Friday, March 14, 2014

Another Reason To Hate Terry Richardson - Thank You Charlotte Waters

One of the big themes I try and focus this site around is the exploitation of people in the industry. It has been going on since Hollywood started and it will probably continue going on because people want to be famous and want to make movies or be on television and people in power to make those decisions take advantage of this and prey on people. It is wrong and I want it to stop and the more it is discussed, the less likely it is to happen. I especially abhor the predators who go after teen actors and actresses because they are afraid of people who are legal. Terry Richardson is no different except that he has an advantage most producers don't and that is his subjects know they are going to have to get undressed when they are photographed by Terry and because of the celebrities that flock to him newbie models work with him thinking they can trust him. Read this (Graphic language and some partial nudity), and then think about all the rumors and stories about Terry and how celebrities who supposedly are all about equality and women's rights continue to work with the guy and praise him. If someone is successful in this industry then their crimes that should get them thrown in jail or shamed beyond redemption never seems to happen. cc: Woody Allen and Roman Polanski. bcc: Charlie Sheen and Chris Brown.

Now that Charlotte has come forward, I wonder if people like Lena Dunham will shoot again with Terry. Will Jared Leto invite him over for photos and drinks like he did the day after the Academy Awards.


  1. Oh it's Mother Theresa Enty....

  2. I can't believe he's only 48. I thought he was in his 60's.
    Good for her for speaking up. It won't matter though, he'll play the martyr role and his equally amoral supporters will throw fundraisers for him.

  3. Making your own black powder is quite easy. If you mix potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur in a 75-15-10 ratio, it comes out nicely. It does work better if you have a ball mill with non-sparking media

  4. She didn't object to anything. How would he know to stop? He asked her to do things and she did them. Now she regrets everything and wants him to pay for it. That's not assault.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      He is abusing his position. 19 isn't 30, you're still green. He is a celebrated photographer and there are others there. I think she explains it all really well.
      It is very telling he doesn't say beforehand, look you'll have to blow me and fuck me. I'm sure a lot more would walk out then and say no thanks. He waits to drip feed it when they are naked and feel pressured and not able to say no.
      It's certainly amoral and an abuse of position even if not illegal. He knows what he is doing and fuck him

  5. I didn't realise that all those blinds about underaged persons being assaulted was actually meant to be a show of support, um, Enty. Because it looked exactly like click bait. The more you know!

    1. +1
      For once I'd like to be guessing which POS needs jail time, not who needs counselling following an attack.

    2. @ TTM I had no idea that enty was actually leading a rally cry when he posts blind items about underage girls being exploited and leaves the men nameless and faceless. Has he called the authorities when he hears these stories? Oh, no, you say? He just posts them for our 'entertainment'. Sanctimonious enty in the house!

  6. To be followed with a can-you-guess-this- rape-victim blind...

  7. I read that article yesterday. Horrid man. But, I do take offense to a Charlie Sheen being coupled in a reference with Chris Brown. While Charlie may be a crummy father and drug addict, last time I checked he hadn't beaten anyone.

    1. No he uses knives and guns instead.

    2. @Candygirl - you're kidding right?! Charlie has been an abusive dbag long before Chris Brown even had pubic hair.

    3. @ candy
      No Charlie just shoots his girlfriends and stabs them straight up. Locks them in closets occasional. No biggie.

  8. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I think about him doing this to my daughter and I want to slice his eyeballs out .. It's pretty simple. Sadly not surprising. And he seems to operate with impunity which just makes it worse.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 5 years ago,no body knew but now there are several similar stories released since.During a shooting when the model is okay to get nude,Richardson masturbates in front of her and does sexual stuffs
    The problem is that she never says no

  11. Wow. That was really long, but it was a good read. The woman sounds 100 percent credible to me. I understand how what happened is technically not a crime, but it sounds like he crosses major lines and is a creepy predator, no doubt. Her point about Obama shooting with him is interesting. The fact that he has an assistant who knows about all of this is beyond grotesque. I can't believe the model didn't even get paid for the shoot.

  12. Candyland - are you aware that Charlie SHOT his girlfriend, the one who is now married to Travolta?

  13. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Everything you hear about him is true & then some...he is a disgusting vile troll, so was his dad, who was also a famous photog.

