assistant to find out what was going on and he told me that I was denied.. basically, the assistant promised help and didn't follow through. That afternoon, I was in an awful, miserable mood. I decided to take my dog for a walk. I get into the elevator, it stops on the next floor (5) and in walks David and Neil. I say hey, they say hey back. I ask them how're they doing. they say okay. I blurt out that it's soo bad they don't want to know. Please understand, I'm a wreck, I normally don't break down in public. I then blurt out that I'm going to be evicted. David asks why? I tell them both that I've lost my job. I have my hands over my face, trying not to cry.
    David then says, "Oh don't worry. It's easy to get another apartment in the city." I just stare at him. He leans down and pets Sophie. "At least you'll have Sophie."

    "Yeah," I say,"It'll be me, Sophie and a grocery cart."
    They get out of the elevator as so do I. They get into their waiting car.

    The past three to four days I've seen them since, they either run so I can't get near them, look the other way or ignore me.

    It's not like I was begging them for help. I lost my s::::IIIY because I was so upset.
    I don't generally cry or freak out in public.
    If they see me, they pretend I'm not there.

  27. Shit happens indeed.
    However, this doesn't seem like a sudden one time event

    Oh neat Anna (oops) Lady Stepforded is back!

    1. Anonymous10:12 PM

      @Bacon Ranch - who is Anna?

    2. Annanonymous was a really insane poster, stepforded, that dramatised her life and dominated threads. Sympathy was sought on a daily basis for some new trauma. We had abusive relationships, stalking, pregnancy, medical problems, educational misfortune, anything and everything under the sun. It was pretty funny. She said she was in America, but this was up until possibly a year ago. I think she didn't appreciate when some commenters stated to eye-roll at the antics.

      There was also a 'troll' based on her, named 'Anna Mess' or Miss Mess' and similar. Count enjoyed forum sex chat with her.

      Bacon thinks you're the person behind one of these personas, not sure which.

      I sort of miss Annanonymous' ravings, from a purely comedic standpoint.

  28. "At the time of Gach’s ‘rental crisis’, the New York-based freelancer was living alone in a two-bedroom apartment in Harlem for $1700 a month"

    Are you kidding me? When I lived in Nashville my house payment was 750 a month. I had a job.
    Sheesh woman, get somewhere you can afford. Also, you may want to get some skills that are more mainstream, it would suck if you had to give up your pup just because you have stars in your eyes and no money in your (probably way too expensive) purse.

  29. In what fraking universe is that douche considered on the "a list"? He's a B- tops, and I being generous.

  30. Mentally giving Vilmer a swift kick in the balls. Again.

  31. Does it matter that someone may have asked for help, or expressed mysery, before? Most posters here have shared some negative experience they've had, including financial ones.

    It's not going to affect any of you (us) because you're not going to buy stuff (and surely selling stuff isn't asking for money, it's a transaction).

    Nobody seems to think it's untrue that Blondie's experiencing financial hardship ... so why not give encouragement or just ignore it instead of kicking?!

    I really do not understand what happened here. I read your comments, though not the links, and still feel it was way ott.

  32. Anonymous4:57 PM

    @Alita- By your own acknowledgment, you don't understand and you didn't read the links. But you're still going to chastise?

    I'm sick of swindlers on CDAN. Peace.

    1. B, how is selling stuff to make money "swindling", pray tell?

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      @Lowkey-Guess you didn't read the links either. Sending out tweets begging for money is swindling to me. Maybe when a grown woman spends her time online begging for money instead of putting her tits in gear and pulling it together?

    3. I did read the links you so thoughtfully provided, B.
      (You sure do seem to have a great deal of time on your hands)
      That's not what I was replying to...
      You said you were sick of swindlers on CDaN. She's not asking any of us for money. She was merely advertising her sale to anybody who might be in the area or interested.
      Reading comprehension much?

    4. You also seem confused by the definition of swindle. Perhaps this will help: Swindle: verb
      To use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions.

      Begging for money =\= swindling.

  33. @Alita - I have deep empathy for people going through real hard times. But if you are sitting on several bags that each cost three of my mortgage payments and you are unwilling to take on a roommate, move to a cheaper place or generally do the kinds of things people do to adjust to their present financial condition, I just can't.

    I spent half of 2013 unemployed, I understand what she is going through. And I know what I was prepared to do if things didn't change. And even though I am happily employed now the income gap while I wasn't meant I had to stop making mortgage payments on my house and put it up for sale, knowing I won't get enough out of it to break even. Thankfully I had somewhere else to live, but any time I go by the old place and see the doorframe where I marked a decade of my kid's growth it hurts. But I didn't ask people online to dig me out of a hole I got myself into. I knew I should have saved more and been more careful. And thanks to being comfortable when I was employed I didn't qualify for any government assistance other than unemployment, which was less than half what I had been making. And yet I managed to avoid going online and hoping someone else would bail me out. And I certainly didn't whine that because I was a single man no one helped me.

