Thursday, February 06, 2014

Today's Blind Items- Strange Sex Partners

In the continuing series of people who have had sex that may surprise you, I give you one half of the equation and leave you to figure out who would ever have sex with that person.

#1 - Jared Leto managed to convince this B+ list foreign born mostly movie actress who is set to maybe crack the A barrier. That would not be blind worthy but he also convinced her to let someone watch the two together.

#2 - Tom Arnold once had sex with this now A list reality star/celebrity/host who was an A+ list model at the time and can still walk a runway.

#3 - Simon Cowell once had sex with this A+ list celebrity who is very married and likes to pretend she was a virgin until she got married. It was only when Simon dumped her that she found her true love.


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