Monday, March 03, 2014

Blind Item #10

This former almost A list mostly television actress who also did movies and has been working since she was an A list tweener is taking a break from acting. She is not taking a break from botox. The thing is because of her circumstances she had to have a friend inject her with the botox instead of going to a doctor. It doesn't look bad.


  1. Meh. I have Sandybrook do my Botox all the time.

  2. That's who I thought if first lets see what VIP has to say

  3. Botox or buttocks :))))))

    1. Your crudeness is blatantly charming unlike some of your counterparts ;)

  4. (Ducking for cover)

  5. What the fresh hell just happened. Sandy is doing Kristin's buttocks with botox?

    7 outta here.

  6. Unfortunately Amanda Bynes does not seem to have many friends. Unless you count her parents. "Ma I need my botox done--NOW!"
    "Alright deary just let me find my reading glasses"

  7. Anonymous11:35 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Do not go bargin shopping for shots...that's how Pricilla Presle's face got so messed up...

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      @Anna Belle - so very true! Did you see the documentary on CI / National Geographic (one of those sorts of channels) about the guy who did it? Terrible ...

  9. Okay, let's be clear: What we're talking about here is injecting Botulinum toxin -- that is to say, "Botulism," a well-known and potentially fatal form of food poisoning -- into your tissue.

    How frigging stoopid do you have to be, people???

    "Hey, while we're at it, can I have a nice double helping of Strychnine Surprise? And some Anthrax Ripple for dessert!"

    1. @JAS, to be fair, botox isn't actually the devil it's made out to be. My sister has crippling migraines and botox worked for her much better and with fewer nasty side effects than the medications she'd tried before.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      @Seven and @JAS - exactly! I have it injected for cosmetic and medical reasons. I tried it in my armpits for sweating last week and so far, so good - it's brilliant!

  10. What circumstances would not allow you to go to a doctor? Is she in jail?

  11. JAS did you see Kim Novak last night amongst the many botox injected females and John Revolting too?

  12. She was in rehab for awhile and her parents watch her closely.

  13. @Basil---lol--- that sounds more like a Lohan thing

  14. I have gotten Botox, and I LOVE it.

    You don't have to look like a freak. The people you are used to seeing go totally overboard.

  15. jennifer love considered A list tv star?
    her shows were pretty popular

  16. Yeah, I'm sorry, Seven of Eleven, actual medical treatments can sometimes use poisons to good effect, but I consider anyone who gets a nice fat injection of food poisoning for cosmetic purposes a pure-dee idiot.

    1. @JAS, unfortunately true. The price of vanity is often common sense.

      I don't hate on anyone who gets botox any more than I'd give crap about a nose job. It's your body, whatever. But when you see these celebs who apparently don't Yelp their own plastic surgeons, it's just so disappointing.

      When Dr 90210's patients look better than you, maybe it's time look in the mirror and think, Oh... that's why everyone feels sorry for Jocelyn!

  17. Sandy I thought we weren't going to talk about that.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Dammit, you two are so cute together! Bonding over Botox. <3 <3 <3 :-)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cocoa I'm still wondering why someone would want to freeze their butt muscles.

    4. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Kristin, I'm pretty sure Sandyb wants to do something with your buttocks. The Botox is just a ruse.

  18. CDaN lurkers wanted to know

  19. That Amazon chick that played Sally in Third Rock from the Sin.

  20. Dr 00210 is a hack himself. He trained in MEMPHIS. He's just as douchey as he appeared on the show though. No mistake about that.

    1. Dr 00210 is rubbish compared to 90210! Rockin' the typo fun ;)

  21. Yes 7-11, they discovered by accident that botox helps with migraines.

    Toxins are a matter of how much, we probably are exposed to toxins all the time but not in large enough amounts to kill you, sometimes enough to make you sick from time to time - isn't one of the blood thinners made for humans have the same ingredients used to kill rats?

    What is pencillin but mold.

    And yes there is something called subtle when it comes to cosmetic fillers and you really do need to be careful who is administering them. Note to Kim Novak.

    Botox has other medical uses that have been discovered along the way I believe.

  22. @Tina: Yes. Warfarin is the best rat poison out there. Thins their blood and makes them thirsty, so they leave your house or garage to go find water and die.

    Get the stuff that is green, so when you see lil green sprinkles, you know the poison has taken hold.

    1. @Count, not always. Sometimes they end up in your heating ducts. Inside the walls. Then you get the lovely smell of decomposing mouse every time the heat kicks on. For weeks. True story.
      After that, we ditched the poison and got a cat.

  23. Seems like condition means pregnancy

  24. @Jonathan Andrew Sheen, you're not just talking about idiots, you're talking about idiots that don't realize that when you paralyze a muscle the surrounding muscles work harder to compensate for it. They're giving themselves MORE wrinkles, basically.

    I saw Henry Winkler on Craig Ferguson a while back, and apparently he's a big proponent of Botox for non-cosmetic purposes; I didn't know that it can be used to treat stroke victims whose limbs have withered. Turns out, if you paralyze a limb that has contracted, it will relax and appear more normal.

  25. Botox is also great for bladder problems for MS. My friend says it's the only thing that works now
    Digitalis is a popular heart med made from foxglove which is poisonous.

  26. Circumstances=pregnant, which is why this person is taking a break from acting.

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      @Ken Foster - I like this guess. I don't know if you can't have botox when you're pregnant, but I'm going to assume that's the case.

      If it is meant to be Amanda Bynes, I'm wondering what the circumstances are that she can't get it administered by her doctor - I take lots of prescribed drugs for various things and my doctor has said it's fine to get botox.

      I don't know if botox works against bipolar medications (in which case, that'll be why, if it's her); but then again, I do know that it helps some people with depression and head tension.

  27. Why do these young, young girls feel like they need Botox? I know we women pick ourselves apart at every age, but man LA really brainwashes women into thinking they see flaws that don't exist

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      @crazycatladyx6 - Exactly - they don't need it. I only started getting mine to get rid of the crease between my eyebrows, above my nose, that made me look constantly angry. I also get it around my mouth, but I would never (and I mean never) get it done around my eyes. I'm in my early 40s though, and have only recently (past couple of years started getting this done).

      What, exactly, would a young actress have to iron out (unless they were a heavy drinker / smoker)? Probably not a lot ...

  28. What's better than Botox are those oxygen facials and lasers. Sharon Stone goes that route and looks pretty good for 55. I've tried the oxygen facial and LOVED it.

  29. I was going to guess SMG, but with the pregnancy commentary, will hedge my bets with adding an option on Reece Witherspoon.

    I get slight heebies about people injecting botulism toxins into their face, but each to their own. As many stated, plenty of good stuff comes from nature that we use in bizzaro ways. Strychnine and arsenic used to be used medically too - but then so did ecstasy and heroin! How sweet would that be - medicinal ecstacy for feeling down in the dumps! I doubt it's just me that'd enjoy that.
