Friday, February 21, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Duck Dynasty and Jimmy Kimmel.
Diane Kruger speaks Spanish. Presumably.
Alice Eve after lunch with a new guy.
Harry Styles is back in Los Angeles.
Mark McGrath shows off his acting skills with Ian Ziering.
This fake shark stood in for Tara Reid. No one noticed.
Jennifer Garner and her son.
Jennifer Lopez is doing a lot more things solo lately.
Kate Bosworth after a doctor appointment.
Lady GaGa is an Elvis snowflake.


  1. Bwawhaha! Elvis snowflake!

    This is all, nothing to look at!

    I laugh whenever I see Ian Ziering, though, all I can think of is the scene in "Young People F&^%^&"

  2. Tara must be passed out in her trailer.
    Compared to Zeiring McGrath must have acting skills.
    I likey Alice Eve
    No likely rednecks.

  3. Gawd, Gaga is just try-too-fucking hard tiresome.

  4. sorry no caps. busted wing. mrs. duck is beautiful. i never saw the show, is that part of the story?

  5. Cute Affleck babeh!

  6. OMG that pic of Gaga actually scared me.

    Anytime JLo does that "face" she just looks like a mouth breather. NOT sexy.

    The little Afflect boy looks so cute.

    Sharnado..just too stupid for words.

  7. I read the last caption too fast and thought it said Gaga is an evil snowflake. Which also works.

  8. How exhausting it must be to be Gaga - bad planning for her career. She's got the chops, but will be a byline in pop history if she doesn't get over the quasi art shock *schlop*.

  9. Harry Styles looks like such a little mop.

  10. Alice Eve's floppy tits.

    Sporting skinny ripped jeans and a blue toque and diahhrea brown boots and a purse Harry Syles is ready for anything! Bring on the ladies!

    I'm starting to think that Garner and Affhole don't call the paps. They have their own photographer. That way they can set the shots up ahead of time and review and select the shots to be distributed.

  11. J Lo's "sexy face" is pretty funny, but damn she looks good in that dress.

  12. La Krug: big oversized tshirt hiding pregnancy.

  13. Lady Gaga's look was inspired by the unlit ring at the Winter Olympics.

    1. You stole my line Chris J! More inspired by the one that didn't open, though. Let's hope Russia doesn't get miffed with her until she stabs herself to death. I suppose.

  14. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I'm surprised to see the Duck Dynasty dummies so close to West Hollywood.

  15. Lady Gaga should just tattoo "I'm an asshole" across her forehead and call it a day. Does she even make music anymore or just go around town in her getups?

  16. Looky, there's JHo with her standard pose: squint eyes, open mouth and stare. She looks like she smells something rotten.

  17. I admit Daisy..I watched that video in it's entirety. Got me hooked.

  18. I hate that "face" that J Lo makes.

  19. JLo's body DOES look awesome in that dress, but she's got the Parus Hilton wonky eye in this photo.

  20. Wow, Jennifer Garner looks amazing. Love the hair-do

  21. Good to see Kate Bosworth getting proper medical treatment for being a wretched bitch.

  22. Anyone ever hear the story about how Ben Affleck was on set and forget he was mic’d, then went to his room where she was waiting and wanted to do anal, and Ben was heard saying “are you sure, because I don’t want you to shit on me like last time”

    Good times.