  14. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Yep, Kelly Preston got around in the 80's. She got preggers to get Travolta to marry her. They have an "understanding". She knows about him & his bath house visits & has for a long time...Kelly was engaged to Charlie in 80's & he shot her in the foot, she broke up with him in the hospitol. Kelly dates & marries for her "career".

  15. @Anna Belle
    Terry Richardson's father was schizophrenic also

  16. is he creepy and gross? Yes absolutely -
    Has he taken advantage of people? most likely
    Has he done anything criminal? Probably not

    he's morally bankrupt but as long as magazines (who have heard all the same stories we have) and all the celebs endorse him by letting him shoot them and hang out with them, then his own personal reign of terror will continue.

  17. ok he is a sleaze for sure and nobody should work with him.

    but I call BS on this girl too. personal responsibility. You had free will. his action were disgusting no doubt. you should have protested and left immediately......

    i guess its brave to tell the story as long as you are not looking for your 15 minutes.........and I'm not sure that you aren't.

  18. @canadachick

    i totally agree

  19. Read both articles, the one from Charlotte and the other model who is remaining anonymous. What a sick fuck that Terry Richardson. It's evident that he's emotionally stunted. Has the maturity level of a 9 year old.

    If ENOUGH people would come out against him, I promise you Hollywood would change their tune about him, because "image is everything" in Hollywood.

    If the world became disgusted and if it were on every front page media, then yea...only then would Hollywood turn on TR.

    1. Definitely! Plenty of rich powerful types have gone down in flames and never to come back. Show them it matters in terms they can understand.

  20. Anonymous7:42 AM

    @FrenchGirl-back then schizophrenia was a disgnosis they gave to alot of people...Terry's daddy did have issues to say the least, was also a drug addict & alcoholic, left his family, & young child Terry for teenage girl, Angelic Houston & left the country with her...I stand by what I stated Terry is disbusting & vile...mental disorders is NO excuse for the slime he is

  21. Good God guys! I never knew about Charlie's shooting incident. Thanks for filling me in!!! I withdraw my remark!!!

  22. Didn't Charlie chase broke around with a knife once?

    1. Erika - 'Broke' is a totally acceptable name to call Brook.

      Your auto correct must be have AI.

  23. I, for one, cannot reconcile abhorent behavior with so called talent. I dont care if someone is mega proficient in their field, if they are douchy irl i dont want to associate with them. I dont see how people do this.

  24. Agree with Canadachick. I just don't understand what is so special about his style of photography that make celebs like Leto and Dunham flock to him. I get wannabes like Lindsay and Paris (to Lindsays credit she was one of the first to work with) but seems like a lot of hassle to be working with a mediocre photographer.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      @ Derek Totally agree 100%!!! I've looked at his photography (and I do know a thing or two about that profession) and it is absolutely NOTHING special AT... ALL!

  25. If models refused to work with every sleazy photographer out there we would never know who they were because there would be no pictures of them.

  26. At this point, everyone in the world knows that this guy is a predator and anyone who works with him or pays him for photos is enabling this behavior and encouraging it as far as I am concerned. I'm sick of this guy getting away with this BS and I wish there was a way to get him out of this industry.

  27. At this point, everyone in the world knows that this guy is a predator and anyone who works with him or pays him for photos is enabling this behavior and encouraging it as far as I am concerned. I'm sick of this guy getting away with this BS and I wish there was a way to get him out of this industry.

  28. It's so easy to dismiss sexual assault by saying things like "she never said no". There is such a thing as going into shock and emotional paralysis during all of this because the victim can't believe it is happening.

  29. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Anyone here could take better pics than Terry with their camera phone.

    He uses a basic white background & too much light, then has his subject wear his glasses & give a thumbs up. It is lazy & un-inspired. Everyone in the world has more talent than Terry.

  30. the first inappropriate comment or touch should have been a clue to leave

    you do have to take responsibility for yourself and your actions...I don't believe she mentioned anywhere that she was physically restrained in any way. that is why he gets away with it---the threat is implied

    that doesn't take away from his sleaze......and he def takes advantage of the situations with young models

  31. I understand the technicalities of why he hasn't technically done anything wrong, but I don't understand how a legal system can recognise bribery, grooming and duress, but not this. It's all 3 together and should be recognised as such.

