Today's Blind Items - Always Alone
This singer/celebrity is almost A list. She has an A list voice and is A list sweet but somehow she is always alone. Whenever she meets someone she instantly thinks it is going to be love forever and acts accordingly. This results in her getting burned all the time. She has spent thousands of dollars on people she dates and never lest anyone pay. She is constantly cheated on and doesn't do anything about it. She lets people walk all over her and keeps repeating the same mistakes. Even though she has all these bad things happen to her she is rarely the person who breaks up. She is the one who is always dumped and the one who keeps her wallet open even after being left. With her band members and crew members she is always outgoing and friendly but never does anything with them. She doesn't want them to think she is trying to be a boss when they are not working so ends up being on the road alone. In a hotel room or a movie theatre and just shows up when it is time to work. Her rider is one of the shortest in the industry because she doesn't want people put out by her demands and never takes free things or swag.