Friday, March 28, 2014

An Open Letter To Gwyneth Paltrow

It didn't take long for the internet to jump all over Gwyneth Paltrow yesterday for her comments about how it is much more difficult for someone like her to be a mom rather than a mom who works a 9 to 5 job and comes home every night. The NY Post ran a great open letter from a regular mom. You can read the whole thing here, but below are some excerpts.

“Thank God I don’t make millions filming one movie per year” is what I say to myself pretty much every morning as I wait on a windy Metro-North platform, about to begin my 45-minute commute into the city. Whenever things get rough, all I have to do is keep reminding myself of that fact. It is my mantra.

And I know all my fellow working-mom friends feel the same. Am I right, ladies?

We’re always gabbing about how easy it is to balance work and home life. Whenever I meet with them at one of our weekly get-togethers — a breeze to schedule, because reliable baby sitters often roam my neighborhood in packs, holding up signs peddling their services — we have a competition to see who has it easier. Is it the female breadwinners who work around the clock to make sure their mortgages get paid, lying awake at night, wracked with anxiety over the idea of losing their jobs? Or is it the mothers who get mommy-tracked and denied promotions? What about the moms with “regular” 9-to-5 jobs, who are penalized when their kids are sick and they don’t have backup child care?

Those women are living the dream, I tell you!"

So far, I haven't seen anything from the Goopster apologizing or anything about how it was taken out of context or anything else that would make her likable. She just doesn't understand that she really needs to keep quiet because she never makes a good public statement, which considering who her publicist is and all the people in her support system seems almost impossible to do, but she manages to tick people off, every time she opens her mouth.


  1. She has never, ever lived in the real world. She will never have to and simply cannot begin to fathom how the rest of us live. She's happy that way. ~shrug~

  2. Goop is an idiot and she proves it time and again…Chris must be bent over with laughter …

  3. Why would she apologise? She believes she is right and would not have a clue about what 'real' people do. In her mind she is doing us all a favour by talking about her divorce so others can 'grow' and 'learn' from it...she's trolling us all and we are giving her all the attention she wants!

  4. Yesterday's comments about this bitch were the funniest shit on here since the Helloween troll.

  5. Now, I actually ferl bad for her. You know she's hurting with the divorce and now everyone is jumping on her back about what she said which was kinda taken out of context.

    1. Got to disagree @Renoblondie, seriously don't understand how that was taken out of context

    2. It seemed completely in context to me, and so very, very gwyneth.

  6. Goop has never lived like a working class person, so she has totally no idea what that entails. She was born into money and privilege, so she should just shut her trap about subjects she has no clue about.

  7. In fact she's a brilliant marketer (or she pays someone to be) as all this attention is giving her blog a huge boost...all publicity is good publicity!

  8. Jeez, she really needs to pull her self entitled head out of her self entitled ass. She makes the most ridiculous comments. Get a clue will ya!

  9. Obnoxious is, as obnoxious does.

  10. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I accept her for who she is.


  11. I don't know why people get so worked up to be honest. It's not like any of us will ever be socialising with this woman (?). Who cares what her views are.

  12. I dont see why anyone even gets upset with her. She lives in her own head, where she's comfortable. Besides saying dopey stuff she really isnt bothering anyone. And that letter is beyond hilarious; that woman shld be a writer!!!!!

  13. All she can say at this point is "I have no idea what an average person's life is like. I never have and I never will. Henceforth, I shall not comment on the lives of regular folks vis-à-vis my own"

  14. @auntliddy
    People get upset with her because she always discusses subjects she knows nothing about. You do not hear the privileged Caroline Kennedy discussing knowing the working class life, nor Maria Shriver for that matter. Hence, Goop comes off as not just clueless, but insensitive as well.

    1. Henriette, yes she comments on things she knows nothing about, thats the point i was trying make -this this typical of her. No surprise, so just ignore her. Im sure most people do.

  15. @Reno--how could what she said be taken out of context? No amount of back peddling can change the fact that she said those words.

