Friday, March 07, 2014

Blind Item #6

This current west coast Housewife says she has sex with someone other than her husband at least once every two weeks to "keep her centered."


  1. Can't stand her...I think Carlton totally fake

  2. Carlton is an ugly skank. I don't know how she can even get a man. So gross. All she talks about is sex.

  3. They actually have married women on that show?

  4. That fugly witch.

  5. I agree it's Carlton and I wouldn't be surprised if it's with her kids nanny. Carlton perks up every time that woman walks in the room.

  6. That poor nanny :( You know that clattering, leathery bag of bones takes her to that cheap ass love dungeon of hers.

  7. Anonymous8:07 AM

    All of them

  8. Maybe Carlton is getting it on with Brandi Glanville. I wouldn't mind watching that.

  9. I saw a picture of that creature yesterday and I wouldn't touch her with your dick Harry. She's hideous looking and no way is she "40 yrs. Old".

  10. It's probably Carlton, but just because I can't stand her, I'll go with Tamra.

  11. Carlton is going all out to try to get that invitation back for next season but I don't think it will happen.

  12. How do these women all stay so skinny? they just not eat? I'm sure that's Yolanda's trick, but Brandi seems like a burger gal and she drinks enough calories to make her a heifer. I don't know how they have the discipline. Maybe low self-esteem + utter fear of aging and being manless is the equation

  13. "Diet Pills"

    All these skanks do massive amounts of drugs. their life has no purpose, might be why they change their face so drastically. easier to look in the mirror if you don't recognize the face

  14. @brainy, I think it's a mix of working out all the time, only eating when someone is watching, and yes maybe a little bit of a boost in the form of pills, most likely adderall

  15. Gahh I despise her! She be creepy as shit.

    Oh no, now she is probably going to hex me or make mean words float across my computer screen *starts sprinkling salt in a circle*

    1. @JSierra I don't get why all those ladies are more concerned over a possessed screen saver than whatever black magic has been happening to Brandi's head all season.

  16. I missed that part!
    Wat the hell was on Kyle's computer?

  17. I don't understand how they get the pills. I have been on Duromine for almost 6 months, am monitored by my doctor, had & still do have a weight issue, but I have lost 17 kilos, but it has been slow & really hard work even with the pills.
    I am really happy with my weight loss, but a bit disappointed that it didn't fall off me like it seems to do for so many others. Maybe it doesn't fall off you when you have a genuine issue, but does fall off you when you are naturally slim/skinny & shouldn't be taking them in the first place.

  18. Ware the only specific word I can remember is bigot but there were a few others that "magically" appeared on the screen.

  19. @feraltart Where are you? In the US, it's not at all hard to get a prescription for diet pills. There are doctors who do nothing but that.

    BTW, this is probably Carlton but I wish it were Lisa and her employee, Peter.

  20. Dexamyl, I'm in Australia. I do line dancing & at 44 I am one of the youngest in the club. A lot of the ladies have had their doctors refuse to prescribe the tablets to them. They can have bad side effects, but I have had pretty much a dream run. They seem to want people to have surgery here rather than try the drugs first. I have a real issue with wanting to go invasive first.
    Also, my male boss, about 34, had lap band surgery done about a year ago & about 9 months in he started to put weight back on & it keeps creeping up.
    Before I ever started on the drugs I had a personal trainer, an exercise physiologist, was keeping a food diary, but the weight wasn't coming off. I even walked the Inca Trail in 2009 & didn't lose weight. These drugs have been the best for me.

  21. "diet pills" in quotes because thats perhaps how they started, but we all have seen Ellen Bursten in Requiem for a Dream, its meth, straight up

    The US is a prescription drug country now. It can all be cured in a pill.

  22. I like Carlton and Joyce, so I hope they come back next season and I really hope the Richards sisters are off the show :)

  23. Wouldn't it be a riot if it was Yolanda?

  24. Wouldn't it be a riot if it was Yolanda?