    So, yes, I am usually really laid back and super nice. Which is exactly how I am IRL. But seriously? I don't begrudge her being successful in the past and having nice things but the biggest obstacle to Blondie's life getting better is staring at her in the mirror every morning. I sincerely hope she begins to accept that life as she knew it is gone and starts taking steps to adjust to life as it is instead of pining for what it was. And I wish her great success. Truly. But the kindness of strangers isn't a long-term fix.

  34. Unknown B:
    I think this is a subjective approach difference. I take commenters at face value and don't look at bios etc because I think everyone had the right to present whatever personality they wish on a forum, and because I don't care enough.

    Whatever Blondie may have said away from here I consider immaterial to CDaN, unless she actively pushed it on us. I don't believe that has happened.

    I do not recall 'swindlers' being active on CDaN as you imply. Even this instance is a commenter saying she will sell items - that's transactional, not charity. I don't understand this statement from you at all.

    The other week Derek went nuts about Rach, disbelieving her mother had passed away. Whether true or not, the commenter was soliciting sympathy. Others responded with that sympathy. It speaks more to the sympathiser's personality and ethics, imo, than the 'sympathisee.' I imagine that a few 'personalities' here are run by one person. I find it odd that commentators from my part of the world are active at local times like 3 to 6am. But seriously, it's a gossip forum, whatever!

    Similarly, I find it meanspirited that Blondie (who imo doesn't clog up the chan with personal bs) said something and she got roundly slapped for it out of the blue (in a CDaN context). Unless you guys have been personally scammed by her (presumably not!!!), or I have missed vast swathes of constant money/sympathy solicitation from Blondie, imo it speaks more to those that hassled her than her.

    And that is why, coming back to where I started, this is possibly a theoretical disagreement in forum MO - I don't go offsite finding people, but others do. I don't hate you (or anyone!) from CDaN (the 'peace' thing - we're cool), but I do disagree with what happened above.

    And now I have half the character count on this thread so it looks like I care way more than I do, but it's raining here :)

    Tl; dr: it's a forum, so what!!

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      @Alita-Willful ignorance is dangerous.

      And, Xander Dyle.

    2. You do get that this is a gossip blog forum, right, and not real life, @Unknown B?

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      @Alita-Maybe you should let the beggars know too. Got that people-THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE! MIND BLOWN!

    4. No more 'peace,' @Unknown B? Aww.

      It's impressive to discover that when someone engages and asks specific questions you're unwilling to answer, that you degenerate to unsubstantiated (and rather wanting) mockery. This speaks to your CDaN character, which is all I need to know of you. Maybe you can now understand why I believe you don't need to go offsite to know all you need to for cohabiting a forum.

      Yes, unquantified "beggars" and "swindlers" of CDaN, this is a gossip forum, and people are unlikely to hold you to the same level of personal substantiation as they would in their real world relationships. Shocking!

      And in related news: hope that your sale went well today, @Blondie!

    5. Anonymous10:25 PM

      @Alita - very well said, all of it, and I agree 100%!

      @Blondie! - I, too, hope your sale went well today too.

      @Everyone Else - until you've walked in @Blondie!'s shoes, don't judge. She was merely plugging her garage sale, not asking for handouts.

  35. I get it Lucas, but there is always someone whose problems are better or worse than yours. There is a midway point between openly sympathising or mocking someone.

    We can agree to disagree on this one. I think it's an academic difference of opinion, rather than a significant practical distinction in how we treat people.

  36. I can't figure out how Valderrama can keep up financially in Hollywood. Is he blackmailing people?

    1. Anonymous10:06 PM

      @Persiaa - word on the street is that he's everyone's favourite dealer. Whether or not it's true though ...

    2. Anonymous10:06 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymous10:06 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Seriously @Stepforded? When the same thing was said about Paris Hilton, and that this was how she continued being asked to all the cool Hollywood parties, it really made sense. IfVVanderawhatever is the same it totally makes sense. Could not fathom how he continued being anything other than a hasbeen possible candidate for 'where are they now? - stripping!' tv-special.

  37. Fez is gonna get his one day. That'll be a reveal worth waiting for. Maybe. I really could care less about him to be honest.

  38. @LowKey - in previous posts she did in fact ask if we could help. Also mentioned she wrote Enty a few times asking if he could write a thread about her situation. Also asked if we knew anyone who needed an editor (I think it was an editor).

    Most of us saw it. Hope that helps clarify things for you.

  39. good Lord ya'll. I am not posing as anyone else or using other names. I'm certainly not recorded. Lucas is right but being harsh. it's just a garage sale, take it easy people.

  40. I never saw any of that, @surfer, thanks for the exposition. I understand a little more but (without having seen those threads) I guess it'd want to be pretty bad and sustained to make what I originally reacted to be reasonable to me. I just see Blondie as a semi-regular that participates in the chatter here. And none of Unknown B's standpoints make any sense still (in case they're reading).