  16. I think people are angry because it's a smack in the face to those of us that truly balance working, being a mom, keeping up with a home, cooking all while trying to squeeze in time to workout so we can keep some semblance of sanity. She has nannies, cooks, trainers, assistants, keep her day to day life on track. I love being a working mom and, am lucky to have a helpful husband but, it is still a massive balancing act and, her comments basically shit on that. I don't care about what she said because I care about her. I care about what she said because she is sitting on her pilates and yoga toned ass while I am happy to get five minutes to take a piss without my toddler walking in. Fuck her.

  17. Because she said it was harder to leave her kids for weeks at a time than a office worker who has a regular schedule. It may not be our truth, but it's her truth. I honestly don't think she's a bad person, just in her own world.

  18. She didn't HAVE to leave her kids for weeks at a time. She's fabulously wealthy and could a) brng them with or b) NOT WORK. How many women have that luxury?

  19. I wish she would do that Morgan Spurllock 28 days thing where she lives with and lives like a single working desk-job mom. For 28 days. I'd give her 10 hours (8 of which would be spent sleeping) before she grabs a cab and high tails it back to Goopville.

  20. Goop was born on third base and thinks she hit a triple. She should try working and raising a family without all the paid help. Maybe then she'd understand how offensive her remarks really are.

  21. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Why should she just NOT WORK? Why should she uproot her kids if she doêsnt have to? She likes to work and be creative just like us normal mothers. We all have a lifestyle to maintain. She should b allowed to maintain hers.

    Goop haters always sound so rabid.

    Very bizarre...

  22. I still think she shit out the last of her working brain cells on one of her cleanses. Comparing her life to that of one that is normal is just wrong. Until she gets off her high horse and loses the stick up her ass, she has no right to say anything in comparison. Like she would understand trying to make ends meet on a pay check that got cut short because of sick days.

  23. Her PR people get paid for this? All they are missing is Benny Hill music.

  24. this is the woman for whom the phrase "Bitch, Please!" was invented.

  25. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Goopy continues to prove what an elitist spoiled b*tch she is, she believes she's right & smarter than the rest of us, even though she never went to college. We would all be Oscar winning actors married to rock stars if we had a rich director dad & actress mom, and Speilberg was our God Mom was a single teen mom in a small mid west town...she always worked as a receptionist, hairdresser, personal care attendent, waitress, teachers aide, housekeeper, and then some....we were still on Section 8 housing, free lunch, food stamps, Medicaid,...there was never enough time or money for anything & she was always stressed...Goopy seriously just needs to STOP talking & go away

  26. She and Martin are 'uncoupling' in separate wings of their Malibu home. Goopy thinks it must be much easier to uncouple in a home that doesn't have wings and is under 500 square feet. That way there is nowhere to hide from all your issues - whereas she would have to walk the equivalent of 3 football fields just to hear Chris mewling plaintively as he begs for something with gluten in it.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      They haven't moved into the Malibu home - which was purchased by a Trust for Chris to use as a base when he visits the children. She is living in their Brentwood home; he has returned to their London home.

      On the East Coast, I could see her keeping the Hamptons home and him the Brownstown home.

  27. Totally agree @ fancy.

    She really does make me laugh though. I mean how many times do you have to stick your foot in your mouth before you learn what not to say.

    Oh Gweny.

  28. Hiya cats and kittens!! Gwyneth is a narcissist and has to be better off and worse off at the same time. Not really worse off worse off, but more deserving of admiration. Even if there are babysitters with lunchboards traversing her streets advertising her wares. If she knew anything about children she would know that really good babysitters are gold.

  29. This woman's letter is wonderful.

  30. She is really bringing the comedy! Funniest divorce ever. In this time vodka should be her best friend.

  31. At this point...I don't think Gwyneth cares who she offends, lol. She's damned if she does, and damned if she doesn't.

  32. she needs to sit down and STFU. Dumb bitch. SMH

  33. Chris must be celebrating his freedom with this recent blurb....

    Honestly, I do not see WHAT people see in this woman.