  32. @Anna Belle
    whatever is your opinion on Terry Richardson,his daddy's schizophreny never was an excuse for Terry Richardson's behaviour (it was just an information) except if Terry is also a schizophrenic who doesn't want to be treated

  33. Consent isn't the absence of a forceful no: it's the presence of a yes.

  34. I respect the model. She said she never tried to prosecute, she took responsibility for not leaving. Even when she called police years later she wasn't looking to prosecute him, just put the incident on record in case someone else did. As long as the industry gives Richardson the accolades he doesn't deserve, young models will think he's the one they have to be shot by.

    Ugh, and not surprising that Blohan and GaGa love him. They are just as sleezy as he is.

  35. @Alicia Same here.

    I think Terry Richardson is eventually going to end up in a ditch somewhere. He will have gone too far, and someone like Charlotte's boyfriend will find him and do him. Then he will be in all sorts of postmortem photos.

  36. He didn't rape them he pimped them out using his power and position. Like everyone says, unless women turn him down he has no power.

    I told a story here once about a director that had a PA pimp out a friend of mine for a role. She had to suck his nipples. She didn't even get the role. Vanessa Williams got it in the end. Men are very good at dangling the carrot for a dream.

    At least Lena admitted she was wrong to have done the photo shoot with Terry and didn't know enough about him at the time.

    He is such a sicko he probably loves all this negative attention.

  37. Preying on the naïve, innocent or just plain stupid is f**ked up. It is what pedophiles do when they take pics of kiddies & say it's "art". They call it Holly-weird for a reason.

  38. I believe the online activist group Miss Representation is launching a Twitter campaign going after the various publications/companies who use him (Vogue, GQ, and Harper's Bazaar all come immediately to mind), using the hashtag #notbuyingit; they're also encouraging people to contact said publications/companies as well. Supposedly H&M has already responded on Twitter; I don't remember the exact tweet, but it did seem as if they might be making some changes...

    1. If H&M a liberal-slanted European company takes a stand I would hope others follow suit. Re: her not saying "no" if he's such a talented photog couldn't he read his subjects eyes? Facial expressions? This girl's got some balls-i would love to squeeze the life out of his!

  39. @yvettie My opinion, but I think she was in shock. She's only 19, and though she had done nude modelling, she had been treated with respect, not humiliated. If she had taken a friend (or boyfriend, even better) don't you think the shoot would have gone very very differently? He took advantage of her youth and trust. That makes him a predator in my book. Even if she's legal, and even if she signed something and even if she is a nude model by profession. How this guy is still walking (let alone walking around) is a miracle.

  40. So are we to assume he pull this on his famous subjects, as well? I can imagine certain celebs thinking its cool and edgy, and willing to oblige (Miley)...but can't see others going for it.

  41. @Robin: thank you for posting that info. We need more of that. I'm glad that Charlotte shared what happened. I also hope that she reconsiders prosecution. Her experience matters just like it does for countless people who are violated and are manipulated into silence.

    Terry gets by because he manipulates his victims. And manipulation can happen in a variety of ways. It doesn't have to be verbal.

  42. Heya folks, scroll back up. I admitted my ignorance! I honestly didn't know about the physical abuse (hangs head in shame).

  43. Sorry for having a go at you after you'd already retracted. I'm using the mobile site so I had just responded to your original post without reading all the replies.

    Always annoying how the mobile site and the main site get different views of the comments.

  44. Hollywood is filled with preditors. no one should be surprised. The blogs report ont he bad behavior. Not all to be believed, but those entering the industry should all be alert.

    Teens and the faint at heart should not enter the La-La land blindly, nor with their eyes wide shut.



  46. Anonymous10:25 AM

    @Moving On: From the petition site: In November 2012, Bruce Willis’ and Demi Moore’s daughter Scout tweeted that “last night Terry Richardson tried to finger me. I didn’t let him, obviously. But I did let him photograph me topless in the bathroom.”
    Yeah. Ick.

