Thursday, March 13, 2014

Benedict Cumberbatch Is Like An Animal Stalking Its Prey

If you replace the plains of Africa with Hollywood and Highland and think of U2 as a herd of zebras. )


  1. I wish Benedict Cumberbatch would just get in my vagina already.

  2. I really WANT to dig Cumberbatch, but I have only seen him in the really bad Star Trek movie and all I could think was "where's the feathered grey air and bubble vest???". No Ricardo Montalban he.

  3. You have to see Cumberbatch in a real movie, try Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

    I love his photobombing. That boy is not jaded yet.

    1. YUP!

      Thats an amazing movie. Oldman and Firth are in it!

  4. He is also great in a film with Tom Hardy, called Stuart A Life Lived Backwards but hard to find, it was made for UK TV.

  5. I am trying! But all I see is someone really in love with his own cleverness. I will reserve judgement until I see that movie!

  6. @TTM, give Sherlock a try. Totally.

    1. Omg yes! He is at his finest in Sherlock. So sooo fine

    2. Omg yes! He is at his finest in Sherlock. So sooo fine

  7. TTM - I watched Sherlock and quickly became a Cumbergroupie. I just can't get enough of him or his antics! Not sure I'd feel the same, if I had only seen Star Trek or the Fifth Estate.

  8. Do it, TTM, do it! Come to the dark side with all of the Cumberlovers!

  9. He seems to have a good sense of humor, his both parents are actors and he's had a fantastic education…what you see might just be who he is…

  10. @TTM, one word: SHERLOCK.

    I don't find him conventionally attractive but put him and Martin Freeman together and ---

    Uh, what was I saying?

    (I've not seen him in anything else except his glorious photobombs.)

    1. Sherlock is perfection. I didn't even realize he was Smaug (yet another Cumberbatch/Freeman pairing)

      I have a friend who curates a "Daily Dose of BC" newsletter. She's sick this week, so I'm going through withdrawal. In interviews, he seems so self-effacing. LOVE him.

  11. Okay, I will check it oot, thanks, ladies!

    I have an irrational love of all things Montalban, so that probably skewed everything. Plus I was distracted by the sweaty coke-bloat that was Chris Pine, acting solely with his eyebrows. And I fell asleep.

    1. TTM, to me, BC always looked like one of the aliens from "Close Encounters...." Then he opened his mouth. I'm a sucker for a deep, resonant voice.

  12. Oh, doll, I saw the first Star Trek reboot and only stayed awake for Zachary Quinto and my man Simon Pegg. Chris Pine just bores me to tears.

    1. That movie was all Quinto for me. He carried that movie. He carried "Heroes." He also carried "So NoTORIous." (No judgment, please.) ;)

      Seven, did you see "The World's End?"

    2. @loopy, yes! I laughed so hard! SO & I are saving the re-watch for our long weekend where we can marathon all three movies. Shaun of the Dead will probably always be my favorite because it was the first, Hot Fuzz killed me, and World's End, I could not stop laughing! Except... now it's over. {sob}

    3. @Seven, I totally agree about "Shaun." How awesome was the backyard record scene? I love him and Nick Frost together. "Hot Fuzz" was great as well and I loved Steve Merchant in it (for the three minutes he was there). I'm hoping the Pegg/Frost collaborations are not going to end just because the trilogy is finished.

  13. And FWIW I looooved this video. The DETERMINATION with which he gets over there and JUMPS... I was literally LOLing.

    @Seven, TOTALLY.

  14. You're missing a truly great performance/mini-series if you've never seen Cumberbatch in The Last Enemy.

  15. BC is going to be in Minneapolis for the Mpls ComicCon. I didn't even know we had one. A bunch of other celebs that I forgot about will be here too. May 2-4.

  16. Actually he will be there on May 3rd

  17. There is nothing I tell you, absolutely nothing, not to love about Benedict.

  18. He was also good in Atonement which should be required viewing for all.

  19. Anonymous12:54 PM

    He hasn't been confirmed for the Minneapolis con yet, but I sure hope he shows up for the Sherlocked cons that are supposed to be coming this year

  20. Anonymous12:54 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @Guildish and @Ray, I will be adding them to my "Must See" list. Thanks!!! :)

  22. I've only seen him in "12 Years", but it was enough to win me over. He is also very intelligent and well-spoken, and comes off well in interviews.

  23. did you see Ellens backstage video where she's trying to get to the stage dressed as Glenda the good witch and he's in the way saying :i feel like i'm being attacked by a giant queen......and she says oh like its the first time ZING

  24. Caraface could not have opened this discussion any better. You win sweetie, you win!

  25. BC's mother Wanda Ventham was a British Blonde Bombshell (BBB) in the 60's. You'd never know it to look at him.



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