Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Random Photos Part Three- Monuments Men Premiere

Cate Blanchett and Matt Damon
George Clooney and John Goodman
Bill Murray
Hugh Bonneville and his wife.
Ellen Barkin
Vera Wang
Gayle King
Bob Balaban and Jean Dujardin
George Clooney's parents.


  1. I adore Jean DuJardin, how can you not like that smile? Also Bill Murray and John Goodman, just because. Somehow I've gone off Clooney...maybe smug is last year?

  2. How can that be George Clooney's mom???

    1. Was wondering that too Lauren. Clooney is early 50's so his birth mom would likely be early 70's at the youngest. This lady looks mid 40's to mid 50's. Doesn't make sense unless George's dad likes the young girls too and she's his step mom

    2. She always looks good. She must have been a young mom.

  3. I would say I love Cate Blanchett but due to the recent statement of Dylan Farrow mentioning her by name.....I'm going to have to think about things....

    I might have to take into account why people continue to work with Woody Allen........and change my opinion of them

    Since I feel the way I do about Woody-I don't in any way want to support his projects or those who choose to work in them.

  4. Nice set!

    I still would with Clooney. Man of Constant Sorrow, I loved him so much in that movie. Matt Damon, too. Flog away, but I stand by it.

    Love Mr Goodman forever!

    Ellen Barkin - different look for her but I quite like it.

  5. It's disconcerting to see Blanchett and Damon having a laugh when their Ripley costar PSH is dead.

  6. Clooney's parents are great looking! They have to be in their 70's at least, right?

  7. Blanchett looks like she's had work done. She keeps aging in reverse.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      @Kloie - more a case of good airbrushing - she has creases and fine lines in "real life" as you would expect for a woman of her age

  8. I thought Clooney's dad was dead???

  9. Anonymous1:04 PM

    a mini Roseanne reunion!

  10. Thought Goodman was 6 ft 2 or 3. Clooney is 5 ft 9 or 10 and yet he looks to be only an inch or so shorter then Goodman.

    It distresses me that Bill Murray is such an asshole in real life. At least to his family and apparently some colleagues.

    Hugh Bonneville has a great name. Those of us that remember the original Triumph motorcycles and the Pontiac Bonny know what I'm talking about.

    Vera Wang needs a stylist.

    Ellen Barkin's puddy tat.

  11. Now Vera Wang…that's a woman who looks anorexic!

  12. I thought the guy with Gayle King was Tiger Woods had to look again. :(

  13. That's Clooney's mom and she's 75. Yep, 75.

  14. Matt Damon is unrecognizable. New teeth , new nose?? So disappointing. Just like his vain pal Affleck
    Vera Wang- mid life crisis. The outfit!
    Ellen B is a hottie at 50+

    1. Oh- Vera looks plastic - plastic surgery?

  15. Anonymous3:27 PM

    George's mum looks amazing!

    I like Vera's cute little hat.

  16. I want to have drinks with Clooney's parents. They look so sweet!

  17. I would totally do Clooney but Im far too vanilla for his tastes. Vera, how can you dress other people so beautifully and yourself like that?

  18. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Ugh, "Clooney's parents"... yeah or otherwise known as Nick Clooney the world renowned film theorist.

  19. Nick Clooney used to be a news presenter out here in LA. He was wonderful, very down-to-earth and quite humorous when appropriate; much like his son.

  20. Who is that guy with Gayle?

    I wonder if Cate Blanchett feels that Oscar slip sliding away? ( Quoting Paul Simon.)

  21. I love John Goodman.
