Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blind Item #6

This C+ list actress turned to acting after a career as an A list entertainer(athlete). She and her A list mostly movie actor boyfriend are having issues. Might have something to do with the fact he cheats on her every week and is not shy about sharing photos and movies she made for him with his friends.


  1. Super man & the chick from the last Fast and Furious that was a fighter ...

  2. Gina Carano for the girl

  3. Henry Cavill for the a-hole

  4. Sounds like he's still upset about the break up with Kaley :(

  5. Gina was an idiot for taking him back

  6. Right, Sandy? We all know his heart is still with KC.

  7. They were such a cute couple. Kaley always shopped and bought morning coffee for him.

  8. I'm sure they will make it for the long haul. Their love is so special.

  9. His stomach said "americano" but her heart was set to "frappuccino."

  10. I'm surprised there aren't more leaks of these sorts of 'personal' photos and videos, since everyone in Hollywood seems to make them.

  11. Why oh why do people take compromising pics of themselves on phones that can so easily be hacked? Sigh...

  12. Sherry, how else do you suggest I get Sandybrook my newdies? Hmm? ;)

  13. Ginas been naked in Playboy.

  14. Just seeing if you're paying attention.

  15. Heeyyyyy Kristin. Just send them to me, dear. I will ensure that they get properly encrypted before passing them on to Sandy. What can I say.... I'm a humanitarian.

  16. Anonymous11:31 AM

    There is a difference between posing for a mag & pics/vids for a BF, which is why I will never do the 2nd. I think Gina thought Henry was gonna be big after Superman.

  17. Cavill needs to smarten up. Gina's a keeper. Here's her butt. She could beat the shit out of me without even trying.

  18. Yeah Charlie always looks out for his friends even if he only can see out of one eye :)

  19. Well look on the bright side Sandy Boo and Wig he's only gonna see half of your nekkidness...

  20. Well look on the bright side Sandy Boo and Wig he's only gonna see half of your nekkidness...

  21. Anonymous12:33 PM

    @harry-Gina's someone who's body goes up & down whether she's training or not. When I first meet her she was probably more like a 14-16 US, still beautiful though.

  22. Whatever you do, Wigs, just don't use a mirror. Apparently it's not done anymore.

  23. Gina Carano would be former A-list name recognition, C list talent. Like if Danica Patrick took up acting.

    And she didn't make weight in a lot of her fights. Struggled to make 145, cause broads at 155 would have annihilated her, like that Cyborg dude did. (All the juice Cyborg was on, I bet she'd packing more than I am.) They even brought over Japanese chicks of lighter weights and had them pack on pounds so Gina could beat them, to get her to the Cyborg fight. #SmokeAndMirrors

  24. Most of the current crop of phones have front facing cameras, so mirrors are only needed for ass shots. They are less mega pixels, but hi def pixxx aren't required for masturbation.

  25. I know there are front facing cameras!! Geez. Give a girl a second to figure this stuff out.

    By that I meant Wigs, of course! Good luck! Apparently there's a timer too!

  26. TTM, you know my policy, BooBoo. Like I said, sloooow day.

  27. Thank sweet baby jeebus, Wigs. I thought we'd lost you to the other side

  28. So Cavill would be A list ?!

  29. Isn't Henry Cavill gay??? I assumed she was just a beard.

    1. That's what has been implied in the blinds.

  30. This sounds like a bullshit plant from Cavill’s PR crew. They are running interference for something else. The KC thing was totally fake. When she got engaged 5 seconds after they were "over"bsuddenly Cavill is spied at dinner w/ Gina to save face? So he was rebounding with the ex? They were rekindling the romance? Please. Dude is GAY.

  31. Not her, Harry Knuckles

  32. Carano/Cavill

    He always gets outer for being an aas. Dannng.