  41. Oooh Annanynmous ... snap!

  42. I peeked into the Daily Life article linked upthread, and it makes the point I would've made anyway.

    Guys, gals, Internet busking isn't going to go away. Actually, I think the majority of my female writer colleagues have now turned to organized campaigns -- hosted by websites like GoFundMe and Patreon -- to supplement their meager writers' incomes. And here I'm talking about people whose bylines regularly appear at The Guardian and New Statesman. These aren't part-time bloggers getting handouts; they're full-time columnists trying to make rent, and they're openly asking their readerships for help. Is asking for money "tacky"? Or somehow deviant? Maybe -- but it increasingly seems to be turning into the "new normal."

    In the last year I'd say I've paid two colleagues' rent, just a month each, really small potatoes, and I paid off another colleague's mortgage. For the record, none of them asked; I just did it. I did my friends those solids because, hell, I *get* it. Nobody wants to ask for help anyway, because everyone's situation is just awful.

    There was a very dark nine-month stretch in 2011 during which I worked as a celebrity gossip blogger (hi!). I had enough financial help to make Chicago rent, barely, but from that experience I can tell you bloggers make something like 8 bucks (U.S.) a post. The benefit of doing something like that is, income is steady (as long as you stay healthy!) and you're free to travel. (The latter of these tiny freedoms was crucial to me: My parents, now both deceased, were both sick, and I needed to be able to get to them at an instant's notice. The freedom to travel back and forth far overwhelmed my need for a salary in an office someplace. And good lord, yes, you can google all that.)

    Essay writing is, compared to blogging, financially a wash. Web outlets tend to pay $50 per piece; the most I've ever been paid was $250, for a NYTimes column. (Here's some depressing lunch-hour reading: As the numbers show, it's outright suicide to go into writing-for-web full-time, and even worse to do that while living in a major metropolis, as Blondie does. Yet freelance/contract writers do it all the time -- and some even excel at it! (Here I'm using "excel" really loosely. I mean "eat.")

    My point, if I have one at all, is that Blondie is not perpetrating some grand deception, here. No, her financial problems haven't disappeared since her very googleable brouhaha; yes, she has continued to scheme at get-rent-quick plans. A lot of writers do, even the proven ones. But Blondie isn't being duplicitous. She's selling off her closet, for cripes' sake (and for whatever it's worth, I for one assumed the items she's selling are expensive freebies or trunk sale wares).

    I also think it's ludicrous to suggest that a blogger take on "less glamorous" work. As if there were already anything less glamorous than getting peanuts per SEO-optimized post -- truly the sweatshop labor of this, our 24/7 Broadcast Era -- but blogging IS the "sure bet." It's a constant stream of income. Sacrificing all that in the hopes of easier money, in this job market? THAT is ludicrous.

    What else is ludicrous is the way I apparently come out of the woodwork anytime a CDaN reader's day-to-day life gets taken to task. The terrible irony is not lost on me. Anyway, I was really only in this thread to agree that Wilmer Valderrama probably sucks. That is all.

    There a couple drags left on this weekend. Make it a good one.

  43. @LowKey Thanks, friend.

    I did miss one key point, though, and that's how insulted people seem to be that Blondie continues to live in NYC. I swear to God, I have seldom cried like I cried when I abandoned my entire adult support system in Chicago in favor of more "cost-effective" living in a small town in Texas.

    But the real reason I still had an apartment in Chicago up until autumn of last year? It was the goddamn cost of moving. It's so much money! And I'd gotten into that pickle before: I pinched pennies for over a year trying to save enough coin to move away from San Francisco in 2009 (from an apartment sized and priced like Blondie's, in what most of you would call a slum, just to ironically move *back* to a comparatively "cost-effective" Chicago).

    It's easier to scrape rent together than to plan, fund, and execute a massive move like that, especially if Blondie has -- as commenters have so helpfully clarified -- lived in the same apartment for 13 years. I know a pretty well-known film critic who is coincidentally caught in an identical bind. He can no longer afford the rat's nest he's occupied up into middle age, and he'd have to totally sideline his career for a few months even just to empty his home. Like, he works nonstop. AND! His radiator heat is free, so he doesn't pay a gas bill: He just uses the microwave. And God, I so feel him on that -- I didn't pay my Chicago furnace bill until maybe a year after my mom died. What I'm saying is, city-dwelling is this endless mousetrap. It's easy enough to realize you should head for the hills once you're THERE, in a city; it's just a matter of affording making a break for it.

    Anyway, shorter-winded people have said it better upthread: Walk a mile in anyone else's shoes before you feel entitled to their life's trials. Having any compassion for others isn't an emotional drain, believe me. It's actually easier, and you'll be happier.

    Lord help me, I am defending a stranger on the Internet on a Sunday morning. This is the last time I'll publish a wall of text here, promise. (Somewhere else, I could make fifty easy bucks doing this!)

  44. Great posts @Jenn.
