Saturday, March 29, 2014

Blind Item #2

They might be on vacation together and in the same suite, but that doesn't mean the couple is having sex or staying ion the same bedroom. This A+ list entertainer("singer") is sleeping solo or with her kids. No one else. No alone time with her boyfriend behind a closed door either.


  1. It's Britney bitch.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Po Brit Brit. Can't they find a Poz dude to give her some dick? Only thing, besides meds, that helps crazy is a good schtupping.

    1. @Count: mental health specialists also recommend abstinence (at least temporarily) when someone is suffering from certain conditions that are associated with risky sexual activities (ie sex addicts, borderline PD). One of my friends had BPD and her use of her sexuality was very much linked to her disorder. They don't want you having sex until you work out your underlying issues, so they can have healthy relationships

    2. +1 @lady Heisenberg I would imagine having that, the last thing one would need is sex. I can totally understand and can subscribe to that being a form of therapy.

  4. poz plus poz is a very dangerous thing,

  5. Did she have a lobotomy or something? She's never been the wisest but she at least use to have a personality. Now she's basically a puppet.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      @jack ducky - she is mind controlled. Pure and simple. 'Everyday Dave' is employed to keep her on the straight and narrow and keep her company - nothing else. As was the blonde guy before him, but he got bored and was seen in the company of other women, so that contract, oops ... I mean 'engagement', was broken off (terminated).

      Look at her eyes - there's nobody home; she is in a constant trance.

      Yes, she is medicated too - but she is also heavily mind controlled. Choose to believe it or not ... but if you go web-digging you'll find a million and one articles that support this.

  6. @jack ducky - unfortunately Britney suffers from some rather severe mental issues which tend to come on and intensify in early adulthood (read mid-to-late 20s) which is why it wasn't an issue when she was 15-20 so much.

    There are other reasons why Britney is not allowed off the leash sexually but no need to spell it out. She's had a rough life and is heavily medicated at this point.

  7. and in fairness, those darn kids can have an effect too. My eldest is 17 and quite frankly, given my constant star of exhaustion since the day that kid arrived it's nothing short of a miracle that we now have 2 more. Maybe "singer" Brit is just tired.

  8. What is with the pos rumors? She's got two kids. She never really dated after the whole KFed drama. He's married with a new baby now. When would she have contracted? It would break my heart if it were true but it doesn't seem likely. Heavily medicated due to mental issues is far more likely IMO.

    1. That Adnan guy, that got banned from her life, could be a clue. If she got it, my guess is, it happened during those crazy days and nights she was hanging out with him.

  9. Britney was a little Lohan sexually, there were many men, hers was just out of spotlight, even when she was in rehab before the whole shave head and other headlines she would hook up with the guys there randomly

  10. I still think she has look alikes filling in for her in Vegas. She can barely move half the time never mind put on a show every night.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      @audrey - for sure. And the weight between the photographs (previous night in Las Vegas; next day at Starbucks) fluctuates quite dramatically.

  11. From Enty's A to D list, this is Britney right down to the quotes around "singer:"

    "A+ list entertainer (“singer”) who loves Starbucks runs"

  12. I thought her paid for boyfriend wasn't supposed to have sex with her??

  13. @ladyh: might as well sew her closed then. There ai t no happily ever after at the end of Brit's tale. When her looks and parents are gone and Jamie is incharge of her, she'll spend her days in a rocking chair, chained to the porch in Bayou country, sayin "oops I did it again" to the neighborhhod kids as they walk too and from school.

    Id still bone her now though, as long as she can pass an Orasur quick swab test.

    1. @Count LOL. You are an evil comic genius.

  14. @Lady Heisenberg: What you are saying about sexuality and BPD is true, I had a friend in analysis for it and it was a big issue. In the meantime, she hit on anybody with a pulse.

  15. I used to shit on Britney all over the gossip comments, but now I have done a 180. She has serious mental issues, and I think her performing was always something she wanted to do, and her parents watch her closely while letting her live her dream. I don't think her dad "makes" her do anything. They're just trying their best to keep her in some sort of "norm". I want all the best for her.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      I respectfully disagree. Britney keeps that whole family in the lifestyle they've become accustomed to. She's definitely being forced to do it. Her father is a true POS.

  16. Enough with the ridiculous Britnety + AIDS RUMOUR

  17. Respectfully, Stepforded, I really take issue with the MJ ultra mind control thing. The stuff you find on the interweb about that doesn't pass any kind of critical reading. There are just reams of illogical ravings from people that draw wild conclusions from innocuous or even imagined happenings. That's all. I can't understand how someone like you (that's me saying I think you're sane and nice ... and normal ;) would rate that codswallop.

    Controlled, yes. But endemic butterfly tattoo conditioning ... gab!