  47. What about Terry Richardson’s involvement in Cassandra Lynn’s death? It was at his place and he had the coke.

  48. I'm skimming the story, and when I got to the part about him starting to lick her ass, my eyes got wide and I started to chub up. There is a perv after my own heart. Pussy, pfft. He probably had the ASSistant taking snaps of her expression when the tongue hit the bung. I love seeing that expression. I want to see the man's private stash of photos.

    That said, dude got a perversion that isn't going to affect his career, he should just be upfront about it. "I won't photograph models who won't let me do kinky shit to them." Put it on his card and releases. It probably won't keep more than 10% away.

    I don't get the desire to cum in a chick's eyes. That is over the top to me.

  49. I feel like vomiting. In Terry Richardsons' eye.

  50. Anyone have a link to that ViceTV thing she was naked for? I really want to see her ass now. I'm jonesing like a junkie and Google is only giving me links to different versions of that article and nude pics of porn whore Charlotte Stokely.

  51. I thought there was a rumor that Charlie Sheen had some incriminating child porn pics that he was paying to keep quiet?

  52. After reading that, I want to take a hot shower. If he's still wearing those glasses, then he that would be a sign to me. What an opportunistic creep. Hollywood hypocrites should be shamed

  53. Dang. I wish he went with rage and posted some of the nude pics. He has copyright and signed releases, so he wouldn't be violating any revenge porn statutes.

  54. This hag assistant of his is even more disgusting than he is, if possible. Taking photos of the entire disgusting act. Let's name HER too.

    Was this illegal? I don't know.

    Did this girl want this to happen to her? Absolutely not.

    Was her physical and emotional reaction afterward very similar to what an actual victim of forcible rape experiences? Yes. Maybe even worse because she felt guilt over letting it happen.

    Every magazine who uses this man, every celebrity who uses this man, is complicit in his sexual abuse of women.

    Thank you for linking to the #notbuyingit campaign. I'm going to spread the word on facebook and twitter.

  55. Erika it may not be assault but it is probably a violation of sexual harassment laws.

    Since when does agreeing to be a nude model means you are agreeing to being sexually harassed? Agreeing to him licking your derriere or him coming in your face? I think you can argue that she did not consent to some of his actions anyway because he tricks these girls which helps them to stay quiet because they feel stupid and confused. Would that be OK for your employer to do this to you before you even had time to say no?

    Granted she should have said no right away but guys like this have their routine down. Sorry but no different than pedophiles who groom their victims only they usually do it over a longer period of time and the victims are much younger. It's like the producers who say give me a blow job and I'll give you the part.

    This guy just has to use his cache to get his jollies quickly and he relies on the fact that most of the girls and women never go to anyone official, either afraid of being ridiculed by his fans, not being believed or afraid their careers in modelling will suffer. All these creeps rely on this.

    1. Don't get me wrong, i don't like the dude. If it does turn out that he raped a woman, I wouldn't be shocked. Which is enough info for me to separate myself from them. However, Terry is known for his XXX rated photos. If you look up old portfolio photos of his, they're all of him fucking models and models fucking each other and everyone doing coke and heroin. It's important to do research on your photographer if you're a model.

    2. Separate myself from *him

  56. It's not like they were on date Erika.

  57. The power dynamic can lead a person to feeling helpless to stop a situation, even when they want to say no, and they know it's wrong even while it's happening.

    Those who say this young model should have known better, should have just left, etc, obviously have never been in a situation that scared and incapacitated you so much that you felt powerless to stop it.

    Abusers like this understand how to manipulate, and use it.

    I feel very sorry for this young woman, and others who have gone through the same.

    1. +1 Lacey Blake said it best when she stated that consent is always constrained when there's money on the table. There's always going to be predatory Uncle Terry types waiting to capitalize on these young girls. Now he is going to play the victim because on the flip side, he can argue that these girls expired him just as much because under his perspective, 1) they know the expectations; 2) they presumably never say stop; 3) they complain only after, and on a public forum. Unfortunately, his career will be fine so long as he keeps taking pictures of them with their ID to verify legal age and having them sign waivers. Also, bullshit on Lena being unaware. We were aware, so how was she not? Wasn't Creeper the long time partner of her IRL BFF Audrey Gelman? Please. It will be fun to see how this plays out

    2. Expired= exploited. Sorry.

  58. Everybody posting on this thread who is outraged by this man, you CAN do something about it. The twitter and social media campaign against him is gaining traction. You can tweet to his major fashion industry clients, you can post about it on facebook, you can sign the petition. Urge your friends to do the same.

