Friday, March 14, 2014

Blind Item #3

This C list mostly movie actress who is only as high as C list because of who she is married to loves the spotlight. She always has. She went from one celebrity to the next until she found an actor who married her. Anyway, they have a child together and nannies. Lots of nannies. When our actress spotted a pap the other day she went over to the nanny who was carrying the baby and yanked the baby out of the nanny's arms and then posed for photos with the baby. When the pap left the baby went right back to the nanny.


  1. Jenna Tatum? Elsa Patacky?

  2. Raise yo kids
    Raise yo kids
    Raise yo god damn kids!

  3. Heeeyyyy, Kristin. Can't wait until your next hug event.

    I'm currently reading Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel.

    1. Charlie, I just finished an article about retrograde ejaculation. Fascinating morning read!

    2. Wigs, that's the shite you have to share

    3. Kristin, I saw your subject and prematurely got excited. Then I Googled it... no bueno. I think I'll stick to the old fashioned way, thank you very much. I was envisioning doing it in space. Google can be a buzz kill.

    4. Sorry, Charlie! So I guess you don't want to hear about penis bleaching?

      Incidentally, I just read "Stronger Penis through Vitamin C - The Secret Vitamin for a Stronger Manhood." Don't know how you guys walk around with those things.

  4. HOw about Emma Hemming, Mrs. BRuce Willis?

  5. I dunno, Warecat, I wouldn't kick a nanny out of my house right now, wherever she ate crackers.

    I could see Jenna Dewan, but don't see where it's a huge issue. See above: nannies would be AWESOME

    1. @TTM I believe you meant "oot."

    2. Do doot aboot it, Wigs!

    3. Hey dudes! I see its safe now to come put and play?
      Lets tear this place apart!!!!!

    4. @Sugar "oot" to play.

      Let's trash the joint!!!

    5. Let's party like it's 1999 in Canuckistan!! Who's bringing the Smirnoff Ice and Cheezits? If someone sees Seven, ask her to bring the slurpee cups and napkins!

    6. Yay! Friday debauchery!! I'll start in randoms 5. There is some nasty juju over there. Bitches be bitchin'.
      Where should we rendezvous?

    7. I'm on it!

      Hey, duckie, I just caught up with last night's debacle and I just want to say I have the likes for you and if you go away, I will have the sads. And big Slurpee hellos to Lady H and my girl Steampunk!

  6. Heeeey Charlie!

    I take back my Sienna guess. They aren't married. Probably Elsa.

  7. I wish I had a nanny........

    Sienna is not C

  8. jenna tatum and they better be ugly nannies around Channing ;-0

  9. I wouldn't necessarily fault Elsa for that... she's in her late 30's and has twins growing up in there... That's got to be exhausting.

  10. I dunno if it's Elsa...their oldest is nearly 2, not exactly an age that wants to be carried anywhere. Plus, Elsa's 8 months along with twins. I sure as hell didn't rush any where at 8 months pregnant! I see this being Emma Hemming, too.

  11. I like Kristen's guess. Sienna. She's an attention whore.

  12. hi TTM - just saw the attack from yesterday - you know i would've had your back girl if i'd been here!!

    1. Thanks, canadachick, what a mess, hey? I still don't get it

  13. Wasn't Emma Hemmings a model ?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Did she really 'yank' the baby out of the nanny's arms?? Doesn't sound too unusual for a celeb to see photogs and then give them picture that puts them in the best light. Every mother with a nanny would probably have done something similar if someone wanted to take pictures of them. Have no idea her state of mind.

  16. Everything about this fits Elsa Pataky.

  17. I don't know... you NEVER see Elsa holding the Thorling. It's always Thor (and it's always, um, warm in here when I see that). But she did get a castle from Adrian Brody, so there's that.

  18. What happened yesterday TTM? Inquiring minds want to know...

    1. Somebody decided to express their opinion aboot me in Randoms 5. Then delete it. Then fight with the count all night. Kinda bizarre and epic all at the same time.