    Ps: you didn't mention majestic monarch butterfly BRAIN CRAZIES here, but did a while back, so I'm extrapolating from your 'mind control' post above.

  18. When Britney was promoting her "Work Bitch" video, she called into a radio station in Boston and made the following comment: "A lot of sex goes into what I do. But sometimes I would like to bring it back to the old days when there was like one outfit through the whole video, and you’re dancing the whole video, and there’s like not that much sex stuff going on."

    She continued, "It’s about the dance and it’s about being old school, it’s like keeping it real and just making it about the dance. I’d love to do a video like that.”

    After this, her father/conservator promptly issued a statement that she is never pressured to be sexy and she has creative control over her image. Yet in the most lucid and candid state we have seen in ages, she states just the opposite. I imagine her meds were promptly adjusted to prevent this from happening again.

    It is shocking they have conservatorship over her. If she truly needs a conservator, it should be court appointed, not someone who profits from keeping her in a career that drove her nuts, so to speak, to begin with.

    Being mentally ill and non-adherent with medication is not grounds alone to be stripped of autonomy. I do believe she has a serious chronic medical condition, and this strengthens her father's argument for conservatorship.

  19. @Baroness Orczy
    Unless you're harking back to Mouseketeer days, when were Britney's videos not sexualised? The first got I remember is 'oops I did it again,' and that is absolutely sexual. Inappropriately so, for how old she and her fans were (I have a puritanical streak).

    Sure it was one outfit - one school girl fantasy outfit. Complete with sensual innocent come-hither eyes.

    1. @Alita I agree and it's sad that Britney uses this as a point of reference, as if the previous videos were normal to begin with.

  20. Fair enough Baroness. I do find it vaguely concerning that the conservatorship has continued so long - particularly since she was allowed to get engaged (which unlike working, requires emotional engagement and decision making) during that time.

    However I also think that, given the circumstances they found themselves in (can't go back and fix her childhood, if that is even what 'caused' her mental health issues), the family hasn't done badly by Britney. Because of who she is her conservatorship cannot be treated like, say, mine (as a not-famous person) would be. I understood that her father, plus lawyers, with the oversight of a judge, were collectively responsible. And the money her father makes - well, he did have to quit his job to go to her side. Although he should help his daughter, it's not appalling that (given her financial circumstances) he went and sought an income from the court after a while.

    I know far less about Britney's circumstances than loads of people do, but I don;t share the issue people have with the prima facie fact that her Father draws a salary for being her conservator.

    I also agree with @Count. There is no 'happily ever after, whew we're out of the woods now,' in the offing for Britney; this seems to be as good as it gets. So, girl likes getting frisky - one of life's few pleasures that is free and super-fun. She should be catered to in that regard.

  21. @Tru: I'm sorry about your friend. Mine was like that too. She used sex as this warped form of validation and was incapable of healthy relationships. She was incredibly bright and charismatic, but very troubled. I wish your friend, and everyone out there with BPD, luck. My friend committed suicide last February while in treatment. She couldn't handle yet another rejection. We don't know Brit's health status for sure, and I hope those rumors are not true, but I just wanted to offer a reasonable alternative explanation for why BritBrit might be forced to abstain. A lot of Brit's reported and alleged behaviors were pretty consistent with my friend's. Either way, I hope she some day finds a loving partner and can find a way to be happy. I would hate for BritsBits to be sewn shut! Learn to love thyself so thy can bust it wide!

    @alita: yes. Just yes.

  22. Poor Brit Brit.

  23. Lady Heisenberg - that's really sad. I feel for all those dealing with mental illnesses - the afflicted, their loved ones. Incredibly powerful torture.

    1. Thanks @alita. It took me a good 10 months to feel normal again, but I feel very blessed to have known her. I learned a lot about mental illness, suicide and life in general from her. In the end, I'm lucky and grateful for those experiences

  24. Britney's dad isn't making THAT much off of her. He had to shut down his business to take care of her so he deserves a salary.

    The only thing Brit knows how to do is perform. Without that constant in her life, she'd be in truly bad shape.

    Britney never hogged a writing or producing credit for any of her material (ala Beyonce. Change one word of Silent Night and suddenly she's on the royalty train.) That was noble of her, actually, and it's why she attracted the best song writers back in the day. Now, she has nothing to live off of but performing. She's going to need decades of constant care. Earning what she can now is very important.

    1. I remember there was an interview of a famous songwriter and she said Britney was one of her favorite artists to write for because she doesn't steal songwriting credits.

  25. Brit Brit is a sweet person, who has always had issues, and they were swept under the rug. She gets all of my pity. Her family isn't getting rich off of her, well, not in an evil way. They do genuinely care for her.