    Start here:

  59. @Tina: There was a blind or a post recently that said he did exit videos establishing consent. Now "Slave Contracts" don't hold up in court, but signed releases, video of a 2-3 hour shoot where "No" or "Stop" were never said, a post shoot consent on video and a cashed check would be tough to negate in court.

    Max Hardcore was the first I can remember doing such consent videos, due to the nature of his content. Now, places like have pre and post interviews, establishing boundaries, safe words and consent, I think due to the use of restraints. This helps squash any "buyer's remorse" litigation.

    I don't think chicks should have to put up with it if they don't want, but if he had a sign up on his door, "Bang Terry Richardson and maybe it helps your modeling career" he wouldn't have enough bullets in his gun to meet the demand.

  60. Terry's game is not secret. If an actress, model, etc. does a shoot with him, they know 100% what they are getting into. Not saying it is right, I'm just saying this is common knowledge to literally everyone who pays any attention to hollywood.

  61. Really? Charlotte's story rings 100% true. She had posed nude for several other photographers and had never experienced anything like this. What she knew of Terry Richardson was that he had worked with mega A+ list celebrities and the best fashion brands and magazines in the world.

    You don't think it's possible that she didn't know is reputation? I do.

  62. Max Hardcore hit on me in Vegas one night. I didn't know who he was, I was at a post AVN party. These young girls need someone protecting them. Where's management? A monster? The biz is a snakepit & unfortunately this is part of it. Bring a chaperone.

  63. From what I've been told, no he doesn't try shit w A listers, unless they give out that vibe they might be willing, and most don't believe the stories they hear because they're told it's just nobodies looking for attention/money/fame. Since that's their hot button, they feel sympathetic. Enough stories or enough A listers saying f him will turn the tide, tho.

  64. Thank you, thank you to all the people that understand sexual harassment and sexual violation. It doesn't happen the way that you see in Lifetime movies and it doesn't happen the way that you think that it should. I hope all these women get the justice that is due to them. And thank you to all the people that posted sites that are campaigning against him. I hope everyone here will visit the websites and protest this.

  65. I can't believe the filth that is out there on-line, this pig is not shy about his proclivities. For example, go to Google Images and search on "terry richardson" and "porn" - then be prepared to puke.

  66. And for all of you saying Enty doesn't do enough to protect victims ... I applaud him for spreading the word about TR here.

  67. @Bunni: I see your pic. Max was probably putting on a full court press.

    Most disturbing thing to me about Max is his strict adherence to the fashion and style of 1989. That had to be the year something snapped.

  68. He is in a position of power over his models and is taking unfair advantage of them. I would say he is sexually abusing and exploiting his employees. He's another one that can just burn in hell.

  69. Chris Brown has not gotten away with what he did whatsoever.

  70. Enty it's great to hear how committed you are to help spread the word about all the awful things that go on behind closed doors in Hollywood, especially to young children.

    Of course now you'll need to do something about it instead of making it the cause du jour. Maybe do a your turn so we can all brainstorm ways to help.

    With all the power that comes from having the info of these blind items you have the means to do something. Imagine just being able to save one person from being exploited because some scum bag has been put away, or knowing that some wife or child can sleep soundly tonight because the husband/Dad/Wife/Mom has been arrested for abuse.

    I know, I know, then you might only be able to post 6 instead of 10 blinds a day and keep out the ones that will help report these pedos (like all your implications towards Dan from Head of Class) .

    Put your money where your mouth is and do the right thing! Or you could always use the money your readers donated that one time.

  71. Anonymous8:56 AM

    @ Yvettie Are you fucking kidding?!?!?! Your statement is fucking infuriating!!! Yours and other similar to this on this thread make me want to spit flames. God help anyone who you care about (if that's possible) if something like this happens to them or you if karma is real.

  72. Terry Richardson's enabling assistant has been named:

    She said in an interview her favorite "ism" is jism ... and her favorite part of being a stylist is "the occasional glimpse of a hot tushy."



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