    2. WHA???!!! Oh jeez. I'm so sorry! Ugh well at least the Count was around. Love him!

    3. He was totally awesome last night, fo sho

    4. TTM- I hate going back and looking at those posts and seeing a lot of posts deleted.

    5. It was just more of the same, texas. Haters hating. I do understand.

    6. Deleting your rants only solidifies your wrongness. If you want to bitch at least be brave enough to do so and leave your words up for everyone to see. Cowardly to rant and be a betch and then decide to delete because of whatever reason. Stand by your words or don't say anything at all.

      TTM did NOT deserve that at all and when no one agreed with Ms. Tayl, she deleted. Brave.

  19. @TTM What the what??? Running to randoms. No one disses MY TTM.

  20. Totally Jenna Dewan-Tatum.

    Sienna is famous for the Jude Law thing, not for being married to Tom Sturridge. She's arguably a better known celebrity than Tom is, although obviously not higher list acting talent.

  21. She's been on tv mostly the past few years, but sounds like her unfortunately

  22. @TTM So sorry for all you went through on that thread. If you leave bc of that I will haunt you with endless emails begging you to come back. Even when you were away a couple of days, people missed you. She sounds like someone who doesn't like Canucks (I'm one too) or our various funny dialects. Good thing we're not Newfoundlanders, eh?

  23. For God's sake, I mean I'm a Canuck, not a hater. Geez. Ferficksakes.Feckineh.

  24. @canadachick Same. I feel sick about it.

  25. @Leek, sensible people got it. :)

    I can't believe you brought up Newfies, though. Gonna get hot in here! :b

  26. It's all over till the next time, Leeky! And I married a Newfoundlander, so I totes know what you mean

  27. @TTM Oh, lucky you! I loo-ve'm toe.

  28. I have been reading most of the comments here, and commenting sporadically, for quite a long time (longer than most of y'all have been around actually), and I honestly cannot understand the number of times I've seen people have a go at TTM. My impression of her is that she seems like a really nice, cool, fun chick and do not get what people could possibly have a problem with.

    Just wanted to say that, as someone not really "involved" with or part of the commenting group, that personally I have no issue with the personal conversations at all. If I'm not interested in reading, it, I scroll past it. It's really not that hard.

    That being said, I am commenting myself more lately because I'm back at work and am actually up and online early enough to not miss out on all the conversations (there always seemed no point to me to add my two cents later in the afternoon when most people aren't reading the site anymore and won't until the next day's items, but I enjoyed reading everything anyway)

  29. Well said CharRicho. I enjoy reading the convos, not so much the judgemental bitching. Freedom of speech is one of our freedoms to be respected. Men and women have died for our right to it.

  30. That retrograde ejaculation thing leaves me conflicted. On one hand a "dry orgasm" would quell my fear of knocking a broad up. On the other hand, I would be sad that I couldn't squirt my gift on to a chick so she could see how much I care for her and how I saved up for her. At my age, saving up can cause some prostate and blood pressure issues, so it is kind of a big deal. Plus it is always fun to watch their expression when they are getting bonus ropes.

  31. I just wanna say I fucking love all you guys. Been a shit week and I really needed something nice, even if it came out of something so randomly mean.

    And I'm sorry for the profanity, but not the OT

  32. Put both of your soft puffy jackets on, TTM cause you're about to be hugged for an uncomfortably long time.......

  33. I don't think Jenna Dewan Tatum is someone who always "loved the spotlight." For most of their marriage, she really took a backseat, never was papped, and only appeared at certain events with her hubs. Now she has a show to promote and is just working the PR machine like she is expected to.

  34. TTM - You're married to a NL'er? So cool. I have family in NL. Where is your hubs from?

    1. Small world, JBE! He is from the Grand Falls / Windsor area, how about your family?

  35. I don't get the weirdo trolls. It annoys me.

    Tacky is 80 mos preggo w two mini Hemis. She doesn't have to hold a 2 yr old for the camera, even if it is her. Nobody expects that,do they? That's a Hillarrrria type move. Or, Bruce W's wife.

  36. Replies
    1. Thanks, di, love ya back! You always have the best inside stuff

  37. Enty has made this exact description about Mrs Hemsworth before. India isn't really a baby any more though.

    Still shaking my head over that mess on #5 yesterday.

  38. I agree with Vera L's guess.

  39. Replies
    1. Newfoundlanders totally rule, gawd luv 'em!