  34. Just tape your elitist mouth permanently shut, please.

  35. saw this on page 6 yesterday

    so great

    she is insufferable

  36. Ignore her. Maybe she'll go away

  37. If Goopie was honest she would explain to us what she really had to go through. Sex with Harvey Weinstein and his friends for a part? Humiliating sex with producers, writers and directors for parts? Having a husband in love with another woman? Cruel jokes about naming a child Apple? Fighting for parts against other women? Being told your too old for parts? If she told those tales maybe ordinary woman would feel sorry for her.

  38. Goopy, you are a douchebag.

  39. It wasn't taken out of context, she really believes she's hard done by. Privileged childhood, privileged adulthood, zero reality.

  40. Getting angry at stupid people is pointless. It's like arguing with crazy people.

  41. The parenting blogs are having a field day with her right now. I've also seen a name generator where you put in your status (e.g married, separated, single,etc) and it spits out the Goop term.

    This morning on thd radio they played a recording of Cameron Diaz defending Gweneth. Not a quick "she and Chris are my friends" but rather she went on and on. I can't even imagine they are friends but apparently they are.

  42. I laugh at Gwyneth because she has so much but is so unhappy all the time. She doesn't appreciate a single thing she's got, so she's really no better off than anyone else. She even managed to complain after she won an Oscar. She will never be happy in her life.

  43. I thought that letter was gold.
    Gwyneth doesn't even need to spend a month being a regular working mum, just a month as a regular working person, no children, no pets (like me). My admiration for those that do it with children knows no bounds. I write this on Saturday morning having cleaned the bedroom, hung out one load of washing & put another load on. Yeah, relaxing weekend.

  44. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I'm a bit 'meh' about Gwynnie - she leaves me alone and I leave her alone.

    For all the haters out there, there are probably just as many that love her and worship everything she says and does. You don't have to look hard to find similar blogs to hers out there, authored by even more hoity toity people than her, and nobody takes them to task.

    Live and let live; nothing to see here ... move along.

  45. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Publicist or not, Enty - and you should know this - a lot of celebs don't even read about what's written about them in the press. Who knows if she's one of them, but if she suddenly apologised for something she'd said which might have been mistinterpreted, could you imagine the stick she'd get about that? She might even think that apologising is a sign of weakness anyway (I don't know - not knowing her, I don't know what she's thinking).

    I wish her and him well. A toxic relationship isn't good for anyone and if a split makes them better people then it's a win-win situation for all concerned.

  46. I've seen poor people defend rich people as if they were being picked on, knowing the wealthy people wouldn't even associate with their ilk, and I've seen "nobodies" who are essentially living from paycheck to paycheck at jobs where they are seriously underpaid defend celebrities who whine at the slightest inconvenience and feel entitled because of their fame and money.

    This is why a handful of people are able to control millions of human beings. This is why people vote against their own self-interest. Call it herd mentality, mass ignorance, living in a fantasy world, misplaced sympathy or outright stupidity. Fuck GOOP. This bitch should know better and there is absolutely no excuse for this kind of assinine ignorance. FDR and JFK were both born into immense wealth and privilege, yet somehow were still able to have compassion and understanding about plight of the lower and middle classes, and try to do something about it.

  47. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Class differences doesn't automatically make u enemies. I understand where goop is coming from as a mother who leaves her children to fulfill herself.

    Its such a bullshit argument to suggest that a poor person defending the point of view from a rich mom is going against their own interests.

    We aren't talking voting here. Stick to the issue. Nice try though....

    A woman doesn't need to wanna hang out with me for me to get where she is coming from if I legitimately UNDERSTAND.

  48. How Dare Her !Even her Mother the original Ice Queen knew better then to let the movie going public realize how snobbish she was.She should have told the Ice Princess to shut her pie hole !
    I never could stand any of her movies after more then 10 minutes.The only one I ever watched and enjoyed was A Perfect Murder. I figured Michael was worth putting up with her for plus I loved Hitchcock movies as a kid. I really enjoyed the murder plot, of course the ending spoiled it lol. She played a cheating adulteress heiress as if she was a natural.............Hmmm Seems she was ! Good thing they stopped having sex or Chris would have died of hypothermia!
